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Endocrine System Questions to Accompany Coloring Sheet
1. The endocrine and nervous systems are major regulating systems of the body. However, the nervous
system has been compared to an airmail delivery system, and the endocrine system to the pony express.
Briefly explain this comparison.
2. Define hormone
3. Chemically, hormones belong chiefly to two molecular groups, the ___and the ____.
4. Define target organ
5. Why don’t all tissues respond to all hormones?
6. Identify the endocrine organ described by the following statements:
a. Located in the throat; bilobed gland connected by an isthmus
b. Found close to the kidney
c. A mixes gland, located close to the stomach and small intestine
d. Paired glands suspended in the scrotum
e. Ride “horseback” on the thyroid gland
f. Found in the pelvic cavity of the female, concerned with the ova and female hormone
7. Although the pituitary gland is often referred to as the master gland of the body, the hypothalamus exerts
some control over the pituitary gland. How does the hypothalamus control both anterior and posterior
pituitary functioning?
8. For each statement describing hormonal effects
(1) Identify the hormone(s) involved
(2) Note the hormone’s site of production
Basal metabolism hormone
Regulate blood calcium levels
Released in response to stressors
Drives development of secondary sexual characteristics
Regulate the function of another endocrine gland
Mimics the sympathetic nervous system
Regulates blood glucose levels; produced by the same “mixed” gland
Directly responsible for regulating the menstrual cycle
Helps maintain salt and water balance in the body fluids
Involved in milk ejection
9. Name the hormone whose production in inadequate amounts results in the following conditions
a. Poor development of secondary sex characteristics
b. Tetany
c. Diabetes mellitus
d. Abnormally small stature, normal proportions
e. myxedema