Download Henretta Ch 6 Part 2 Questions

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Name _________________________________
Date ______________________
AP U.S. History—Period ____
Chapter 6 Part 2—Making War and Republican Governments 1776-1789
Page 196-211
o Go back and skim Ch 6 Part 1 Notes
o Write the Big Idea on page 182:
o Read pages 196-211= Then answer the following questions.
Post Reading: Answer the following questions
Creating Republican Institutions:
Popular Sovereignty:
What aspects of the Pennsylvania constitution were most objectionable to John
Adams and what did he advocate for instead? (3 sentences)
What impact did Republican ideals have on gender roles and expectations
during this era (3 sentences with specifics)?
How did the Revolutionary commitment to liberty and protection of property
affect enslaved American Americans and western Indians?
Articles of Confederation:
Weakness of AoC:
Northwest Land Ordinance of 1785:
Northwest Ordinance of 1787:
What financial problems led up to Shay’s Rebellion?
Describe Shay’s Rebellion:
What impact did Mobocracy and Shay’s Rebellion have on the elites in America?
The Constitution of 1787:
What caused a “Nationalist” faction (anti-state power) to develop?
The Convention:
Role of James Madison:
3 key ideas of The Virginia Plan:
How did The New Jersey Plan differ?
Describe the “Great Compromise”:
What was the compromise over Slavery?
What was the compromise over National Authority?
-“Federalist Papers”:
-Describe the final ratification process in the states:
Final Questions:
From the chapter- Give two examples of:
§ Which viewpoint- Federalist or Anti-federalist, represented the true spirit of
the Revolution?
o How did the Revolution change America?
§ Politically:
§ Socially:
§ Economically: