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AA100A ‫اهن التعاريف للويدتيرم حفظ هقرر‬
‫اهن التعاريف‬
 Hellenisation : the period of history usually defined as stretching from the death of
Alexander the Great in 323 BCE to the battle of Actium in 31 BCE.
 Disco : a style of dance music very popular in the late 1970s and early 80s, characterised by
a strong, lively beat and use of synthesisers. The term is derived from the French discotheque –
record library- referring to a club where you dance to records.
 Morality play: a type of medieval religious drama concerned in the main to dramatise the
struggle within the human soul between the forces of good and evil. ((from DOCTER F)
 Metaphor: a type of figurative language which describes one thing in terms of another. A
metaphor differs from a simile mainly in that it does not make the comparison explicit. So ‘ my
love burns’ is a metaphor that draws an implicit link between love and fire, while ‘my love is
like a fire’ is a simile that makes the comparison plain through the use of the word ‘like’.
 Figurative language : combed the grass for clues’ for example, we understand that the
police did not literally ‘comb’ the grass: rather, that the verb ‘combed’ is being used in a
figurative manner to convey hot closely and systematically the police searched the grass for
clues. See also metaphor and simile.
 OR
 Figurative language : combed the grass for clues’ for example, we understand that the
police did not literally ‘comb’ the grass: rather, that the verb ‘combed’ is being used in a
figurative manner to convey hot closely and systematically the police searched the grass for
clues. See also metaphor and simile.
 Myth: A purely fictitious narrative usually involving supernatural person, actions, or events,
and embodying some popular idea concerning natural or historical phenomena.
 Blank verse : Unrhymed lines of iambic pentameter. (iambic pentameter is a poetic metre
when someone’s voice rises and falls when reading out loud).
 Enjambement : a French word meaning a ‘ striding- over ‘ enjambement occurs when the
sense or meaning of a line of verse carries on beyond the end of the line. Also called run-on
 Collectivisation : a process by which individual farms were to combine and to farm in
larger collective units. While individual farmers were legally co-owners of collective farms, and
were not paid in wages, but received a share of the collective’s profits, land was farmed on an
industrial scale, and the differences between the individual farms that made the collectives up
 Periodisation (Periodization): refers to the breaking down of historical time into a
series of different periods, for example ‘the Victorian era’ or even ‘the nineteenth century’. And
is widely practiced when thinking about the past.
 Chorus : A group of people that sometimes participate in the dramatic and sometimes
comment on it, giving voice to traditional moral and social attitudes.
 Genre: A type of art work distinguished from other types by a particular form and
conventions, for example in literary studies, tragedy is a distinct genre of drama, usually
characterized by (among other conventions) an unhappy ending, in this respect it is
recognisably different from the genre of comedy, which tends to have a happy ending. In the
study of art, the term was originally used in the late seventeenth century to refer to different
classes of subject matter, such as history painting , landscape, portraiture, still life and scenes
from everyday life.
 Characterisation : the techniques employed by a writer to create the characters in any
given literary text.
 Iambic pentameter : Not to be confused with free verse, Blank verse :blank verse was
the dominant verse from in early modern drama, favoured by Marlowe, Shakespeare and their
 Periodization : refers to the breaking down of historical time into a series of different
periods, for example ‘the Victorian era’ or even ‘ the nineteenth century’ . and is widely
practiced when thinking about the past.
 Humanist : relating to an educational movement that started in Italy in the fourteenth
century and had made its way to England by the end of the fifteenth century. Renaissance
humanism aimed to recover the literature, philosophy and values of classical antiquity and to
develop an educational system based on the imitation of the language and style of classical
(mainly Latin ) texts.
 Internal exile : commonly described as the forced resettlement of an individual within
their country of residence. It was a sanction widely applied by Russian courts to revolutionary
political activists in the pre-Revolutionary period.
‫بعض التعاريف هوكي اى تأتي‬
Pop music : an umbrella term typically applied to chart music that appeals to a wide audience.
Pop music is accessible, commercial, marketable and memorable, with catchy choruses or verses.
Accompaniment : musical support of the solo line. This can be instrumental or vocal or a
combination of both, and may duplicate the solo line or be independent.
Producer : a popular music producer can have many roles, including choosing the material for
the artist, directing the performers, supervising the recording sessions, organizing the musical
arrangement of the song, and supervising technical processes such as mixing and mastering.
Recitative : a style of singing that is close to speech and can rely on speech rhythms. There is no
repetition of text, allowing the plot to move for warde.
Pianissimo : indicates the music is to be played or sung very softly Abbreviated on oriented
music to pp
Picture plane : the frontier between the virtual world ( see picture space ) and the actual world in
which the viewer stands. ) the virtual world, or imaginary depth within which all of a in painting
space :Picture pictures represented contents are contained.
Modeling : refers to the technical means used to represent figures and objects as threedimensional. In drawing and painting, modeling involves assuming a direction and fall of light.
Normally from the side.
World painting : illustrating a particular word by a musical device that represents the sound or
emotion of that word.
Picture plane : the frontier between the virtual world ( see picture space ) and the actual world in
which the viewer stands.
Shading : the technique used to convey the quality of the transition between dark and light, and
to distinguish lit from unlit surfaces. It is gradual when the light is subdued and diffused, and
abrupt when it is bright and concentrated.
World painting : illustrating a particular word by a musical device that represents the sound or
emotion of that word.
Virtuoso : a performer of extraordinary technical skill and musical ability; the adjective
‘virtuosic’ is used to describe such a person, or music that requires a performer with these talents.
Picture space : in painting, the virtual world, or imaginary depth within which all of a picture’s
represented contents are contained.
By : Khalid_AOU