Download Sociology Course Syllabus 2015-2016 Hempfield Area High School

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Sociology Course Syllabus 2015-2016
Mr. Kucenic – Room 148
Hempfield Area High School
Email: [email protected]
I.Course Description and Goals
Sociology is an elective course that studies human society and social behavior. Positive human
relationships are an essential part of a civilized society. Therefore, how we interact with each other is important
so that we can find answers to questions and solve problems in our world. This course deals with the social
atmosphere that helps to make us who we are and how we behave.
This course will introduce you to this science discipline by examining its history, the work of its early and
contemporary contributors, essential concepts, research methods, theory and applications. I hope you will see
how sociology can help you in improving your understanding of society as we explore the following units:
● Understand essential terminology and assumptions central to this science
● Understand how culture, socialization and social structure impact human behavior
● Apply the sociological perspective to a study of social class, deviance, race and gender
● Understand how sociologists examine the primary institutions of any society including religion, the
economy, political structures, the family and the workforce
● Encourage students to apply sociological perspectives to their own lives
II.Course Text
Sociology: A Down to Earth Approach by James M. Henslin, Ph.d Professor of Sociology at Southern Illinois
University. This text is widely used by colleges and universities throughout the country. You will be assigned a
book; however, you do not need to bring the text daily. There is a classroom set of textbooks located in the
back of the classroom that will be used from time to time.
Please bring your chromebook to class on a daily basis, it is your responsibility to charge your chromebook
nightly so you are prepared for class. The district webpage and google classroom will serve
as a valuable resource throughout the semester. You can visit my webpage or google classroom to view
lessons/assignments, handouts, powerpoints, etc…You will need to submit assignments throughout the semester
to our google classroom and/or google drive.
Grades are determined by a point system. Grades will be based on the accumulation of points through tests,
quizzes, projects, presentations, homework, etc…The grading scale is determined by the school district and is in
your handbook. Unsatisfactory reports are issued through skyward for grades under 70%.
*Ethics: Cheating and plagiarism results in loss of credit for the assignment or test.
*Dual Enrollment/College in High School*
❏ You can receive college credit for Sociology through Seton Hill University
Assignments will be given to reinforce or to extend class work. Late work will only be accepted through Mr.
Kucenic’s late pass system. Please use your passes wisely. Students who are legally absent may submit work
without penalty upon return to school. Absent students must make-up exams within (7) days from the return of
their absence or a zero for the exam will occur. Please view the weekly agendas/lesson plans to keep up with
your absences.
VI.Office Hours
If you have any concerns about the material or assignments, please contact me. I will make myself available, by
appointment, if you are having difficulties with the class or just need someone to talk to. I am here to help you,
so please don’t hesitate to ask.