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DENTAL ABSTRACTS – Thirty-Seventh International CMA-CMDE Conference
Alvarez, MD, Salvador
Update on Infectious Diseases - AGD Subject Code 148 / Verification Code 100
General review of infectious diseases that can be encountered in a dental practice including HBV, HCV, HIV, TB, JC, and oral
manifestations of systemic infections. We will also review the updated recommendations from the AHA for prevention of
infective endocarditis and prosthetic joint infections during dental procedures.
• Identify opportunistic infections in the mouth in patients with HIV.
• Summarize the new recommendations of the AHA for prevention of IE.
• Discuss recent changes in the epidemiology of TB, HBV, and HCV infections.
Amstutz, DDS, MBA, Jeffrey
Dental Training Models for International Consideration - AGD Subject Code 770 / Verification Code 101
This session will review three dental training models currently in use and will discuss the potential of the models for various
locations internationally.
• List three dental training models.
• Describe the Dental Residency [+] program.
• Discuss the application of dental training models to various international locations.
Becker, DDS, Joseph
Class V Composite Restorations - AGD Subject Code 254 / Verification Code 102
Use of the “Contour Strip” for ease of restoration.
• Describe efficient way to restore the human dentition with composite resin.
• Describe and solve severe cosmetic problems with light cured composite.
Fiber Reinforced Resin Based Composite Dentistry - AGD Subject Code 077 / Verification Code 103
Use of bondable reinforcement fibers to create a fracture tough, durable restoration.
• Define efficient ways to restore the human dentition with composite resin.
• Describe and solve severe cosmetic problems with light cured composite.
Brunner, DDS, MS, Mark
Peri-implant Disease: Diagnosis and Treatment Options - AGD Subject Code 697 / Verification Code 104
Descriptions and differentiation between peri-implatitis and peri-mucositis. Options for treatment and prognosis.
• Define Peri-implatitis.
• Define Peri-micositis.
• Identify treatment decisions and treatment techniques based on the most current knowledge.
Adjunctive Local and Systemic Antimicrobial agents: For Treatment of Periodontal Disease - AGD Subject Code 495 /
Verification Code 105
Who, What, When, Where does a practitioner consider the use of Adjunctive Local and Systemic Antimicrobial agents: For
Treatment of Periodontal Disease
• Describe additional non-surgical treatment protocols for initial therapy of Periodontal Disease.
• Classify which treatments are needed in conjunction to Scaling and Root planning.
Pregnancy and Dental Implications - AGD Subject Code 495 / Verification Code 106
Consider the effects of pregnancy when treating and identifying periodontal disease and other Dental implications.
• Identify pregnancy related dental disease and periodontal disease.
• Identify the cause-related implications of pregnancy in dentistry.
• Describe the pros and cons of treating a pregnant patient.
• Describe appropriate treatment and contraindications of pregnant patients.
The Management of Dentin Hypersensitivity - AGD Subject Code 161 / Verification Code 107
Learn how to identify and treat dentin hypersensitivity. What appropriate instrumentation and products to recommend for
patients who complain of sensitivity. What is achievable and what can be lessened with therapy.
• Describe the incidence and etiology of dentin hypersensitivity.
• Identify the cause and treatment for dentin hypersensitivity.
• Discuss the different dentin hypersensitivity treatment options and relative success of each.
The Management of Osteoporosis in the Dental Patient - AGD Subject Code 149 / Verification Code 108
Learn how to identify and treat patients with Osteoporosis. What are the indications and limitations of dental patents with
Osteoporosis? What are the dental signs and symptoms related to Osteoporosis? What osteoporotic
• Describe the incidence and etiology osteoporosis.
• Discuss the different medications, such as Bisphosphonates and how they may complicate the periodontium.
• Identify medications that limit dental treatment.
• Identify the cause and treatment for dentin hypersensitivity.
Short Dental Implants: Predictability and Efficacy - AGD Subject Code 690 / Verification Code 109
Discover the advantages and predictability of short implants. Short implants have always been thought to be a compromised
treatment option, but it has been shown over time to be as predictable as a long-term successful option with the advantage of
not limiting augmentation with good case selection.
• Define Short dental implants.
• Identify sites that can be predictable with short dental implants.
• Identify treatment decisions and treatment techniques based on the most current knowledge.
Davis, DMD, James W
Periodontal Flap - AGD Subject Code 492 / Verification Code 110
The rational for a periodontal surgery will be discussed along with the techniques for suturing of a periodontal flap around teeth.
• Describe the technique to effectively elevate a periodontal flap and the different type of flaps.
• Suture a periodontal flap around teeth.
Periodontal Flap Hands On - AGD Subject Code 492 / Verification Code 111
The rational for a periodontal surgery will be discussed along with the techniques for suturing of a periodontal flap around teeth.
There will be an opportunity to utilize the suturing technique on models. Several techniques will be demonstrated
• Describe the technique used to effectively elevate a periodontal flap and the different type of flaps.
• Suture a periodontal flap around teeth.
Gingival Grafting - AGD Subject Code 495 / Verification Code 112
The techniques available to repair mucogingival defects and increase the zone of keratinized gingival will be reviewed.
• Identify when grafting surgery in indicated.
• Discuss suturing techniques for gingival grafting.
Gingival Grafting Hands On - AGD Subject Code 499 / Verification Code 113
The techniques available to repair mucogingival defects and increase the zone of keratinized gingival will be reviewed. The use
of the Autogenous Palatal Graft will be demonstrated.
• Cite when grafting surgery in indicated.
• Describe the suturing techniques for gingival grafting.
• Use the techniques for gingival grafting in your practice.
Haywood, DMD, Van
Occlusal Disease: The silent destroyer - AGD Subject Code 079 / Verification Code 114
Occlusal disease is one of the three main challenges to maintaining a healthy dentition. This session will identify the signs of
occlusal disease on the teeth and discuss how restorations allow the dentist to initiate treatment to minimize the effects and
avoid restoration failures from occlusal trauma.
• Describe the appropriate treatment possibilities for occlusal disease.
• Identify signs of occlusal disease on teeth and restorations.
Occlusal Splint Therapy - AGD Subject Code 079 / Verification Code 115
Treatment of occlusal disease or dysfunction can consist of an occlusal adjustment of the teeth, or a bruxism splint to protect
both the teeth and restorative care. The decision to use a semi-adjustable articulator, or a simple hinge is determined by the
splint fabrication technique utilized. Several techniques and considerations will be presented.
• Identify a predictable simple method for mounting casts and fabricating a maxillary occlusal bruxism splint, and compare
this to other splint fabrication options.
• Discuss methods for determining if a patient can wear a bruxism splint with a “boil and form” trial splint.
Restorative Dentistry in Occlusal Harmony - AGD Subject Code 250 / Verification Code 116
Restorative dentistry is built on a foundation of occlusal stability, or can be used to improve the occlusal status of a patient.
Identifying common clinical situations that occur in the placement of direct restorations when the occlusion is ignored, as well as
determining the most appropriate articulator system for each type restorative indirect restoration will be discussed.
• Identify common occlusal problems which cause the failure of good restorative dentistry.
• Identify the simplest but most appropriate articulator choice for each restorative applications of indirect restorations.
New Caries Diagnosis Techniques and Sealant Placement - AGD Subject Code 257 / Verification Code 117
The diagnosis of caries has changed from the “explorer stick” to a visual scale due to the effects of fluoride on the hardness of
enamel. Changes can result in under-diagnosis of caries, and resultant spread of caries before early intervention. A review of the
ICDAS classifications and the proper placements techniques for sealants and preventive resins will be presented.
• Discuss current ICDAS classification of caries and rationale for the change.
• Describe indications and techniques for sealants, including use of H2O2
• Preventive resins with flow able composites and cleaning burs.
Esthetic Recontouring and bonding bleached teeth - AGD Subject Code 781 / Verification Code 118
Recontouring of the teeth, and/or placing composite resin restorations can complete the ideal smile for the patient by addition
or subtraction of problem areas on the tooth. Bleached teeth present a challenge for shade matching and selection of proper
materials for bonding. Selecting the proper composite materials as well as finishing technique tips for anterior composites will
be helpful for a satisfied patient.
• Identify the principles of the smile analysis to both subtracting tooth structure or add bonding to properly correct a
defective smile.
• Cite the proper composite materials to restore bleached teeth based on the location of the restoration and the
characteristics of the tooth.
Hsu, DDS, MSc, PhD, Chin-ying
Infant Oral Health - AGD Subject Code 430 / Verification Code 119
Infant oral health has been a hot topic but lacking scientific evidence. This lecture provides recent evidence on general issues
related to infant oral health, especially on teething timing and potential pain and fever.
• Identify factors affecting the eruption timing of the first tooth of infants.
• Name the common potential teething problems and their determinants.
Early Childhood Caries and Behavioral Pathway AGD Subject Code 257 / Verification Code 120
Dental caries is a preventable infectious disease with a multifactorial aetiology. Despite rigorous caries control programs among
developed countries, early childhood caries (ECC) remains the most common chronic childhood condition in the world, affecting
60~90% children between ages 2~11 years in the USA. Cumulative evidences have associated early childhood caries (ECC) with
caries in permanent dentition, implicit of disease transition of primary to secondary dentition. This talk focus on the current
prevalent/incident data, emerging trends, and behavioral pathways of ECC.
• Describe the global trend of early childhood caries.
• Identify the behavioral patterns linking to early childhood caries.
• List 3 clinically applicable factors for behavioral modification in early childhood caries prevention.
Caries Risk Assessment/Prediction - AGD Subject Code 430 / Verification Code 121
There are several CRA (Caries Risk Assessment) systems established by various reputable organization/institution with different
risk factors. Unfortunately, their validity stays uncertain and therefore the clinical value may be questionable. Nevertheless, risk
assessment remains the vital part in treatment planning and quality healthcare. This talk will brief the participants the recently
established Caries Risk Assessment system for early childhood caries.
• Cite the major risk factors and protectors for early childhood caries.
• Evaluate the major types of caries risk assessment/prediction models and their pros and cons.
• Identify the potential clinical application of Caries Risk Assessment.
Probiotics and Early Childhood Caries - AGD Subject Code 430 / Verification Code 122
Probiotics have been an adjunct treatment modality in various healthcare disciplines. However, their use in oral healthcare
remains limited. This talk will review the emerging trends using probiotics to prevent early childhood caries together with some
scientific evidence.
• Cite current evidence related to caries prevention using probiotics (CPuP).
• Describe the ecological theory and mechanisms involved in CPuP and their potential clinical application.
Luper, DDS, William
Retreatment of the Root Canal - AGD Subject Code 070 / Verification Code 123
The body does not heal after root canal therapy in some instances. Reasons for the body not healing are numerous and these
reasons will be discussed. Methods of retreatment will be described and success rate gone over.
• Discuss reasons that the body does not heal after original root canal therapy.
• Describe techniques for retreatment of root canals.
• Cite success rates for retreatment of the root canal system.
Instrumentation of the Root Canal System - AGD Subject Code 070 / Verification Code 124
Instrumentation of the root canal system is just part of treatment of the tooth. Proper glide path management is crucial to
success of treatment. Instrumentation techniques will be discussed which will provide for proper shaping and preservation of
dentin. Reciprication instrumentation using Waveone files will be discussed.
• Describe the importance of properly created glide paths.
• Discuss the Waveone file as an instrument to instrument the root canal system.
• Describe the rational for using reciprocation as a technique.
Irrigation of the Root Canal System - AGD Subject Code 070 / Verification Code 125
Instrumentation of the root canal system provides the proper shape to be able to get irrigants into the canal. Irrigation is the
most important step in cleaning the root canal system. Different irrigants will be discussed along with the techniques on how to
properly dispense them.
• Discuss the rational for irrigating the canal.
• List the different irrigants available to clean the root canal system.
• Discuss armamentarium needed to ensure safe and effective irrigation.
Use of Cone Beam Computed Tomography (CBCT) in Endodontics AGD Subject Code 070 / Verification Code 126
This new technology of using Cone Beam Computed Tomography has allowed more accurate diagnosis for endodontic
procedures. There will be multiple cases shown for each of the instances where CBCT is recommended.
• Discuss how Cone Beam Computed Tomography works.
• List the different instances where Cone Beam Computed Tomography is recommended.
Michelson, DDS, Joel - AGD Subject Code 149 / Verification Code 127
Journal Review
Participants will review and present relevant articles from the current dental literature and discuss their importance to current
• Review articles selected from the recent dental literature for their importance and relevance to current clinical practice.
• Analyze the selected articles to note how well the stated objectives have been met.
• Discuss how the information from recent dental literature can be applied for use by dentists practicing in various settings
including in under resourced areas.
Parworth, DDS, MS, Larry
Complex Facial Trauma - AGD Subject Code 310 / Verification Code 128
Mission Hospital, Asheville NC, is the only Level 2 Trauma Center covering all of Western North Carolina. Cases of severe
pediatric facial trauma, facial gunshot wounds and other complicated facial trauma cases presenting to Mission Hospital and
managed by the lecturer will be discussed.
• Describe the best treatment options for managing facial trauma.
Impacted 2nd and 3rd Molars; Management and Surgical Up-righting - AGD Subject Code 374 / Verification Code 129
Impacted second molars are sometimes recognized after the ideal time for treatment has passed. Third molars can be
associated with impeding the eruption of second molars and in these instances, early removal is indicated. Orthodontic and
surgical options for the management of impacted second molars will be presented.
• Identify some indications for early removal of third molars
• Describe the orthodontic and surgical treatment options for impacted second molars
Surgical and Orthodontic Treatment of Dento-facial Deformities AGD Subject Code 330 / Verification Code 130
Dento-facial deformities can negatively affect the overall general health of the patient and also have psychosocial implications.
The evaluation, diagnosis and treatment of dento-facial deformities will be presented.
• Identify Dento-facial deformities and describe some possible treatment options for correction.
Osteomyelitis; Diagnosis and Surgical Management - AGD Subject Code 310 / Verification Code 131
Osteomyelitis of the jaws is a very insidious disease that many times goes undiagnosed until the disease has become advanced,
complicating the treatment and final outcome. The diagnosis and treatment of osteomyelitis, with focus on the mandible will be
• Identify patients with osteomyelitis of the jaws.
• Describe the best treatment for osteomyelitis of the jaws.
Plummer, DDS, Kevin
Complete and Partial Denture Relines and Rebases - AGD Subject Code 671 / Verification Code 132
Provide the rationale and techniques for tissue conditioning, soft relines and permanent relines and rebases for removable
dental prosthetics.
• Define denture problems with the proper diagnosis leading to reline or rebase procedures.
• Cite the techniques required to successfully prepare patients and to retrofit the dentures to the supporting structures.
• Identify the proper clinical techniques to insure optimal results.
Complete and Removable Partial Denture Occlusion AGD Subject Code 672 / Verification Code 133
A review of the most current complete and partial denture occlusal schemes and their role in denture fabrication and
• Compare and contrast the rationales for balanced and non-balanced denture occlusion.
• Describe the relationship of fixed and variable factors of occlusion on artificial dentitions.
• Cite the most effective occlusal scheme for partially edentulous patients.
Removable Partial Denture Treatment Planning - AGD Subject Code 672 / Verification Code 134
This three session block will provide information on treatment planning removable partial dentures, executing the proper design
and mouth modifications and finalizing the final treatment.
• Describe the biologic implications of removable partial dentures design, component placement and other tooth
modifications on removable partial dentures function,
• Lists effects of removable partial dentures in the patient’s long term maintenance.
• Write a treatment plan for clinical situations requiring partial arch rehabilitation.
Removable Partial Denture Design - AGD Subject Code 672 / Verification Code 135
The design seminar will look at cast based scenarios and design determination and relate the Class of the removable partial
dentures to the component selection and placement.
• Describe the use of removable partial dentures components based on the Kennedy Classification of the arch.
• Identify the modifications required for successful removable partial dentures fabrication.
Patient Scenarios for Removable Partial Denture Treatment - AGD Subject Code 672 / Verification Code 136
This session block will provide information on treatment planning removable partial dentures, executing the proper design and
mouth modifications and finalizing the final treatment. The design seminar will look at cast based scenarios and design
determination. Additional information on supplementing removable partial dentures with implant support will be presented.
• Describe the biologic implications of removable partial dentures design component placement and other tooth
modifications on removable partial dentures function and their effects in the patient’s long term maintenance.
• Determine the use of removable partial dentures components based on the Kennedy Classification of the arch.
• Proform the modifications required for successful removable partial dentures fabrication.
Templeton, DMD, Bruce, R
Medical Emergencies in the Dental Clinic - AGD Subject Code 142 / Verification Code 137
It is much better to prevent medical emergencies in our clinics than to have to treat them when they occur. We will discuss how
to avoid most emergencies and when they do occur, how to handle them in the best way possible to get the optimum resolution
for your patients.
• Describe those conditions and situations that can lead to life threatening emergencies in the dental clinic.
• Identify and get ready the components of a basic emergency kit for the dental clinic.
• Discuss treatment of medical emergencies that may occur in dental clinics.
Medical Emergencies in the Dental Clinic: Case Based Learning - AGD Subject Code 142 / Verification Code 138
This course is designed to improve your ability to plan for, manage and handle office medical emergencies as part of a dental
team. Upon completion of this course, which will use case based scenarios, the dental members should be able to:
• Describe the underlying medical basis for common diseases including cardiovascular disease, neurologic disease, allergy,
pulmonary and endocrine disorders.
• List common medical emergencies that can occur in our dental clinics.
• Discuss the management of medical emergencies in the dental clinic using a simple emergency kit and protocols.
Oral Pathology for the General Dentist: An Update - AGD Subject Code 149 / Verification Code 139
Oral Pathological conditions are common findings in a busy dental clinic. Having a review of some of the less common
occurrences is helpful to treat our patients efficiently and with best outcomes. We will review conditions seen in dental clinics
with a view to simplifying diagnosis and treatment.
• Describe the most common pathologic entities seen in dental clinics.
• Discuss treatment options of oral pathology.
• Identify follow-up strategies for your patients.
Oral Pathology for the General Dentist: An Update on Cysts and Bony Lesions - AGD Subject Code 149 / Verification Code 140
Some of the most common lesions that general dentists must deal with involve benign bony pathology of the jaws. Advanced
imaging and diagnostic techniques are not always available to use in certain clinic locations. We will cover common sense, time
proven strategies to help your patients.
• Describe the most common bony pathologic lesions in the jaws.
• Identify treatment methods for resolution of bony pathologic lesions in the jaws in your patients.
• Discuss follow-up regimens for bony pathologic lesions in the jaws.
Pediatric Oral Surgery for the General Dentist - AGD Subject Code 430 / Verification Code 141
This presentation will define, describe clinical presentation, and set forth general criteria and therapeutic goals for common
pediatric oral surgery procedures.
• Describe preoperative evaluation of pediatric patients.
• Discuss behavioral management considerations.
• Identify treatment goals of the more common procedures in children.
Vinton, DDS, Jeffrey
Biopsy of Intraoral Lesions - AGD Subject Code 319 / Verification Code 142
Biopsy techniques, excisional and incisional, and basic surgical principles of lesion sampling, labeling and preservation will be
• Identify indications for incisional vs excisional biopsy.
• Define the importance of proper labeling of specimens.
• Cite basic principles of surgical wound management.
CO2 Laser Use in Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery - AGD Subject Code 310 / Verification Code 143
Use of the CO2 laser for soft tissue excision and ablation of lesions along with the basic principles of laser energy generation will
be discussed.
• Gain understanding of laser energy and its use in soft tissue surgical procedures
• Describe the indications for ablation of certain pathologic conditions
• Define the advantages laser surgery provides in wound healing and patient comfort
Trigeminal Neuralgia, Diagnosis and Medical Management - AGD Subject Code 200 / Verification Code 144
The etiology, clinical findings, diagnosis and non-surgical management of trigeminal neuralgia will be presented.
• Identify patients who may be afflicted with trigeminal neuralgia.
• Diagnose trigeminal neuralgia and eliminate other types of orofacial pain.
• Discuss medical management of non-surgical trigeminal neuralgia.
Management of Orofacial Soft Tissue Injuries - AGD Subject Code 200 / Verification Code 145
Repair of soft tissue injuries including debridement, surgical repair and post repair management will be discussed.
• Repair minor soft tissue injures of the orofacial region.
• List the principles of wound debridement.
• Classify injuries based upon extraoral, intraoral or through and through.
Dental Management of the Irradiated Head and Neck Cancer Patient - AGD Subject Code 310 / Verification Code 146
Guidelines for the care of the head and neck cancer patient will be discussed to include pre-irradiation considerations, long term
side effects of radiation, and recommendations for therapies during radiation, and long term management to decrease the
incidence of osteoradionecrosis.
• Identify risk factors for the development of osteoradionecrosis.
• Describe the etiology of long term effects of radiation.
• Develop strategies for management of the irradiated patient.
Walker, D. D. S., Bruce
Healthy Hygienic Habits – low cost high impact interventions - AGD Subject Code 149 / Verification Code 147
A strategy for impacting the Human Development Index in developing countries by working with elementary and pre-schools in
order to implement low cost, evidence-based health interventions. The most prevalent health problems experienced by
children of elementary school age are easily preventable with an improvement in the practice of daily personal hygiene including
washing hands with soap and brushing teeth with fluoride toothpaste as well as biannual deworming. The successful
development of the interventions requires inter-sectorial cooperation with the heads of schools, teachers, parents, and local
and provincial governments.
• Describe the main causes of absenteeism in elementary schools and pre-schools in developing countries.
• Describe the multiplication of the impact of health interventions by utilizing the school structure, teachers, parents, and
local governments to implement the strategy.
• List the interventions that have been utilized in the program, daily hand washing with soap, teeth brushing with fluoride
toothpaste, and biannual deworming.
• Discuss a strategy for sustainability of health hygienic habits by advocating with local government officials and other