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Name: _________________________________________ Period: ____________ Date: ___________________
Learning Target: I can explain why China had such a successful civilization (History Standard #1).
Directions: Read and annotate the text below with your pencil.
Much of China’s successful civilization was due to geographic features. Long rivers, fertile soils, mild
temperatures, and valleys all contributed to the growth and development of early China. Like the civilizations
of the Fertile Crescent, Egypt, and India, China’s first civilizations developed in river valleys. Two major rivers
supplied water for China’s earliest civilizations: the Yangzi and the Yellow River. Historians believe that people
in ancient China began growing crops 9,000 years ago. With the two rivers for irrigation and fertile soils for
planting, China thrived. China was isolated from other civilizations because of geographic features. For
example, the Himalayas – the world’s tallest mountains – separated southern China from India and the rest of
southern Asia. The Gobi, a vast desert, discouraged anyone from reaching China from the west.
China’s timeline is broken into different periods, or dynasties. During the Shang Dynasty, China was
ruled by a strong monarchy: a form of government that has a single king or queen at its leader. During the
Shang dynasty, the people were known for creating beautiful bronze sculptures. Using the cycles of the moon,
they developed an accurate calendar. After some time, the Shang Dynasty was overtaken by the Zhou (JOH)
Dynasty. The Zhou helped strengthen the government by introducing their idea that their rulers were chosen
by the gods. While the Zhou were in power, the people began making strong iron weapons. These weapons
helped the military protect the people. Additionally, they came up with new farming techniques that allowed
them to produce more food for their people.
The Chinese people believed in the teachings of Confucius; this religion was called “Confucianism”.
Confucianism taught that all people should be treated with respect, especially one’s ancestors. This led to a
very peaceful period in China’s history. Because of their plentiful crops, tall mountains, strong government,
and religious beliefs, China developed into a successful civilization.
CHINA Reading Comprehension Questions:
Read the questions below and underline/highlight the key words in each question.
Find the answer to each question in the reading, highlight it, and place the question number next to it.
Make sure each answer is a complete sentence – it restates the question and has a capital letter,
punctuation, and correct spelling!!
1. What two rivers provided fresh water to the Chinese people? _____________________________________
2. What two other physical features helped the Chinese? How did they help the people? __________________
3. Explain the type of government that was established by the Shang Dynasty. __________________________
4. Explain how the Zhou dynasty helped strengthen the government. _________________________________
5. The Chinese people believed in Confucianism – explain what their religion taught. ______________________
6. List four reasons that the Ancient China was successful? __________________________________________
**7. Optional Advanced/Challenge Question: Confucianism was an important part of Chinese culture. Explain
how their religious beliefs contributed to their success as a civilization. ________________________________