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How were revolutions influential to the Classical period?
 The revolutions created a distaste of anything related to the former monarchs (including Baroque music).
Composers sought to create new forms of expression using the opposite principles of the Baroque period:
clarity and simplicity
What was the Industrial Revolution?
 A period of rapid industrialization characterized by new inventions like the assembly line and steam
power. Rapidly urbanized cities (grew both in size and density)
How did the Industrial Revolution impact the Romantics?
 The rapid changes of the Industrial Revolution were hated by the Romantics. They reacted by “returning
to nature”. (Related to Naturalism)
How are Romantic freelance composers different from Classical composers?
 Freelance Romantic composers were hired per composition. This meant that they could exercise more
choice and freedom and thus develop an individual musical style. While, hired Classical composers
developed their own musical style, they were bound to please their boss whom they tended to serve for a
length of time. This ultimately creates a difference in the approach to composing between the two groups.
What is the difference between absolute and program music? How can you tell the difference?
 Program music has the purpose of creating a specific image/scene, while absolute has the purpose of
create pure, abstract emotion or expression through music. The only real way to tell is based on the title
and if any description is given.
What sources inspired the Romantic composers?
1. Naturalism
2. Nationalism
3. Occultism
4. Exoticism
How can you identify the composer’s inspiration?
 3 easiest ways: title or description is easiest, use of known melodies (a patriotic melody in piece creates
Nationalism), or mimicking related sounds (a flute melody imitates a bird creates Naturalism)
How did the 1889 Paris Exposition impact the impressionists?
 Exposition brought foreign cultures to the French/European artists that otherwise would’ve been
accessible. Simply put: without the Exposition, there probably wouldn’t have been Impressionism
How did Gamelan and Spanish/Basque music influence the Impressionist composers?
 The unique musical qualities that were different from Western music (ex: harmonies of Gamelan, melody
and rhythms of Spanish/Basque music) were very interesting to the Impressionist composers who were
seeking new forms of expression. They tried to imitate/incorporate/borrow from these other music genres
in their compositions