Download GRPH25 web Layout 1 What does the acronym HTML stand for

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web Layout
1 What does the acronym HTML stand for?
HTML stands for hyper-text markup language
2 What are the three core HTML tags?
The four major core tags are
3 What are the three image file formats accepted by all major web browsers?
Joint Picture Expert Group (JPEG)
Graphic Image Format (GIF)
Portable Network Graphic (PNG)
4 Write an example of a HTML tag utilizing a tag attribute
An html attribute is anything that modify an html tags such as
<p align=”center”> text </p>
<img src=”portrait.jpg” />
5. What tag would you use to bold a sentence?
The <strong> tag makes text bold
6) What is the technical name for a computer that hosts a website?
The technical name for a computer that hosts a website is a server.
7) The home page for a website should be called what?
8) Explain what a Dreamweaver Sitemap is?
A Dreamweaver sitemap connects the Adobe Dreamweaver program to the root folder for your website. The root
folder is usually saved somewhere on your computer. The sitemap allows users to work with files from that root folder
inside of Adobe Dreamweaver.
9) True or False: You can manipulate HTML directly in Adobe Dreamweaver?
True, Adobe Dreamwaver allows you to type HTML code directly into the web page using the code view.
10) Explain the purpose of Adobe Dreamweaver Live View? Are there any limitations of the Live View feature?
The purpose of Live View is to preview your webpage the way it would appear within an actual internet browser.
The limitations are that you can not make changes to your work while in Live View. You can also test certain web
functions like form submission, or databasing information.