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EXPOSED: Exercise Specialist Reveals
The Truth About Osteoporosis That The Drug
Companies Don’t Want You To Know About!
Current estimations reveal that there are more than 52 million women and men
with either osteoporosis or low bone mass. If current trends continue, the figure will
climb to more than 61 million by 2020.
Representatives from large pharmaceutical companies have claimed so called,
“bone drugs” are the solution. Side effects from these drugs include upset stomach,
inflammation of the esophagus; jaw osteonecrosis (rotting of the jaw bone); severe
muscle, joint, and/or bone pain and; “unusual” femur fractures; not to mention
atrial fibrillation (abnormal heart rhythm that can cause a rapid heartbeat).
Therefore, be very careful if considering these drugs as a course of action.
It Gets Worse
The Dairy Council as well as many medical doctors claim “calcium supplementation
prevents osteoporosis”. The basis for this is derived from the idea that bone is
primarily made up of calcium. The problem with this recommendation is that there
must be a balance of minerals in order for calcium to be useable in the body. There
must also be a stimuli, a signal, to provoke the body to remount bone
mineralization. Excess calcium supplementation can create an imbalance between
the parathyroid and thyroid glands causing other health problems including sluggish
metabolism, fat gain, cold sensitivity, bouts of low energy, and depression. Never
start calcium supplementation or any other vitamin/mineral supplementation
without supporting tests to evaluate current tissue mineral levels in the body.
Calcium should certainly be in the diet, but it should be indigenous from a high
quality food supply that ensures other naturally occurring co-factors are available
for proper absorption. The bad news…our commercial dairy has been destroyed…
although that is a subject for another article.
So, what are we left with?
Many popular magazines sing the praises of various „weight-bearing‟ activities as a
means of halting and reversing bone loss. This would be nice, but general activity
will do very little to reverse bone loss. We do however know that human bone will
adapt to a stimulus provided from progressively loaded strength training exercise.
This exercise starts at the muscles and goes down to the bones; it affects all of the
connective tissue in between, making for a more resilient drive train.
The solution to the Osteoporosis dilemma is progressive Strength Training. The
muscles are the windows to any and all adaptive process that can occur within the
human body. If a muscle can be strengthened it will adapt denser and stronger.
The connective tissue that envelops the muscle will also increase correspondingly.
The sheath that forms the tendon at either end of the muscle will adapt. The tendon
attaches to the bone and these attachments must also grow stronger. Tendons are
anchored in the bone therefore, the BONE must grow stronger. Bone
remineralization happens by way of signaling; the body can build bone mass
assuming sufficient nutrition and intense, specific exercise. This is the way to halt
and reverse bone mass loss.
Properly performed strength training must be done with slow, low force, very
intense muscular contractions. There are techniques to stay within safe force levels
for anyone who has the volitional capability to use their muscles. These techniques
allow for a myriad of adaptive responses that include improvements in muscular
strength, flexibility, injury prevention, rehabilitation, cardiovascular adaptation,
metabolism, glucose economy, overall appearance and enhancements in our
everyday abilities. Osteoporosis prevention is only one of the many benefits from a
properly performed strength training program, but a VERY IMPORTANT ONE.
At OVERLOAD Fitness we have seen countless women stop or even reverse their
osteoporosis through strength training. If you would like to find out more how we
can help you with your fight against osteoporosis and optimize your overall health
and fitness in only minutes a week just give us a call at (216) 292-7569
(Beachwood), 440-835-9090 (Westlake) or 407-862-2552 (Altamonte Springs, FL)
and ask for your FREE Initial Consultation and demo workout.