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Physics 5 Topic 1: Radioactivity
Extended Writing Task: Types of Radiation
A radioactive source used in a school laboratory is thought to emit α and γ. Describe an experiment that
may be used to verify the types of radiation emitted by the source. The experiment described should allow
you to determine how the intensity of radiation caries with distance in air or with thickness of suitable
absorbers. Your answer should include:
 The apparatus you would use
 Any safety precautions you would take
 The measurements you would make
 How the measurements would be used to reach a final decision about the emitted radiation.
Continue this task on lined paper and attach it behind this sheet.
Physics 5 Topic 1: Radioactivity
Extended Writing Task: Types of Radiation
This work was done by ________________________________________ and was marked by __________________________________________
Praise. What were the positive aspects of the work? What did they do well? What skills did they demonstrate?
Improvements. What were the literacy issues in the piece of work?
Always use capital letters at the beginning of a sentence.
Always use capital letters for proper nouns.
Make sure you write on the line and not above or below it.
Use scientific vocabulary appropriate to the task.
D answer
Some of the equipment needed is listed but generic
terms are used e.g. ‘detector’ or ‘absorber’.
The reference to safety precautions is unrealistic
for a school setting or is missing.
There is a broad statement that background
radiation should be measured or ‘taken into
account’ (owtte).
The method described to taken measurement has
the independent variable identified but is weak.
Write in ink.
Draw in Pencil.
Use a ruler.
Learn the spellings identified in your work.
Ensure sentences make sense.
Use correct punctuation.
Vary your sentences to demonstrate your understanding.
B answer
Most of the equipment needed is listed and
named e.g. GM tube/counter.
There is one realistic safety precaution named e.g.
use tongs to move the source.
There is a basic description of how background
radiation could be measured...
A* answer
All of the equipment needed is named with
specific details given e.g. length (5mm of Al).
There are more than one realistic safety
precautions named.
...which needs to be removed or subtracted from
all other measurements of count rate.
The method described will enable useable results
to be collected. The measurements that need to
be made are listed...
...beta particles are stopped by a few mm of
aluminium (and gamma isn’t)...
...including the range/interval of independent
variable with at least one control variable listed. if the count rate through paper and
There is a simple statement that αparticles are
aluminium are similar gamma radiation is emitted
stopped by paper or a few cm of air so the count
but beta particles are not.
rate will dramatically lower behind the paper...
...gamma radiation has a greater range in air and
...and should follow an inverse square law (this
There is a simple statement that αparticles have a
will still be detected over a metre away from the
could be described instead of named).
range of a few cm in air so the count rate will
source (above background)...
dramatically lower after 5 cm...
Next Steps. How can they move their work onto the next grade? What didn’t they include?
Physics 5 Topic 2: Nuclear Energy
Extended Writing Task: Reactors
In a thermal nuclear reactor, one fission reaction typically releases 2 or 3 neutrons. Describe and explain
how a constant power output is maintained in a reactor by considering what events or sequence of events
may happen to the released neutrons. You should not discuss the workings of a heat exchanger or beyond
in terms of producing electricity. You should include:
 A description of the process of fission
 How energy is produced
 The components of the reactor and what they do
 How the output is controlled and kept constant.
Continue this task on lined paper and attach it behind this sheet.
Physics 5 Topic 2: Nuclear Energy
Extended Writing Task: Reactors
This work was done by ________________________________________ and was marked by __________________________________________
Praise. What were the positive aspects of the work? What did they do well? What skills did they demonstrate?
Improvements. What were the literacy issues in the piece of work?
Always use capital letters at the beginning of a sentence.
Always use capital letters for proper nouns.
Make sure you write on the line and not above or below it.
Use scientific vocabulary appropriate to the task.
D answer
There is a simple statement that fission involves a
nucleus splitting into two daughter nuclei and two
or three neutrons...
The statement on energy is unclear but contains
the term ‘binding energy’.
There is a simple description that the moderator
slows the neutrons down...
Write in ink.
Draw in Pencil.
Use a ruler.
Learn the spellings identified in your work.
Ensure sentences make sense.
Use correct punctuation.
Vary your sentences to demonstrate your understanding.
B answer
...this is induced by the uranium nucleus first
absorbing a neutron...
A* answer
...the uranium is uranium-235
The daughter nuclei have different binding
energies compared to the parent nucleus and this
is given out during fission.
...transferring energy through collisions with the
atoms of the moderator to become ‘thermal
...from the reactor towards the heat exchanger...
The daughter nuclei have higher binding energies
per nucleon than the parent nuclei and this is
given out during fission
...after 50 collisions the neutrons are travelling
slow enough to cause further fission event.
The coolant is described in terms of moving
...the coolant should have a high specific heat
The role of control rods is described as to absorb
...movement of the rods varies the number of
...inserting the rods further into the reactor
neutrons absorbed...
absorbs more neutrons (accept the converse).
A constant power output is maintained by only
...the excess neutrons can be absorbed by the
... absorbed by uranium-238, scattered by U-238
one fission event going on to cause one further
control rods...
or leave the reactor without interaction.
fission event...
Next Steps. How can they move their work onto the next grade? What didn’t they include?
Physics 5 Topic 3: Thermal Physics
Extended Writing Task: Ideal Gases
By considering the motion of the molecules explain how an ideal gas exerts a pressure and how the
pressure, volume and temperature are linked by Boyle’s and Charles’ Laws.
Your answer should include:
 The assumption made to model the motion of an ideal gas
 An explanation of what an ideal gas is
 An explanation of how a gas exerts a pressure
 A written and graphical description of the gas laws mentioned
 An explanation of why these gas laws are true or how they work.
Continue this task on lined paper and attach it behind this sheet.
Physics 5 Topic 3: Thermal Physics
Extended Writing Task: Ideal Gases
This work was done by ________________________________________ and was marked by __________________________________________
Praise. What were the positive aspects of the work? What did they do well? What skills did they demonstrate?
Improvements. What were the literacy issues in the piece of work?
Always use capital letters at the beginning of a sentence.
Always use capital letters for proper nouns.
Make sure you write on the line and not above or below it.
Use scientific vocabulary appropriate to the task.
Write in ink.
Draw in Pencil.
Use a ruler.
Learn the spellings identified in your work.
Ensure sentences make sense.
Use correct punctuation.
Vary your sentences to demonstrate your understanding.
D answer
B answer
A* answer
2 of the assumptions below are stated.
4 of the assumptions below are stated.
6 of the assumptions below are stated.
Large number of molecules, molecules have negligible volume, molecules have random motion, no intermolecular forces, collisions are elastic, collisions have negligible duration.
An ideal gas is described as a gas that follows the
An ideal gas is described as a gas that follows all all temperatures and pressures.
assumptions or gas laws.
the gas laws (or the ideal gas law is explained)...
Pressure is explained as the number of collisions
When a gas molecule collides (with its container)
...the term ‘rate of change of momentum’ is used
per second or as P=F/A.
there is a change in momentum (over and area)...
Boyle’s Law is described as pressure being
...for constant temperature. There is a graph with
...the line is a curve with a negative gradient.
axes labelled as P (x) and V(y)...
proportional to 1/volume or P ∝ 1/V...
The explanation of Boyle’s Law includes a
...increasing the volume means that the molecules
...this means there are less collisions per second
statement that constant temperature means that
have to travel further until they collide again with
and hence lower pressure (accept the converse).
the molecules move with constant (mean) speed...
the walls of their container again...
Charles’ Law is described as volume being
...for constant pressure. There is a graph with
...the line is straight with a positive gradient that
axes labelled as T (x) and V (y)...
goes through the origin.
proportional to temperature or V ∝ T...
The explanation of Charles’ Law includes a
...increasing the temperature increases the (mean) they need to travel further before they
statement that constant pressure means that the
speed that the molecules are moving at...
collide and so the volume increases (accept the
number of collisions per second is constant...
Next Steps. How can they move their work onto the next grade? What didn’t they include?