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A&P Lab - Week 1/2 Study Guide
Endocrine System
Note: this is not a complete list of terms or concepts to know.
- pars distalis – very vascular, with three different colors of cells
- acidophils – reddish orange cytoplasm
- basophils – bluish purple, darker than acidophils
- chromophobes – clear or pale cytoplasm
- NOTE: colors refer to cytoplasm only. Nucleus is usually dark.
- pars nervosa – pale, without very many obvious cells. Don’t worry about
finding pituicytes
- pars intermedia – somewhere between the other two. You will not see it
alone. There will always be one or both of the other parts to help you identify.
ADENOHYPOPHYSIS = ANTERIOR PITUITARY (pars distalis +pars tuberalis
+pars intermedia)
Pituitary stalk = infundibulum = pars tuberalis +neural stalk.
- look for fluid filled follicles. Fairly easy to identify. Colloid contains
hormone precursors.
- follicular cells – cells which line the follicle and touch the colloid. These cells
make thyroxin
- parafollicular cells – do not touch colloid. Larger and paler than follicular
cells. These cells secrete calcitonin
- small glands embedded in the thyroid
- chief cells – more abundant, smaller, darker. Secrete PTH
- oxyphil cells – fewer, come in clusters, bigger, paler. Unknown function
- this gland is hard to distinguish from pars distalis. Look for size differences
here, as opposed to color differences in the pituitary.
Adrenal Gland
- capsule – CT layer on the very outside of the cortex. Look for fibers
- zona glomerulosa – first layer in. Cells form arches, secrete
- zona fasiculata – in the middle of the cortex. Cells form straight cords with
sinusoids in between them. Secrete glucocorticoids
- zona reticularis – cells form webwork with sinusoids in between. Usually
darker than the other two layers. Secretes gonadocorticoids
- medulla – cells are bigger than cortical cells. Look for large cells with
prominent nuclei. These are cells of the sympathetic ganglia. Medulla
secretes epinephrine and norepinephrine. Note big medullary vein in the
middle to allow easy access to circulation
NOTE: the zones of the cortex are hard to tell apart. You will be given clear
and obvious slides on quizzes, but this still takes practice.
- look for lighter, more disorganized tissue of the Islets of Langerhans. This is
the only way to tell the pancreas from anything else.
- alpha cells – in the islet, secrete glucagon
- beta cells – in the islet, secrete insulin
- NOTE: you do not have to ID these two types of cells specifically. Just
know where they are found and what they secrete.
- maturing lymphocytes look like small, dark blue or purple dots throughout the
- This gland produces thymosin. Important in maturation of killer T-cells
- look for dark purple/black concretions of brain sand. Function of brain sand is
- produces serotonin (during waking) and melatonin (during sleep)
- located in the roof of the third ventricle
You do not have to ID ovaries or testes histologically today
ovaries produce estrogen and progesterone
testes produce testosterone (produced by Leydig cells)