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Multivitamins in HIV Infection
Ben Atkinson, MS RD
Madison Clinic
Seattle, WA
November 21, 2013
Objectives…or what we’re gonna learn today
•  What a multivitamin is
•  Prevalence of use
•  Who needs
•  Who doesn’t need
•  Resources
Multivitamin/mineral: definition
•  Fat soluble
-  A, D, E, K
•  Water soluble
-  C, B1 (thiamine), B2
(riboflavin), B3 (niacin), B6
(pyridoxine), B9 (folate), B12
•  Trace elements
-  Zinc, Magnesium, Selenium,
Case: Mr. H
•  Healthy body weight
•  Watches Dr Oz
•  Wants to take:
-  Multivitamin/mineral (no iron)
-  B-complex 50
-  Vitamin E (unsure of dose)
-  Zinc 50 mg
-  Vitamin C 500 mg
•  Food recall
-  Eating healthfully?
Mr. H’s micronutrient intake
•  Slightly low intake
-  Vitamin E
-  Folic Acid
•  All others at recommended
intake levels
Who takes multivitamin/minerals?
•  39% of US Population
•  ‘To improve overall health’
•  Underreported to providers
Gahche 2011 NCHS Data Brief No. 61, Bailey 2013 JAMA Int Med, Liu 2009 AIDS Pt
Care STDs
Who needs multivitamins/minerals?
•  Difficult to say…
-  Pregnant women
-  Confounders include IV Drug
Use, TB, OIs, malabsorption
-  Common deficiencies
•  B12
•  Zinc
-  Vit A, Vit E, Selenium are
generally normal
-  Intake vs Stores
Jones 2006 JAIDS, Woods 2003 CID
Who doesn’t need multivitamin/minerals?
•  Many of our patients…
•  No current evidence to
supplement beyond RDA/DV
•  Are they safe?
•  Fawzi study 2012
-  B-complex + C + E
-  ~200% DV vs 5-20X DV
-  No change in HIV or death
-  No placebo group
•  Vit E
-  NFHL:
heart disease
•  Iron/Calcium
-  Dolutegravir
Isanaka 2012 JAMA, Falcone 2010 AJCN
How to assess intake
•  Multi-pass diet recall
•  1st pass
-  What did you eat yesterday?
•  2nd pass
-  How much did you eat?
-  At what time?
•  3rd pass
-  Typical foods: coffee
-  Cultural foods: tortillas
Meet recommended intake via food
•  Vitamin C
•  Folic Acid
•  Vitamin A
•  Iron Zinc B12 Vit E
•  Magnesium
Other Bs
•  Selenium
•  Calcium
Vit D
•  CDC Diabetes Prevention Program
•  [email protected]