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Themes of the Young Nation Period
Growth/Manifest Destiny
During the Young Nation period, the population of the United States increased by 500%, from
around 4 million in 1790 to more than 23 million in 1850. To accommodate this growth in population, there
was an accompanying growth in land area. Acquisitions by purchase, treaty, or other means resulted in an
increase of more than 2 million square miles of territory. The nation, spurred by the philosophy of Manifest
Destiny, stretched from the Atlantic to the Pacific.
Political Parties
Despite the warning of President Washington that political parties would be detrimental to the
nation, political parties enjoyed tremendous growth during the Young Nation period. The early Federalists
and Anti-Federalists were the first political groups to form. However, because of the tremendous influence of
and respect for President Washington, factional problems were kept to a minimum, although some
philosophical differences emerged over the issue of the National Bank. As soon as President Washington
left office, party battles broke out. From the time of Jefferson, through the Era of Good Feelings under
James Monroe, to the disputed election of 1824, the Democratic-Republicans occupied the office of the
Presidency. In 1828, Andrew Jackson, who believed that he had been cheated in the 1824 election,
organized the Democratic Party and won the election. The Republican Party began in 1854 as sectionalism
grew in the United States.
Although the parties have changed roles and philosophies over the years, America continues to be
a 2-party system.
Foreign Affairs
In his Farewell Address, George Washington advised America to avoid “foreign entanglements.”
His advice was meant to ensure that the Young Nation had time to grow strong in relative safety.
Subsequent administrations were not able to follow this advice, as they were drawn into centuries-old
European political maneuvering. One final attempt at neutrality and isolationism was made by James
Monroe who essentially told Europe to stay out of the Americas.
The Louisiana Purchase was made possible because Napoleon Bonaparte needed the money to
finance one of his wars, and the War of 1812, caused by (among other things) French and British hostilities,
settled some issues between England and the United States once and for all. The Texas Revolution paved
the way for the United States to get involved in Mexican politics, with the result that the United States fought
the Mexican War and ended up owning all of the territory from Texas to the Pacific which had formerly
belonged to Mexico. This fulfilled Manifest Destiny.
The Industrial Revolution in the United States changed virtually everything about the country.
Improvements in transportation, particularly the steamboat and the development of railroads and canal
systems, encouraged industrial expansion. Because of cheaper rates and shorter travel times, businesses
were able to ship more goods further west. This encouraged more people to move to the West because
they could get the goods they wanted.
Changes in agriculture helped the industrial development in the North. Improved steel plows, the
cotton gin, and the grain-reaping machine helped farmers in the West and the South produce more
agricultural goods. These goods were then shipped along railroads and waterways to towns where
meatpacking plants, flour mills, and textile factories turned them into finished products which supported the
populations of growing urban areas in the North where factory workers could not produce their own food.
In the South, the cotton gin increased the production of cotton and the need for slaves. Cotton
supplied an expanding textile industry in the Northeastern United States and England.
Not all results of the Industrial Revolution were good. The growing industrialization of the nation
ironically also produced poverty as owners hired people for lower and lower wages. This was made
possible because of an oversupply of workers due to increased immigration to this country. In addition to
the new problems caused by the Industrial Revolution, there were the old problems of slavery, restricted
roles and opportunities for women, abusive treatment of prisoners and the mentally ill, and limited education
for America’s children.
© 2007 Houston Independent School District
Themes of the Young Nation Period
Foreign Affairs Industrialization
increased by
more than 19
Parties started
as Federalists
and AntiFederalists.
Area increased
by more than 2
million square
Developed after Went to war
against Britain
in 1812.
The country
Party founded
extended from
in 1828 by
the Atlantic to the Andrew
proclaimed in
Mexican War
Improvements in Education
Women’s Rights
Improvements in
agriculture (steel Abolition
plow, McCormick
Reaper, cotton
Development of
factory system in
the North.
Party began in
© 2007 Houston Independent School District
Secondary Social Studies