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Ms. Wrightman
When Rome collapsed, the Roman empire split in half.
The eastern part of the Roman Empire became known as the Byzantine Empire
West vs. East
Western Europe
Byzantine Empire
­capital: Rome
­capital: Constantinople
­ Roman Catholic ­Eastern Orthodox Church
­Accepted Pope as ­Did not accept Pope as leader
­Spoke Greek
­Spoke Latin
After the fall of the Roman Empire, Western Europe entered a time period known as the Middle Ages (500­1500 AD).
During this time period, Western Europe consisted of numerous kingdoms.
The Roman Catholic Church helped unite people during the Middle Ages.
During the Middle Ages, the Church had many roles:
­provided education
­preserved books and learning
­collected taxes
­made its own laws
­waged war
The Crusades were military expeditions to take back the holy lands in the Middle East, especially Jerusalem, from Muslim control.
Jerusalem is a holy city for several different religions.
for Jews: Jerusalem was part of the land (Canaan) that Abraham received from G­d in the covenant. It had also been the site of the two holy temples before they were destroyed by the Babylonians and the Romans.
for Christians: Jerusalem was one of the places where Jesus spread his teachings and where he was crucified
for Muslims: Jerusalem is the place where it is believed that Mohammed ascended to heaven.
The Call for the Crusades
The Byzantine Empire, who were Orthodox Christians, were attacked by the Muslims. The empreror asked for help from his Christian neighbors in Western Europe to help defend his empire. Pope Urban II encouraged the kings of Western Europe to start a crusade, or holy war, against the Muslims to capture Jerusalem and the Holy Lands. The pope explained why the crusade was necessary:
"Jerusalem was the navel (center) of the world. This is the land which the Redeemer Jesus of mankind illuminated by his coming... This royal city, situated in the middle of the world, is now help captive by his enemies.... It looks and hopes for freedom."
­ Pope Urban II. Summarize this quote into your own words
The Crusades
The First Crusade originated in ______________________________ and ended in _______________________.
From 1096­1204 there were a total of nine crusades, or holy wars.
The First Crusade
About 30,000 men left Western Europe to fight in Jerusalem. The symbol of the Crusade was the the cross.
Each crusader had it made out of fabric, stitched onto their shirts or armor. It made all crusaders, , appear to be a unified army. It reminded the crusaders that they were fighting a holy cause. The Results of the First Crusade: After about two years of harsh traveling, hunger, disease, freezing weather, and quarrels amongst themselves, the crusaders finally arrived in Jerusalem. After a two­month attack of the city, the city fell. The crusaders had won back Jerusalem. 9
The Second Crusade After the Christian gained control of the Holy Lands in the first Crusade, the Muslim retaliated.
Another Crusade was started to regain the land, but it was a total failure. Saladin, emperor of Egypt, united the Muslims against the Christian states.
He defeated the Christians and captured Jerusalem in 1187. 10
The Second Crusade The second crusade originated in _____________
passed through__________________________
and ended in ____________________ by land and ______________________ by sea. 11
The fall of Jerusalem led to the Third Crusade. Emperor Frederick of the Holy Roman Empire and King Richard I (known as Richard the Lion­Hearted led the crusaders against Saladin. King Richard negotiated a truce with Saladin so that Christian pilgrims could travel to Jerusalem safely. 12
The Third Crusade The Third crusade originated in __________ and __________. It ended in ___________________ and _____________________. 13
Later Crusades
In 1200, Pope Innocent II called for a Fourth Crusade. The fourth crusade originated in _____________
and ended in __________________________. This time Western European merchants used the crusade as an opportunity to attack their trading rivals: The BYZANTINE EMPIRE! (even though the Byzantines were also Christians)
This weakened the Byzantine empire. 14
Results of the Crusades
The Crusades affected Europe in the following ways:
1.There was increased trade between Western Europe and the Middle East. Those who returned back from the Crusades brought back new foods and new forms of culture.
2. European kings began to tax the new trade with the Middle east. The taxes helped them to build stronger and richer kingdoms in Western Europe. 15
Answer one of the following questions or create your own!
1. What were some of the main causes of the Crusades?
2. Were the Crusades justified?
3. Do you believe that wars should be fought for religious reasons?