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Fill in the blanks by using the Western Europe: Age of Exploration powerpoint.
1. Why did it take place?
The Age of Exploration was rooted in _________________________________ and _________________ growing out of
the ________________________.
Included advances in cartography, navigation and shipbuilding.
Many people wanted to find a route to ______________through the west of __________________.
2. Why was exploration important to Europe?
European traders traveled across the Mediterranean in search of _________________________________.
3. Why spices?
-Used to ________________________ before there were ________________________.
- Improve __________________: Cinnamon, pepper, nutmeg and cloves
4. Why was there a need to explore?
-European merchants knew that if they could ___________________________ (people who had spices) they could
-Began to search for new ______________ to Asia.
5. Who were the leaders in exploration?
Prince _______________ the Navigator (1394 – 1460)
-From Portugal
- Began worldwide exploration
- Sponsored over 50 Portuguese explorations into ___________________
- Believed a path around Africa would be a _________________________________
- Returned with gold dust, ivory and navigation knowledge
- Founded a ________________________________ in 1416
-Teach new methods of traveling across the seas
- Plan expeditions using latest maps, tools and knowledge of ocean winds and currents
6. ___________________________ (1450 – 1500)
-Rounded the southern tip of ________________ in 1488
-Named it the _____________________________
7. _____________________________ (1469 – 1524)
-Reached the coast of ____________
-Took 317 days and 13,500 miles
- First European to ___________________________________________
8. __________________________ (1451-1506)
-Italian who sailed for _______________________
-Believed the shortest way to Asia was to ___________________________ – tried in 1492
-One of first Europeans to discover the Americas – The _________________
- Was responsible for beginning _______________________________________________
- Voyages led to the eventual establishment of colonies in the New World
9. _______________________ (1570 – 1611)
-Englishman who sailed for England & the Netherlands
-He explored parts of North America in search of the _____________________________
-Explored area around present day ________________
-Claimed it for the Dutch (Netherlands)
-Later explored & claimed eastern Canada for England
10. __________________________ (1480 - 1521)
-His crew was the first to _____________________________ – which proved the Earth was round.
-_____________________ -To sail completely around
-It took 3 years to return to Spain
-He was killed before they got home – died in the Philippines.
Other Famous Explorers…
Amerigo ______________________
-From Italy
-Explored South America
Marco _______________ -From Italy
-Traveled the Silk Road to China
Jacques __________________ -From France
-Explored the St. Lawrence Seaway
Leif ______________________ -From Norway -Explored Newfoundland, in Canada
Pedro ___________________
-From Portugal -Discovered the first sea route to Brazil
Hernando ____________________
-From Spain
-Explored Latin America
Ponce _______________________ -From Spain
-Searched for the Fountain of Youth in Florida
Francisco____________________ -From Spain
-Explored Latin America
Hernando ____________________
-From Spain - Discovered the Mississippi River
– explored the area that is now Georgia, USA
Vasco de ____________________ -From Spain
-Crossed the Isthmus of Panama
-1 to see the Pacific Ocean from the New World
12. List the European countries that held the major colonial empires:
13. What were the (global) effects of exploration?
__________________________: One country controls the government or economy of another country
- Indigenous populations were forced to change their cultural traditions to those of the conquering country.
o Indigenous – born and living in a place, rather than coming from somewhere else
- European monarchs were Christians  Sent missionaries to convert indigenous people
-Explorers spread disease to indigenous people because they didn’t have immunity (natural resistance to
-____________________ – only disease to be completely eradicated today
- _____________________ – spread by mosquitoes
-______________________ – can spread through fluids (nose/mouth) or airborne presents as a rash
-Increase in slave trade
-Portuguese purchased African slaves
-In the Americas, native people were forced into slavery
13. What were the effects of exploration on Europe?
-European countries founded many new colonies  Imperialism
-As new lands = _____________________________________
-Fertile soil, furs, etc.
-European countries will became very _____________________ with one another
-Each trying to become the __________________ powerful
-Most land, most resources, most money, largest military
YOUR HOMEWORK (3 things are due Monday 10/29):
1) Finish #11 above. 2) Choose: Open up this powerpoint from home and view a video at the end. Either “European Explorers (20 min)” or “Great Age
of Exploration (26 min)”; OR research “European Colonization” online and bring in some notes with exactly where you found the info. ( is
not a source. May NOT use- Wikipedia,…etc.) 3) Finish the EQ questions that you copied in class on notebook paper.