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The Industrial Revolution •Scientific Socialism vs. Utopian Socialism • Karl Marx •”class struggle” •Bourgeoisie vs. Proletariat •Thomas Malthus • James Watt • Steam Engine •”Agricultural Revolution” •crop rotation •enclosure movement • “Urbanization” •factory system vs. cottage system •Why IR starts in England? •unions/ “Factory Acts” •spinning jenny • importance of iron/coal •Adam Smith/laissez-­‐faire •”Wealth of Nations” •Iron Law of Wages •Capitalism •Class System •Transportation revolution •Middle class vs. lower class life •factory conditions /child labor French Revolution/ Enlightenment •Hobbes,Locke, Volatire, Beccaria, Rousseau, Wollstonecraft •Reign of Terror •Robespierre •3rd Estate •Thermedorian Reaction •Esates General •Bourgeoisie •Reign of Terror • Louis XVI •Directory •Napoleon •Napoleonic Wars and consequences 19th Century Ideology (continued above) •nationalism –unifying and dividing •liberalism, conservatism, radicalism •political spectrum •socialism-­‐labor movement •Congress of Vienna • C of V effects & impact 1815-­‐48 •Metternich •Concert of Europe 19th Century Ideology (continued from below) •capitalism, communism, socialism, Laissez-­‐Faire, utopianism, radical, reactionary, •conservatism vs. liberals forces of conflict and change, reform and reaction •Romanticism •Liberal revolutions of 1820s, 30s, 40s-­‐
causes/effects Latin America •Latin America under colonial rule (mercantilism, class and political structure) •Liberalism and Conservatism in Latin America •Latin American class structure •Bolivar, San Martin, Toussaint L’Ouverture, Hildago • Monroe Doctrine, Roosevelt Corollary •US Cold War Policy in Latin America Rise of Caudilloism and reasons Nationalism Triumphs in Europe: Italian Unification • factors promoting/hindering unification • Mazzini and “Young Italy”, •Camillo Cavour •Garibaldi and the Red Shirts •Kingdom of Sardinia, •Victor Emmanuel II • Italian War of 1859 (with France vs. Austria) •Regionalism –problems post unification •Crimean War German Unification • Bismarck •Prussia •German Confederation of States •Realpolitik •”Blood and Iron” speech •factors promoting/hindering unification •Frankfurt Assembly -­‐attempts 1848 •Zollverein •Schlesweig and Holstein • Austro-­‐Prussian War, Franco-­‐Prussian War •”Iron Chancellor” •Bismarckian Germany – domestic policy • Wilhelm I and Wilhelm II •Second Reich •socialists/ Catholics NATIONALISM AS A DEVISIVE FORCE AUSTRIAN AND OTTOMAN EMPIRES MIDDLE EAST (continued from left column) •Mandates •Establishment of Israel • Dual Monarchy ••Please note: not all Middle East topics will be •Crimean War –causes and effects covered before the exam. •Balkan Powder Keg MIDDLE EAST(continued above) • Impact of nationalism on the Ottoman Empire •Young Turks •Balkan Powder Keg •Suez Canal •pan-­‐Arabism •Armenian Genocide REMINDERS •Wahhabism •Review all primary sources •Mustafa Kemal Ataturk •Review all maps •Mehemet Ali •Review all previous study guides and notes •Gamel Abdul Nasser •Start studying in advance, create study review •panTurkism guides for yourself for active and productive •Saudi Arabia studying. •European interest in Ottoman Lands (reasons) WORLD HISTORY II HONORS MID-­‐YEAR REVIEW QUESTIONS
1. Why did the Industrial Revolution begin in England, and why did it spread in the 1800s? 2. Describe three ways that city life changed in the later Industrial Revolution 3. What laws helped workers in the late 1800s, how did they get made? Why were there no laws before then? 4. Which nations became industrial leaders in the late 1800s? 5. List 3 inventions that improved transportation and communication. 6. What was the role and philosophies of 19th C. liberals and conservatives? Who were they? 7. What 3 wars did Prussia fight to unify Germany? What were the outcomes of each? Who won and what were the reparations? 8. What factors aided German economic growth in the late 1800s? 9. How did Bismarck try to convince workers not to support the socialists? Why and how did he change his politics as a result? What were the effects for Germany? 10. What was the goal of Mazzini’s Young Italy society? What role did Garibaldi and Cavour play in Italian Unification? 11. What regional differences divided Italy? Explain major events in Italian Unification. 12. What problems did the Ottoman Empire face? With what results? 13. What were the causes and effects of the Crimean War on Europe and the Middle East? 14. What and where is the Suez Canal? Why was it important to World Trade? 15. What are the differences between nation, state, nation-­‐state, ethnic identity and civic identity?