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What is Active transport? Give an example
Mar 27­10:59 a.m.
Starter: Show the direction of water movement
May 16­12:14 p.m.
Passive and Active Transport
Mar 26­7:42 p.m.
Brainpop - Active
Mar 27­11:14 a.m.
Active Transport
• Requires energy to move materials UP their concentration gradient, from an area of lower concentration to an area of higher concentration.
• The opposite direction for diffusion.
Mar 26­7:42 p.m.
Transport Proteins
• Substances are moved molecule by molecule.
• It is similar to facilitated diffusion except that cell energy (ATP) is used in the process.
ATP = Adenosine Triphosphate
Mar 26­7:42 p.m.
Transport protein
Salt ion
Cell membrane
Energy is used
Ion binds to the
transport protein
The transport protein turns over and releases the ion
onto the inside of the cell, against the concentration gradient
Mar 26­7:42 p.m.
May 15­7:45 p.m.
Two Types of Endocytosis
• Pinocytosis = Cell drinking ­ transport of solvents or fluids
• Phagocytosis = Cell eating ­ movement of large particles or whole cells. (Many unicellular organisms feed by phagocytosis)
• Phagocytes = cells like white blood cells, which use phagocytosis to ingest bacteria and viruses that invade the body. Lysosomal enzymes then digest the invaders before they cause harm.
Mar 26­7:42 p.m.
• The reverse of endocytosis
• Vesicles in the cell fuse with the membrane and release contents to the outside.
Mar 26­7:42 p.m.
Mar 27­11:38 a.m.
Cell Membrane Pumps
(Carrier proteins that assist in active transport)
Mar 26­7:42 p.m.
May 16­1:02 p.m.
What is the exam on?
3 Papers in 2 hours
1. Ecology
2. Diversity of Animals
3. Cell Structure and function (cell parts and unicellular only)
May 17­9:58 a.m.
Baseline Quiz!
Jun 22­2:33 p.m.
Home Learning
You are to design a 17 word crossword on this unit. Jun 22­2:39 p.m.
Past Paper Question:
Plant Cell: Root Hair
Animal Cell: Small Intestine
Describe ONE similarity (other than size) in the structure of these two cells for absorbing materials.
Explain how this similarity affects how these cells absorb materials.
Osmosis and active transport are both processes used by cells. Compare and contrast these two processes.
Mar 26­8:11 p.m.
Mar 27­12:05 p.m.
Mar 27­2:42 p.m.
Structure and Functions!
Jun 22­3:06 p.m.
Jun 22­3:13 p.m.
Jun 22­3:13 p.m.
Jun 16­9:56 a.m.