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30 March 2010
STUDENT NAME:________________________________________ UA NETID: _________
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Choose the single best answer. Questions are worth 2 points each. Note that you can earn up
to 110 points if you also answer the BONUS questions correctly.
1. Which of the phylogenetic
trees to the right is an
accurate representation of
the relationships among the
four tip taxa? xxB
2. A situation in which two haploid cells fuse, but their nuclei do not, is
a. common in plants
b. called a dikaryotic life stage
c. called fission
d. called sex
e. called karyogamy
3. Most fungi are
a. lichens
b. predatory
c. monoecious
d. saprobes
e. flagellated
4. The hyphae of fungi
a. increase surface area to increase absorption of nutrients and water
b. are only found in mushrooms
c. are photosynthetic
d. do not contain chitin or a plasma membrane
5. Which fungal phylum do we make use of for antibiotics, bread baking, beer making,
and some cheese production?
a. Ascomycetes
b. Chytrids
c. Zygomycetes
d. Glomeromycetes
e. Basidiomycetes
6. Sexual reproduction involves __________ which produces __________ from
a. mitosis, dikaryotes
b. mitosis, haploids
c. meiosis, haploids
d. mitosis, sporophytes
e. abiogenesis, gametes
7. Mycorrhizae are mutualisms between __________ and fungi.
a. algae
b. animals
c. lichen
d. plants
e. bacteria
8. The most recent common ancestor of animals and plants lived about
a. 4 billion years ago
b. 450 million years ago
c. 2 billion years ago
d. 1 billion years ago
e. 225 million years ago
9. Which of the following is NOT shared by all three domains of life?
a. glycolysis
b. chloroplasts
c. semiconservative DNA replication
d. polypeptides produced by transcription and translation
10. Which of the following is NOT typical of the prokaryotes?
a. circular chromosomes
b. nucleus
c. fission
d. metabolic diversity
11. Which of these is NOT one of the three domains of life?
a. Prokaryotes
b. Eukaryotes
c. Bacteria
d. Archaea
12. Which of the following is FALSE about prokaryote biology?
a. oxygen is toxic to obligate anaerobes
b. some prokaryotes evolved photosynthesis and added oxygen to the atmosphere
c. a peptidoglycan cell wall is not found in eukaryotes
d. plants depend on prokaryotic nitrogen fixers
e. most bacteria are pathogenic (cause illness) to humans
13. Which of the following BEST describes protists
a. monophyletic group closely related to bacteria
b. monophyletic group closely related to prokaryotes
c. eukaryotes that are not animals, plants, or fungi
d. along with bacteria and archaea, they are the sister group to eukaryotes
e. they evolved via an endosymbiosis event involving two different bacteria lineages
14. Which of these is NOT an important characteristic of eukaryotes that helps
separate them from non-eukaryotes?
a. nuclear membrane
b. cytoskeleton
c. acquisition of endosymbionts
d. plasma membrane
15. Which of these statements is TRUE about endosymbiosis?
a. Endosymbiosis is how eukaryotes acquired a unicellular protist that became the
b. Endosymbiosis typically leads to intracellular organelles with one or no plasma
c. Endosymbiosis is how eukaryotes acquired a unicellular cyanobacteria that became
the chloroplast.
d. Endosymbiosis is an example of amensalism
e. Endosymbiosis necessitated the evolution of diplontic life cycles.
16. Why do plants produce secondary metabolites, including pheromones?
a. to purge themselves of toxic hormones.
b. as a byproduct of photosynthesis.
c. because of symbiotic relationships with prokaryotic bacteria.
d. to deter herbivory.
e. to improve the efficiency of photosynthesis in arid environments.
17. The earliest land plants
a. were vascular
b. were seed plants
c. were diplontic
d. were ferns
e. include organisms similar in form and function to mosses
18. Which of the following was NOT an adaptation related to being on land?
a. photosynthesis for energy production
b. cuticle to retard water loss
c. vessels and vascularization for movement of water
d. sporopollenin to protect spores
e. mutualistic relationship with fungi for nutrient uptake
19. The ecological debate about why different plant communities exist was in part
resolved because of research on ___________; the data are more consistent with
Gleason’s ____________ hypothesis.
a. Tumamoc Hill, interaction
b. Mt. Lemmon, individualistic
c. Mt. Lemmon, interaction
d. cacti, disturbance
e. None of the above
20. What is meant by ‘alternation of generations’?
a. asexual reproduction alternates with cloning over time
b. the monoecious generation alternates with the dioecious generation
c. the diploid life stage alternates with the haploid life stage
d. the diploid is never independent of the sporophyte
e. the gametophyte alternates with the haploid
Which of the following is TRUE about prokaryote metabolic diversity?
a. energy is only from light or from inorganic substances whereas carbon is from four
different sources
b. energy is from one of three different sources, whereas carbon is from one of two
different sources
c. energy always comes directly from light
d. photoautotrophs get energy from other organisms
e. sources of energy vary, but carbon is always from simple molecules like CO2
22. What happened during evolution from the earliest land plants to ferns and then to
a. Plants went from being haplontic to true alternation of generations to predominantly
b. Mosses and liverworts went extinct and were replaced by ferns which were then
replaced by the rest of the non-vascular plants.
c. At some point sexual reproduction no longer relied on free-swimming sperm.
d. two of the above.
e. all of the above.
23. Which of these plant traits evolved most recently?
a. apical growth
b. tracheids
c. seeds
d. flowers
e. protected embryos
24. The primary determinants of the kinds of species found in a given area on the
planet are
a. altitude and temperature
b. area and mutualism
c. temperature and precipitation
d. soil type and phylogenetic relatedness
e. number of cotyledons and presence of fungi
25. Which of these is an example of phenotypic plasticity?
a. many cacti have CAM photosynthesis to reduce water loss
b. a tree is taller with fewer side branches if growing amongst many other trees, but
shorter and broader if growing alone
c. ocotillos that make green leaves are more fit than ocotillos that make red leaves
d. The ‘R’ allele will code for red flowers and the ‘r’ allele for white flowers. If a plant has
one of each allele it will produce pink flowers.
26. The x and y axes of graphs that ecologists typically use to exhibit population
growth are
a. carrying capacity and time
b. time and number of individuals
c. carrying capacity and number of individuals
d. body size and age
e. all of the above
27. Wood consists primarily of...
a. bark
b. secondary xylem
c. secondary phloem
d. cork
e. silica
28. Stomata open to allow _____________ in for photosynthesis, but also allow for
______________ loss via evapotranspiration.
a. parasitoids, oxygen
b. oxygen, water
c. carbon dioxide, water
d. oxygen, carbon dioxide
e. light, water
29. Why isn’t the universe full of flies?
a. they don’t have the capacity for exponential growth
b. gravity
c. carrying capacity of the environment imposes limits on population size
d. they reproduce sexually instead of asexually
e. none of the above
30. Most of the mass that makes up the organic material of a plant comes from...
a. water
b. soil minerals
c. CO2
d. nitrogen
e. potassium
31. When an external stimulus is converted into a form of information that cells in
organisms can “understand” we call this process
a. signal transduction
b. homeostasis
c. phosphorylation
d. phototropism
e. gravitropism
32. Which of the following is TRUE about the phototropic hormonal response?
a. Green light stimulates auxin production and red light degrades auxin
b. Abscisic acid (ABA) initiates cell elongation
c. Any wavelength of light will stimulate the phototropic response
d. The cells that sense the light are not the same cells that respond by elongating
33. Which of these hormones contributes most to seed and bud dormancy and to
stomata closure during drought?
a. cytokinins
b. abscisic acid (ABA)
c. gibberellins
d. ethylene
e. auxin
34. The biomass of _________ on the planet is greater than the biomass of _________.
a. heterotrophs, autotrophs
b. animals, plants
c. primary producers, heterotrophs
d. fungi, eukaryotes
35. The food crop that provides the most calories to people around the world is
a. wheat
b. corn
c. rice
d. cassava
e. soy
36. Lateral (or horizontal) gene transfer
a. is more common in prokaryotes than in plants
b. is more common in plants than in prokaryotes
c. complicates phylogenetic reconstruction using DNA sequence data
d. two of the above
e. all of the above
37. Endosperm is _______________ and provides nutrition for the _________________.
a. mature, gametophyte
b. haploid, pollen
c. diploid, gametophyte
d. triploid, sporophyte
38. In the ‘Battle at Kruger’ video
a. the two predator species worked together mutualistically to share the prey
b. the two predator species competed for the prey item
c. the prey species became food for three different predator & scavenger species
d. two of the above
e. none of the above
39. What are the two parallel food chains?
a. herbivore-based and detritus-based
b. terrestrial-based and marine-based
c. plant-based and animal-based
d. prokaryote-based and eukaryote-based
e. none of the above
40. Different nutrients are acquired from the soil by root cells in different ways. Often,
protons are exchanged for __________ while __________ are cotransported with
protons back into the root cell.
a. micronutrients, macronutrients
b. cations, anions
c. anions, cations
d. anions, fungi
e. small bacteria, micronutrients
41. Which of these terms best describes how water is moved from the soil to the
leaves at the tops of very tall trees?
a. osmotic potential
b. root pressure
c. capillary action
d. cohesion-tension
e. none of the above
42. What do we call resources or processes that humans value which are performed
by species, communities, and/or ecosystems?
a. ecosystem services
b. goods
c. medicine
d. primary production
e. food
43. What is the term biologists use to describe the ecological and evolutionary
process whereby one species becomes many species in a fairly short period of time?
a. mass extinction
b. adaptive radiation
c. metapopulation dynamics
d. natural selection
e. invasionary release
44. Of the following, the biggest threat to biodiversity around the world is
a. habitat loss and/or modification
b. disease and/or parasites
c. invasive competitors and/or predators
d. overharvesting and/or overconsumption
e. mutation and/or polyploidy
45. Interactions among pairs of species where one species benefits and one species is
harmed are called
a. mutualism
b. competition
c. antagonism
d. commensalism
e. amensalism
xx46. In class we discussed competition between two barnacle species. In the context
of this interaction, which of these statements is TRUE?
a. the realized niche of the dominant species is greater than the fundamental niche of
the other species
b. the dominant species could also be called a keystone predator
c. both species have the same fundamental niche
d. the realized niche of a species is always equal to or greater in size than its
fundamental niche
47. We have seasons in Tucson, AZ because of the
a. tilt of the earth and the approximately 365 days it takes to go around the sun
b. annual cycle of the moon and its effect on earth’s weather
c. rainshadow created by the coastal mountain ranges in California
d. effects of increasing concentrations of greenhouse gases
e. elliptical path the sun takes around the earth
48. What is the primary reason that carnivorous plants eat insects?
a. to supplement their carbon needs
b. to supplement their nitrogen needs
c. to supplement their water needs
d. to acquire disease-fighting enzymes
e. to keep insect populations from growing too quickly
49. On average, as altitude increases, temperature _______ and precipitation
a. decreases, increases
b. increases, decreases
c. decreases, decreases
d. increases, increases
e. none of the above are correct
50. As atmospheric pressure decreases the temperature of the air also decreases.
This we know because of which equation?
a. PT=V
b. PN=VTr
c. PT=VNr
d. P+T=V
e. PV=nRT
Bonus Questions
51. Which of the phylogenetic trees below is an accurate representation of the relationships
among the four tip taxa? xxD
52. Which of these is an example of an imperfect flower?
a. one that lacks sepals
b. one that has only two carpels
c. one that is either wind pollinated or animal pollinated, but not both
d. one that has stamens and no pistils
53. According to the equilibrium theory of island biogeography, extinction rates would
be highest on __________ islands.
a. large
b. small
c. near
d. far
e. continental
54. During El Niño events in the Pacific, which of the following statements is TRUE?
a. primary production in the ocean increases because of the warmer temperatures
b. primary production on the islands decreases because of increased rainfall
c. marine iguanas tend to go hungry and finches with smaller beaks tend to have higher
fitness than their large-beaked conspecifics
d. large marine iguanas tend to have higher fitness than small marine iguanas and
small-beaked finches tend to go hungry
e. marine iguanas and finches all do better than in non-El Niño years because of the
increased precipitation
55. A population growing at 0.7% per year would double in ___________ years.
a. 5
b. 10
c. 28
d. 100
e. the population would never double in size