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1BA GS 1. What is globalization? When can we say it started? What are the motives of
people to leave their countries? How do these motivations contribute to globalization?
1BA GS 2. What are some positive and negative effects of globalization? How do you
perceive globalization in Slovakia?
1BA GS 3. We talked about poverty as one of the major global issues. What are some issues
connected to poverty – causes, consequences, and ways to improve the situation?
1BA GS 4. We could see connection between poverty and education on the story of students
in Pumwani. Explain the story to us, the problems the students had – how did poverty play a
role in their education and their dreams for the future?
1BA GS 5. Describe the life in a slum – in what conditions do the people live? What are their
major needs? What needs improvement (refer to the activity where you had to choose the
most important needs that the local government could do for you)? In the activity - How did
you decide what was important, what do you think could help those people living in slums?
1BA ITS 1: What are the 5 steps of scientific method? (Describe each. You may give
1BA ITS 2: What are the differences between an independent variable, a dependent
variable, and a controlled variable? (Give examples.)
1BA ITS 3: Who is a famous scientist you learned about from your C. S. Lewis week
presentations? (Describe his life/scientific achievements.)
1BA ITS 4: What are some of the symbols and constants you have learned, for example, but
not limited to the symbol μ? (Describe their function/what each one represents. Give
examples of their application.)
1BA ITS 5: Why is the sky blue? Why is the sunset red? What are wavelengths? What does it
mean for something "to scatter"?
Copies of the poems will be available at the WST Speaking Test.
1BA LW 1: Poetry
Explain what poetry is and how it is different from fiction. Account for the different poetic
devices, both musical (rhyme, rhythm, alliteration, assonance, consonance, onomatopoeia)
and visual (imagery, figures of speech). Find these devices in the following poems, explain
them in the context of the poem, and comment on the effect they create on the reader.
 Robert Burns: ‘A Red, Red Rose’
 John McCrae: ‘Flanders Fields’
 Federico García Lorca: ‘The Guitar’
 Eve Merriam: ‘Metaphor’
1BA LW2: Analysis and interpretation of two poems/songs
Compare Nick Cave’s ‘Let Love In’ and Robert Burns’ ‘A Red, Red Rose’
What is each of the poems about on the basic level?
What is the greater meaning of each poem? (theme)
What do the poems say about love? Compare and contrast them.
What is the speaker’s relationship to his lover in each poem?
Comment on the language and poetic devices. Which figures of speech and images create
the meaning or contribute to the meaning? Explain them.
What is the mood of these poems/songs?
1BA LW3: Elements of fiction
Explain what fiction is and name some of its subgenres. Talk about elements of fiction and
explain them: plot, conflict, characters, theme, setting, narrative technique (point of view).
As you explain these terms, supply the theory with practical examples. The examples can be
either from James Joyce’s ‘An Encounter’ or Charles Dickens’ A Christmas Carol, or both.
1BA LW 4: James Joyce: ‘An Encounter’
Talk about this short story, analyze and interpret it. Start with a brief summary of the plot,
but do not spend too much time on just telling the plot. Analyze the theme, the characters,
the conflict, the setting, and the narrative technique.
1BA LW 5: Charles Dickens: A Christmas Carol
Talk about this novella/novel, analyze and interpret it. Start with a brief summary of the plot,
but do not spend too much time on just telling the plot. Analyze the theme: what is the
greater meaning of the story and how is it connected with Christmas? Analyze the main
character – what does he represent/symbolize? Describe Scrooge as a dynamic character.
1BA ITH 1 – Historical Sources
What is the difference between primary and secondary historical sources?
Choose your own historical event/person. Imagine you are a historian and you want to
write a book
about the event/person. Name 3 primary sources and 2 secondary sources you could use.
Analyze this primary source:
1. What kind of primary source is
2. What does the figure on the
right represent? Give evidence
for your opinion.
3. What is the purpose of the
picture and how is this idea
4. During which historical event was this poster probably created? Give evidence for
your opinion.
1BA ITH 2 – Mesopotamia and the first city-states
Order these chronologically:
self-sufficient household
social classes
hunters and gatherers
irrigation ditch
Explain the evolution of society from hunters and gathers to the first ancient empires.
Use these words: to settle, to migrate, nomads, crops, barley, wheat, fertile, soil, taxes, to
conquer, warrior king
1BA ITH 3 – Mummification
Why did the Ancient Egyptians mummify their dead?
What is the Book of the Dead?
Use the pictures to talk about the mummification process (you need to put them into
correct order).
1BA ITH 4 – The Battle of Kadesh
Who fought the battle of Kadesh?
Locate the town on the map.
Why was the town worth fighting for?
Explain the course of the battle using the following maps:
Compare the temple inscription and the maps.
What are some similarities and some differences between the two sources?
Which source do you consider more reliable? Why?
"His majesty leapt up, waging against them. He grabbed his weapons, and set off at a
gallop, completely alone. His majesty was an unstoppable fighting force. Everything near
him was ablaze with fire. All the foreign lands were blasted by his scorching breath."
(A temple inscription describing Ramesses in the battle)
1BA ITH 5 – The Code of Hammurabi
Which empire was he a king of?
What’s happening in the picture?
Why would such picture help to enforce the laws
in the empire?
What type of writing is used here?
Then Marduk called me, Hammurabi, the
exalted prince, who feared God and
commanded me to bring about the rule of
righteousness in the land.
If a gentleman put out the eye of a gentleman, his eye shall be put out. If he breaks gentleman's
bone, his bone shall be broken. If he put out the eye of a commoner, or break the bone of a
commoner, he shall pay one gold mina. If he put out the eye of a man's slave, or break the bone
of a man's slave, he shall pay one-half of slave’s value.
What was the basic rule for a punishment when a man hurt his equal?
How do we call such a principle?
What was the basic rule for a punishment when a man hurt someone from a lower class?
Do you find such rules fair? Why yes or why no.