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Science 3 - Segment 1 Review
1. Compare and contrast Science versus Pseudoscience. (1.02)
2. List the steps of the scientific method, in order, and summarize each step. (1.03)
3. Why is it important to have a control and a variable in an experiment? (1.03)
4. Compare and contrast what a scientific law is, versus a scientific theory. (1.04)
5. Understand the metric system and know how to make calculations. (1.05)
 2000 mg = __________ g
104 km = __________ m
198 g = __________ kg
5 L = _________ mL
16 cm = ____________ mm
6. Name two scientific models we use every day and why they are important to scientists. (1.06)
7. List three benefits of space exploration. (1.07)
8. Explain the role that the Law of Universal Gravitation plays in the formation of heavenly bodies. (2.01)
9. How do planets, stars, galaxies, solar systems, and the universe relate to each other? (2.01)
10. Name and describe the three types of galaxies. Which one do we fit into? (2.02)
11. Why is the speed of light used to measure distances in space? (2.03)
12. What can scientists learn by studying the light that comes off of stars? What is a star’s emission
spectrum? (2.03?)
13. What are the characteristics that scientists use to classify stars? (2.04)
14. What is the difference between apparent magnitude and absolute magnitude? (2.04)
15. Describe the stages a star goes through in its life, in order from birth to death, and what happens in each
stage. (2.06)
16. Describe the following features of the sun: sunspots, solar prominence, solar flare, corona,
chromosphere and photosphere. (2.07)
17. Describe the electromagnetic spectrum and its uses. (2.08)
18. Compare and contrast the historical models (geocentric and heliocentric) of the solar system versus the
current model of the solar system. (3.01-3.02)
19. List the planets found in our solar system, in order, outward from the sun. (3.02)
20. Describe the movement of the Earth, around the sun, and how this affects the seasons. (3.03)
21. List and describe the phases of the moon. (3.04)
22. Identify two common misconceptions about the phases of the Moon and identify why they are incorrect?
23. Describe a lunar eclipse and what factors must happen for it to occur. (3.05)
24. Describe a solar eclipse and what factors must happen for it to occur. (3.05)
25. Why does a lunar eclipse last longer than a solar eclipse? (3.05)
26. What cause the oceanic tides? (3.06)
27. How are spring tide and neap tide different from one another, including when they occur and how the
sun and moon affect the tides? (3.06)