Download Biomes: biome includes large regions that have similar biotic

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biome includes large regions that have similar biotic components, such as similar plants and animals, and similar abiotic components, such as similar temperature and amount of rainfall. living (​
) and non­living (​
) Elevation​
is the height of a land mass above sea level Latitude​
is the distance measured in degrees north or south from the equator ­ abiotic ­ affects precipitation and temp. Ocean currents affect biomes Climate ​
is the average pattern of weather conditions that occur in a region Climograph : graph of climate ­ used to measure precipitation/ temp usually within 30 years Adaption types: Behaviour ,structural,physiological ecosystem has abiotic components such as oxygen, water, nutrients, light, and soil that interact with biotic components such as plants, animals, and micro­ organisms. A habitat is the place in which an organism lives species ​
is a group of closely related organisms that can reproduce with one another. population ​
refers to all the members of a particular species within an ecosystem. community​
is all the populations of the different species that interact in a specific area or ecosystem. These biotic interactions are sometimes ordered in an ecological hierarchy of organism, population, community, and ecosystem. Symbiosis​
refers to the interaction between members of two different species that live together in a close association. Commensalism​
is a symbiotic relationship in which one species benefits and the other species is neither helped nor harmed. Mutualism​
is a symbiotic relationship in which both organisms benefit Parasitism​
is a symbiotic relationship in which one species benefits and another is harmed Niches ​
roles per organisms CHAPTER 2
refers to the total mass of living plants, animals, fungi, and bacteria in a given area ­ Trees plants etc The flow of energy from an ecosystem to an organism and from one organism to another is called ​
energy flow. Decomposition​
is the breaking down of organic wastes and dead organisms living organisms such as bacteria to break down dead organic matter is called​
biodegradation Decomposers ​
change wastes and dead organisms into usable nutrients. tertiary consumers ​
feed on secondary consumers to obtain energy. Detrivores ​
are consumers that obtain their energy and nutrients by eating the bodies of small dead animals, dead plant matter, and animal wastes. There are ​
five chemical elements​
(also known as chemical nutrients) that limit the amount and types of life possible in an ecosystem: ​
carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, and phosphorus Carbonate​
is a combination of carbon and oxygen (CO​
32 )​
that is dissolved in ocean water Cellular respiration​
is the process in which both plants and animals release carbon dioxide back into the atmosphere by converting carbohydrates and oxygen into carbon dioxide and water Nitrogen: not works ­ does this to work nitrogen fixation, nitrification, and uptake. Nitrogen​
is returned to the atmosphere in a process called denitrification. Denitrification in terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems involves certain bacteria known as denitrifying bacteria. Forms rocks when in the ocean Eutrophication​
is the process by which excess nutrients result in increased plant production and decay Geologic uplift​
refers to the process of mountain building in which Earth’s crust folds, and deeply buried rock layers rise and are exposed Pesticides​
are chemicals used to eliminate pests, such as insecticides that kill insects and herbicides that kill weeds. Heavy metals​
are metallic elements with a high density that are toxic to organisms at low concentrations The three most polluting heavy metals are ​
lead (Pb), cadmium (Cd), and mercury (Hg). CH 3
Ecological succession​
is the term scientists use to refer to changes that take place over time in the types of organisms that live in an area. There are two types of ecological succession: primary succession and secondary succession. Ps ­ no soil ­ bare rocks Ss ­ soil left from debris etc Contamination​
is the introduction of chemicals, toxins, wastes, or micro­organisms into the environment in concentrations that are harmful to living things Invasive species​
are organisms that can take over the habitat of native species or invade their bodies, thus weakening their immune systems.