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Review Questions and Answers on Causes of Imperialism
1) Define “imperialism”. What were some of its causes? (“Imperialism” is empire building through
forceful extension of a nation’s authority by territorial conquest. Imperialism establishes economic
and political domination of other nations./Causes of imperialism included 1. Economic factors
such as need for raw materials and markets for finished goods. 2. Nationalistic competition for
empires 3. The missionary impulse or what the French called “mission to civilize”)
2) How did imperialists justify their country’s empire? (They justified it based on their perception of
racial and cultural superiority and on the basis of their missionary goal).
3) Name some of the imperial powers in Europe, the Americas, and Asia. (Britain, France, Germany,
Belgium, Italy, the Netherlands, Spain, Portugal and Russia in Europe. The U.S. in the Americas
and Japan in Asia)
4) What did Rudyard Kipling mean by “Take up the white man’s burden”? (Imperial powers will need to
sacrifice to civilize inferior natives)
5) How is “Darwinism” different from “Social Darwinism”? (Darwinism is based on scientific research
into the origin the species and survival of the fittest. Social Darwinism is an attempt to apply
Darwinism to human society which was not scientific and was used by imperialists to justify their
takeover of other peoples).