Download Chapter 21 Terms and Definitions

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1. TESTES: the male gonads or reproductive organs, where sperm and testosterone are
2. OVARIES: the female gonads or reproductive organs. Female sex cells( EGGS) and
hormones( ESTROGEN, PROGESTERONE) are produced in the ovaries
3. FERTILIZATION: the process of union of male and female sex cells
4. ZYGOTE: the cell that results from the union of egg and sperm.
5. SCROTUM: a pouch of skin located below the pelvic region that contains the testes
6. VAS DEFERENS: tubes that carry sperm from the testes towards the urethra in the
male’s body
7. VASECTOMY: a surgical procedure performed in men in which the vas deferens is cut,
burned or tied as a means of birth control
8. SEMEN( SEMINAL FLUID): secretion of fluids composed of sperm produced in the male
reproductive system
9. SPHINCTER: a ring of smooth muscle in the wall of the urinary bladder that regulates the
voiding of urine
10. SERTOLI CELL: a support cell( nurse cell) that helps to nourish the developing sperm cells
in the testes
11. ACROSOME: the cap on the head of the sperm cell which contains special enzymes that
dissolve the outer layer of the egg, allowing the sperm to penetrate the egg
12. FLAGELLUM: the whip like tail of the sperm cell which helps it swim
13. MITOCHONDRIA: organelles located next to the flagellum that provide energy for the
sperm to swim
14. SEMINIFEROUS TUBULES: twisting tubules within the testes where immature sperm
cells are produced
15. MEIOSIS: the process of cell division in immature egg and sperm cells that reduces the
chromosome number to half before fertilization can occur
16. SPERMATAGONIA: immature sperm cells that have not undergone meiosis yet
17. EPIDIDYMIS: a compact coiled tube located on the posterior edge of the testes where
sperm are stored and complete their development
18. SEMINAL VESICLES: glands in the male reproductive system that produce fluids that
help the sperm to swim and contains fructose and prostaglandins
19. PROSTATE GLAND: provides fluids that contain buffers to protect the sperm from from
the hostile environment in the female’s body
20. COWPER’S GLAND: a gland in the male reproductive system that produces a mucus rich
fluid prior to ejaculation
21. TESTOSTERONE: the male sex hormone produced in the interstitial cells of the testes
22. ANABOLIC STERIODS: testosterone or testosterone – related compounds taken by
athletes as a strength enhancing drug
23. GONATROPHIC HORMONES: hormones produced by the pituitary gland that regulate
the functions of the testes and ovaries
24. NEGATIVE FEEDBACK: a regulating system in the body that keeps the levels of
hormones under control
25. MENOPAUSE: the time in a woman’s life, usually around the age of 45-50 years that
signals the end of the female’s reproductive years
26. OVIDUCT( FALLOPIAN TUBE): a passageway in the female reproductive system in which
the egg moves from the ovary to the uterus. It is also the location where fertilization
27. UTERUS/ WOMB: an inverted pear shaped organ where the embryo/ fetus develops
28. EMBRYO: the term given to the early stages of development , up to the ninths week of
29. FETUS: the later stages in the development of the unborn baby, after the ninth week of
30. ENDOMETRIUM: the inner glandular lining of the uterus that provides nourishment for
the developing embryo
31. MYOMETRIUM: the outer muscular lining of the uterus that provides support for the
developing embryo
32. ECTOPIC PREGNANCY: type of pregnancy where the embryo embeds in the less
developed lining of the oviduct
33. CERVIX: muscular band at the lower part of the uterus that separates the uterus from
the vagina and is designed to hold the fetus in place
34. VAGINA: female organ which serves as the birth canal and is where sexual intercourse
35. PAP TEST: a test performed on women that provides doctors with a sample of cells from
the cervix to be tested for cancer
36. FOLLICLES: small groups of cells located in the ovary in which the egg develops and
hormones are released
37. OVULATION: the point midway in a female’s cycle when an egg ruptures and is released
from the ovary
38. CORPUS LUTEUM: term used to describe the follicle that remains behind after the egg
ruptures from the ovary. It is a yellowish mass of cells that secretes hormones essential
for pregnancy
39. ESTROGEN: female sex hormone produced in the ovary
40. BLASTOCYST: an early stage in embryo development that is composed of a hollow
sphere of cells
41. IMPLANTATION: attachment of the embryo to the inner lining of the uterus
42. CHORION: outer membrane of the developing embryo which produces the hormone
43. AMNION: fluid filled embryonic membrane that acts as a shock absorber to protect the
embryo from injury
44. ALLANTOIS: the third embryonic membrane that provides blood vessels in the placenta
45. UMBILICAL CORD: lifeline between the mother and the fetus and allows food and
wastes to move between the mother and developing baby
46. ECTODERM: outer germ layer that gives rise to skin, hair, nervous system, eye, ear
parts, etc
47. ENDODERM: inner germ layer that gives rise to connective tissue, bone, liver , pancreas,
thyroid, urinary bladder, etc
48. MESODERM: middle germ layer that gives rise to muscles, blood vessels, kidneys,
reproductive structures, etc
49. AMNIOCENTESIS: a procedure used to detect genetic birth defects in the baby before it
is born
50. BREAKING WATER: term used for the rupture of the amniotic sac that releases fluid to
lubricate the birth canal prior to birth
51. COLOSTRUM: term given to the first milk that develops in the mother’s breasts- a fluid
rich in sugar and proteins but lacking in milk fats
52. IN VITRO FERTILIZATION: fertilization that occurs outside of the female’s body in a glass
petri dish
53. FETAL ALCOHOL SYNDROME( FAS): a condition that develops in the unborn baby due to
a mother drinking alcohol while carrying the baby that produces mental retardation in
the baby
54. TOXIC SHOCK SYNDROME: a bacterial infection women can get as a result of not
changing tampons frequently enough