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7th Grade Science
Sample Assessment Items S7L2d,e.
Which body organ removes excess water and wastes from the blood?
A. kidney*
B. stomach
C. large intestine
D. small intestine
In which body part do gases, such as oxygen and carbon dioxide, pass into or out of the
A. lungs*
B. brain
C. liver
D. heart
White blood cells and antibodies are important parts of the _______.
A. nervous system
B. immune system*
C. circulatory system
D. reproductive system
Which of the following helps our sense organs work together?
A. skin
B. nerves*
C. muscles
D. blood vessels
The main function of most muscle cells is to ______.
A. digest food
B. carry blood
C. control breathing
D. allow movement*
Which body part plays the largest role in controlling the nervous system?
A. skin
B. heart
C. brain*
D. blood
7th Grade Science
Sample Assessment Items S7L2d,e.
All of these organs are sense organs EXCEPT the ______.
A. ear
B. skin
C. heart*
D. mouth
Which organ uses muscular contractions to mix food with digestive enzymes?
A. heart
B. kidney
C. stomach*
D. esophagus
Which of these describes how the respiratory and circulatory systems work together to help
cells obtain oxygen and remove waste?
A. The heart removes oxygen and makes new blood cells.
B. The lungs filter oxygen and solid wastes from the blood.
C. The heart pumps oxygen into the blood and removes carbon dioxide.
D. The lungs allow oxygen to enter and carbon dioxide to leave the blood.*
How do the small intestines, as an organ of the digestive system, serve the needs of cells in
the digestive system?
Which systems are involved in throwing a ball?
A. skeletal, muscular, and digestive systems
B. digestive, endocrine, and immune systems
C. nervous, immune, and respiratory systems
D. skeletal, muscular, and nervous systems*
Cells need nutrients in order to grow, divide, and carry out basic cell functions. Which two
systems of the body are MOST responsible for providing cells with these needed nutrients?
A. respiratory and nervous
B. muscular and respiratory
C. excretory and circulatory
D. digestive and circulatory*
Which human body system controls production of the hormones that regulate body functions?
7th Grade Science
Sample Assessment Items S7L2d,e.
Which of these statements describes one potential interaction between the endocrine and
respiratory systems?
A. Blood cells can attack pathogens.
B. Hormones can cause asthma attacks.*
C. The heart is made up of muscle tissue.
D. The rib cage enlarges to move air into the lungs.
Lyndie is jumping on a trampoline and notices she is breathing harder and her pulse is faster.
Which organs are working to cause this to happen?
A. sense organs
B. heart and lungs*
C. brain and stomach
D. liver and kidneys
The students in an engineering class built a robot that stacks wooden blocks. A built-in
computer controls the movement of the robot. The computer in the robot performs a function
that is most similar to which human body system?
A. nervous*
B. muscular
C. respiratory
D. circulatory
Explain how the lungs interact with the circulatory system even though they are considered
part of the respiratory system.
Which systems of the human body function together to move and control body parts?
When a person is involved in a traumatic situation, some organ systems become active right
away, while other organ systems are limited. Look at the list of systems below and explain
which system would most likely be limited in a traumatic situation while the others become
more active.
Muscular system, Digestive system, Endocrine system, and Respiratory system