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Chapter 31 Fish and Shellfish Identification
aquaculture. The farming of fish and shellfish either in the wild (oceans, rivers, lakes) or within
man-made, self-contained structures.
bivalves. A category of mollusks that have two shells.
cephalopods (SEHF ah low pahdz). A category of mollusks that are known for their long arms that
are covered with suckers, well-developed eyes, and sac which holds and ejects ink.
crustaceans (kruhs TAY shuhns). An aquatic species that has a hard and segmented exoskeleton, or
finfish. All species of fish that have an internal skeleton and swim in water.
flatfish. Fish that have two eyes on one side of their head and none on the other side and typically
lay or swim on the ocean bottom.
mollusk (MOHL uhsk). A family of shellfish that includes univalves, bivalves, and cephalopods.
round fish. Fish with one eye on each side of their head that swim through the water with their
dorsal fin upright.
shellfish. Those water creatures that have no bones, but their bodies are covered by hard external
surfaces such as the bony body of a lobster or the hard shell of a clam.
shucked. When the contents of a bivalve have been separated from the shell.
univalves. A category of mollusks that have only one shell.
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