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World History Final Exam Study Guide 2015­16 Unit 1: Food First (Farming and the Emergence of Complex Societies) Vocabulary Terms (be able to define these key vocabulary terms/concepts) ●
Neolithic (New Stone Age) Paleolithic (Old Stone Age) domestication agriculture/farming surplus nomadic lifestyle pre­history artifact civilization homo­erectus Homo­sapien Epic of Gilgamesh/Sumer Know these civilizations and their key characteristics: ●
Sumerian/Mesopotamia/Tigris & Euphrates Egyptian/Nile Harrapan/Indus Be able to describe the following: ●
Characteristics of a civilization (organized governments, complex religions, job specialization, social classes, arts and architecture, public works, writing and record­keeping) ● Nomadic/hunter­gatherer lifestyle vs. agricultural/sedentary lifestyle) ● River Valley civilizations/characteristics ____________________________________________________________________________ Unit 2: Gotta Have Faith (The Rise of World Religions) Vocabulary Terms (be able to define these key vocabulary terms/concepts) ●
religion philosophy monotheistic polytheistic missionary covenant exodus Diaspora Edict of Milan (Constantine) Hijra Kaaba reincarnation enlightenment ●
nirvana caste system dalits/Untouchables dharma karma Four Noble Truths Eightfold Path Be able to explain the following major religions and their similarities and differences (founder, origin, holy book, belief system, adherents): ● Judaism ● Hinduism ● Buddhism ● Christianity ● Islam Be able to explain the following key concepts: ● Covenant with Abraham/Exodus with Moses/Promised Land ● Jesus’ teachings/appeal of Christianity ● Factors leading to the spread of Christianity (Paul/missionaries) ● Five Pillars of Islam ● Caste system/levels ___________________________________________________________ Unit 3: Who’s the Boss (Organization and Reorganization of Human Societies) Vocabulary Terms (be able to define these key vocabulary terms/concepts) ●
democracy monarchy aristocracy oligarchy republic empire bureaucracy standardization weights and measures Golden Age (Gupta/Athenian) Ajanta Caves Deccan region Arthashastra polis acropolis phalanx rhetoric philosopher Know these Empires and their key characteristics: ● India: Maurya/Gupta ● Greece: Athens/Sparta Know these key historical figures: ● Chandragupta ● Asoka ● Pericles ● Socrates, Plato, Aristotle Be able to explain the following: ● Asoka’s conversion to Buddhism/Kalinga conquest ● Asoka’s Pillar Edicts ● Geography of Ancient Greece vs. early River Valley civilizations ● Athens/Sparta (government, citizenship, military, values, women) ● Whims of the gods vs. reason/observation (Ancient Greece) Characteristics of Empires: Empires grow from conquest of one people by another. Empires create structures that display power and luxury, inspiring loyalty among allies and caution among potential enemies. Empires often encourage great creativity in the arts and in learning. Empires establish vast marketplaces serviced by highways and roads, ports and dockyards. Empires include diverse peoples as well as exotic goods. Empires must create bureaucratic administrations with sufficient uniformity in language, currency, weights, measures, and legal systems to enable them to function as a single political structure. Characteristics of the Fall of Empires: Failure of leadership ­ the inability of the empire to produce or select rulers capable of maintaining the imperial structures Overextension of administration ­ the inability of the imperial rulers to sustain the costs of a far flung empire while coping simultaneously with critical domestic problems Collapse of the economy ­ the overextension of empire to territories so remote or difficult to subdue and govern that costs outrun benefits Doubts over the ideology ­the end of belief of the justice or benefits of empire, which may occur either when cynical colonizers abandon the colonial enterprise, or when frustrated colonized people revolt, or both Military defeat ­ external enemies and the colonized people combine in revolt Part 2: Short Answer: Choose three ( 3) of the following; and one (1) from each category . Please answer in paragraph form (10 points each; 30 points total). FCAs include 1. 4­7 sentences: 2 points 2. thoroughly and accurately answers the prompt: 4 points 3. includes specific details to support your response: 4 points Food First ­ Farming and the Emergence of Complex Societies 1. Explain how life in the New Stone Age differed from life in the Old Stone Age. How did developments in the New Stone Age allow for individuals, such as artisans, to have specialized jobs? 2. The map below shows Mesopotamia. Describe the main geographic features of Mesopotamia. Use the map to explain why Mesopotamia developed into a crossroads where people and ideas met. 3. Choose one (1) characteristic of civilization and explain how agriculture impacted that characteristic relative to a specific ancient civilization. (Food First assessment) Gotta Have Faith ­ The Rise of World Religions 1. Choose two religions. Discuss the most critical similarities between those religions and elaborate with specific examples. 2. Choose two religions. Discuss the most critical differences between those religions and elaborate with specific examples. 3. Take one of the five major religions and explain its origins (where and how), membership (ranking/numbers of followers), major beliefs and concentration (location today). Who’s The Boss ­ Organization and Reorganization of Human Societies 1. Following is a brief excerpt from Pericles “Funeral Oration,” a speech given in honor of those who died in the first year of the Peloponnesian War between Athens and Sparta. “...Our citizens attend both to public and private duties, and do not allow absorption (interest) in their own various affairs to interfere with their knowledge of the city’s. We differ from other states in regarding the man who holds aloof (indifferent) from public life not as ‘quiet’ but as useless; we decide or debate, carefully and in person, all matters of policy, holding...that acts are foredoomed to failure when undertaken undiscussed. For we are noted for being at once adventurous in action and most reflective beforehand.” Write a summary of what Pericles is discussing. (a). Think about what is unique about the citizens of Athens compared to other Greek city­states. (b). What does Pericles say about Athenian democracy as a political system? 2. Compare one characteristic of the fall of ancient empires to the US government today. To what extent is that characteristic present and/or a threat? 3. Give one example of how a specific leader built, managed and maintained his empire’s vast territory. Final Exam Layout ● 70 Multiple Choice (70 points) ● 3 Short Answer (10 points each; 30 points) ● Total Points = 100