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Name ___________________________ Class ___________________ Date _____________
Chapter 6-7 Glaciers, Deserts, and Wind
Multiple Choice
1. Which of the following is true about ice sheets?
a. They are the smallest type of glacier.
b. They flow in all directions.
c. They usually flow down valleys.
d. They are found only in high mountain areas.
2. Where is almost two thirds of Earth’s fresh water located?
a. the Arctic Ice Sheet
b. the Great Lakes
c. the Antarctic Ice Sheet
d. the Atlantic Ocean
3. In a flowing glacier,
a. the lower ice layer is brittle, while the upper layer moves over Earth’s surface.
b. the entire glacier moves as a unit over Earth’s surface.
c. the uppermost ice layer is more brittle than the underlying layer.
d. there are no crevasses.
4. One characteristic of glacial movement is that
a. all glaciers, regardless of size, move at about the same rate.
b. new snowfall accumulates in a zone at the bottom of the glacier.
c. the zone of wastage is at the top of the glacier.
d. how the glacier moves depends on the balance between accumulation and wastage.
5. What is the loosening and lifting of blocks of rock by glaciers?
a. plucking
b. wastage
c. abrasion
d. till
6. What is a bowl-shaped depression at the head of a glacial valley?
a. glacial trough
b. arête
c. horn
d. cirque
7. What is material deposited directly by a glacier?
a. a kettle
b. a drumlin
c. till
d. stratified drift
8. Eskers are glacial features formed when
a. blocks of stagnant ice become buried in drift and eventually melt.
b. sediment is deposited in a broad ramp-like accumulation downstream from the end moraine.
c. streams flowing in tunnels beneath glaciers deposit sand and gravel.
d. large amounts of debris are deposited along the sides of a glacial valley.
9. In the desert, ephemeral streams
a. run continuously, although the amount of flow varies.
b. run only after it rains.
c. are actually dried stream beds that no longer carry water.
d. carry water underground.
10. What causes the rust-colored tint of some desert landscapes?
a. chemical weathering
b. mechanical weathering
c. flash flooding
d. the intense heat of the sun
11. Why is rock weathering generally reduced in the desert environment?
a. Rocks are very scarce in deserts.
b. Most rocks are buried deep within the soil.
c. Moisture is lacking and organic acids are scarce.
d. The soil is so well developed.
12. Desert pavement is created as a result of
a. abrasion.
b. deflation.
c. blowouts.
d. water erosion.
13. Deflation affected the Dust Bowl in the 1930s by
a. creating rock pinnacles.
b. building up sand dunes.
c. depositing loess.
d. lowering the land.
14. Abrasion changes the desert surface by
a. creating blowouts.
b. cutting and polishing exposed rock surfaces.
c. depositing loess across the landscape.
d. creating a stony surface layer.
15. What causes abrasion in a desert?
a. wind
b. flowing water
c. humidity
d. friction from rocks
16. Windblown silt that blankets a landscape is called
a. a blowout.
b. a sand dune.
c. desert pavement.
d. loess.
17. When wind creates a sand dune, the sheltered side of the dune
a. forms a gentle incline.
b. has the same incline as the windward side.
c. is steeper than the windward side.
d. continues to rise higher than the windward side.
18. Over time, how do sand dunes tend to migrate?
a. perpendicular to the movement of the wind
b. in the same direction as the wind blows
c. toward the wind
d. in random directions
19. What is a sand dune that forms scalloped rows of sand at right angles to the wind?
a. star dunes
b. transverse dunes
c. parabolic dunes
d. barchanoid dunes
20. The shape of star dunes is mostly due to
a. the amount of vegetation.
b. wind direction.
c. wind speed.
d. the amount of sand.
22. The only ice sheets that exist today are found covering
a. Greenland and Antarctica.
b. Iceland and Artica
c. The North and South Poles
d. Santa’s Workshop
23. The way a glacier moves depends on the balance, or lack of balance, between _______ and wastage.
a. infiltration
b. precipitation
c. accumulation
d. development
24. In the process of ______, glaciers smooth and polish the bedrock below, creating a pulverized
substance called rock flour.
a. grindage
b. abrasion
c. scraping
d. deflation
25. A __________ valley results after a glacier moves through a narrow V-shaped valley.
a. rolling
b. unevenly shaped
c. U-shaped
d. transverse
26. ___________ is unsorted sediment laid down by glacial meltwater.
a. desert pavement
b. till
c. stratified drift
d. loess
27. A broad deposit of sediment called a(n) ______ forms downstream from the end moraine of a glacier.
a. outwash plain
b. kettle
c. drumlins
d. eskers
28. __________ lakes are lowlands that glaciers eroded and transformed into wide, deep basins.
a. plastic
b. kettle
c. depression
d. finger
29. In __________ areas, streams can cause a great deal of erosion in a very short period of time.
a. glaciated
b. desert
c. high mountain
d. granite strewn
30. T or F.
31. T or F.
32. T or F.
33. T or F.
34. T or F.
35. T or F.
An alluvial fan is a cone of debris left at the mouth of a desert canyon.
Loose particles are lifted and removed from the desert surface by a process called inflation.
Desert rock surfaces are cut and polished by windblown sand in the abrasion process.
Chemical weathering is completely absent in desert weathering processes.
Most sand dunes have a gently sloping side and a steeper side.
Most streams in the desert are ephemeral.
36-39. Identify the types of dunes shown in the figure above by selecting from the choices below.
a. Barchan
b. Longitudinal
c. Transverse
d. Parabolic
e. Star
40. Which of the following most influences the effects of water erosion in arid regions?
a. the amount of vegetation
b. the shapes of hills and valleys
c. the amount of quartz in the sand
d. the color of the sand
41. What is the glacial feature labeled A in the illustration above?
a. glacial groove
b. cirque
c. arête
d. hanging valley
42. What is the glacial feature labeled B in the illustration above?
a. headwaters
b. cirque
c. end moraine
d. laterial moraine
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