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Feudalism and manor is the back bone of medieval Europe
• Why did feudalism start?
◦Due to the inability of kings and emperors to supply protection....
‣ Feudalism will be the answer to those problems
• Definitions
◦Feudal contract-exchange of land for loyalty and military service
• Structure of feudalism ◦King
‣ Provides money, army on demand
‣ Bestows land on his many Nobles
‣ Provides military service and protection on demand
‣ Bestows land on his many knights
‣ Provides military service and food on demand
‣ Bestows land on his many vassals
• Manors and serfs
◦Castle of manor house (where The Lord and their family lives)
◦Church (only kind is catholic)
◦House for the priest
◦Barn for the lords animals
◦Bake oven (building for everyone to share there were no ovens in
◦Mill (powered by water or wind) (grinds up corn or wheat to make
◦Village of huts and cottages
◦Common pasture
◦Farms field (3 sets of farm field so they can do a crop rotation)
◦Woodland (used for lumber and hunting-only for The Lord)
• Duties and workings of the manor
◦Duties of the peasants/serfs
‣ Work several days a week farming the lords lands
‣ Repair roads, bridges, and fences
‣ Ask lords permission to marry
‣ Pat to use the local mill to grind grains/payments at Christmas and
‣ Paid dues in produce like grain, honey,
◦Returns on their labor
‣ Farm some land for themselves
‣ Protection from raids and warfare
‣ Could not be forced off their land
‣ Pretty much guaranteed food housing and land
• Peasant life
‣ Rough, hard, physical labor
◦Age expectancy
‣ 35 years due to disease and starvation
‣ Black bread, cabbage, turnips, onions
‣ 1 room = people and livestock
‣ Marriage, birth, Christmas, Easter, dancing, sports, butcher