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Choose the phrase that best matches each term, name, or concept from the list below.
Then, write the letter of the definition in the answer space. (4 points each)
-1. protectorate
a. a wartime act of cruelty and brutality
-2. atrocity
b. a policy focused on controlling the affairs of weaker countries
-3. isolationism
c. a country dominated by a more powerful nation
-4. imperialism
d. a policy of noninvolvement in the affairs of other nations
e. a policy aimed at extending national boundaries
Four choices are given for each of the following questions. Write the letter of the correct
choice in the answer space. (4 points each)
- 6. Why did European powers agree to the Open Door Policy for China that was
suggested by the United States?
a. They believed that colonial powers should share foreign trade opportunities equally.
b. They needed allies to defend against the power of the Chinese emperor.
c. They had already exhausted many of China's trade resources.
d. They feared the power of the United States.
- 7. What American action prompted the Japanese emperor to sign the Treaty of
a. an American show of force using steam-powered warships
b. a belief that Americans would protect Japanese ports from the Germans
c. an offer of financial aid to develop more Japanese ports
d. a desire to protect Japanese culture from European influences
- 8. What discovery in the 1890s changed Americans' minds about "Seward's Folly"?
a. Prospectors found gold.
b. Loggers found rich stands of timber.
c. Miners found large deposits of copper.
d. Drillers found deposits of petroleum and natural gas.
- 9. Who won the battle against the mosquito in the Panama Canal Zone?
a. John J. Pershing
b. John Hay
c. George Goethels
d. William Gorgas
- 10. Which of the following BEST describes the cause of the explosion aboard the
United States battleship Maine?
a. It was a Cuban rebel bomb.
b. It was a secret Spanish attack.
30 Unit 7 / Chapter 23 Test A
c. It remains a mystery to this day.
d. It is now known to have been an
your knowledge of social
Use this quotation
studies to answer questions 11and 12.
- 11. What
position did the author of the
quote hold a t the time the letter was
a. President of the United States
b. Queen of Hawaii
c. Queen of Spain
d. President of Panama
Liliuokalani, letter to the
U.S. government, 1893
"I yield to the superior force of the
United States ofAmerica. . . . To avoid
any collision of armed forces and perhaps the loss of life, I do this under
protest. . . and yield my authority."
Which of the following statements is the BEST interpretation of the meaning
of this quotation?
a. "With the help of my people, I will resist American intervention in our
b. "If I am allowed to remain queen, I will work under the authority of American planters."
c. "To avoid war with the United States, I will step down as head of government."
d. "I gladly accept the protection of the United States Marines sent to help me
keep my throne."
- 13.
Which of these statements BEST explains how the United States gained land
in Samoa?
a. The Samoan government asked to become an American territory.
b. The United States negotiated a deal with European colonial powers.
c. The United States defeated the German fleet in a naval battle.
d. The United States signed a treaty with the Samoan government.
- 14.
From the perspective of the United States, what was the MOST important
effect of Commodore Perry's mission to Japan?
a. Japan set out to become a modern industrial nation.
b. Japan opened two of its ports to American trade.
c. Japan became aware of the power of Western industrial nations.
d. Japanese rulers saw steam-powered ships for the first time.
- 15. What did John Hay mean when he called the Spanish-American War "a splen-
did little war"?
a. Battles took place only on the island of Cuba.
b. The only battles took place on the Philippine Islands.
c. The war lasted several years and included several major battles.
d. The United States won a quick and relatively easy victory.
- 16.
Which of the following was NOT a reason that Theodore Roosevelt intervened
in Latin American affairs?
a. to promote moral diplomacy
b. to protect American interests
c. to prevent European interference
d. to preserve law and order
Unit 7 / Chapter 23 Test A 31
Use this map and your knowledge of
social studies to answer questions 17
and 18.
- 17.
Which geographical term
BEST describes the dark
shaded area on the map?
a. island
b. continent
c. isthmus
d. hemisphere
- 18. Which
of the following
countries, represented by
slanted lines on the map,
lost territory as a result of
American actions?
a. Panama
b. Mexico
Panama Canal
c. Colombia
d. Venezuela
- 19. Which of the following BEST summarizes the results of the Spanish-Ameri-
can War?
a. The United States granted Cuba, Puerto Rico, and the Philippines limited
b. The United States granted Cuba, Puerto Rico, and the Philippines full
c. The United States returned control of Cuba, Puerto Rico, and the
Philippines to Spain.
d. The United States returned the Philippines to Spain but kept Cuba
and Puerto Rico.
-20. What happened after the United States sent troops into Mexico in the
early 1900s?
a. American troops helped overthrow the government of Venustiano Carranza.
b. Strained relations between the two nations led t o war in 1916.
c. Strained relations between the two countries stopped short of all-out war.
d. "Pancho" Villa used Mexican anger to become president of Mexico.
Test B
Becoming a World Power
Choose the phrase that best matches each term, name, or concept from the list below.
Then, write the letter of the definition in the answer space. (4 points each)
dollar diplomacy
-2. reconcentration
-3. corollary
a. to move opposition groups into detention camps
b. a policy associated with President Taws Latin America
-4. moral diplomacy
c. a policy associated with President Wilson's view of
-5. annex
d. to take over or add a territory
e. an addition to an existing policy or doctrine
Four choices are given for each of the following questions. Write the letter of the correct
choice in the answer space. (4 points each)
- 6. Why was the Boxer Rebellion significant to United States foreign policy?
a. It showed that Americans were ready to take a larger role in world affairs.
b. It was the first application of Wilson's moral diplomacy.
c. It represented the first defeat of the United States by a foreign power.
d. It marked the end of the Open Door Policy in China.
- 7. The dates 1870-1914 are associated with
a. the Spanish-American War.
b. the Platt Amendment.
c. the Boxer Rebellion.
d. the Age of Imperialism.
- 8. What two economic considerations caused European countries to seek
possessions in Africa and Asia?
a. the need for raw materials and a desire to control foreign markets
b. the need for exotic foods and new medicines
c. the duty to spread their religion and "civilize" other peoples
d. the desire to keep sailors and shipbuilders off unemployment rolls
- 9. Who supervised the construction of the Panama Canal?
a. John J. Pershing
b. William Gorgas
c. George Goethels
d. John Hay
- 10. Which of the following was NOT a factor that led Americans to call for war
with Spain?
a. sensational stories in the "yellow press"
b. sympathy for the Cuban freedom movement
c. a dispute over southwestern lands
d. the explosion aboard the battleship Maine
Unit 7 1Chapter 23 Test B 33
Use this quotation
your knowledge of social
studies to answer questions 11and 12.
-11. This
letter is related to which of the
a. the Spanish-American War
b. the Hawaiian Revolution
c. the Boxer Rebellion
d. the Cuban Independence
Liliuokalani, letter to the
U.S. government, 1893
"I yield to the superior force of the
United States o f h r i c a . . .. To avoid
any collision of armed forces and perhaps the loss of life, I do this under
protest. . . and yield my authority.''
- 12. What was President Grover Cleveland's response to the events that inspired
Liliuokalani's letter?
a. He said that American interference was "disgraceful."
b. He recommended immediate statehood for the islands.
c. He strengthened American naval power to protect the islands.
d. He negotiated a settlement with Germany and Britain for control of the
13. Which statement BEST summarizes the actions of the United States after the
Spanish-American War?
a. The United States treated Cuba, Puerto Rico, and the Philippines as
b. The United States offered statehood to each captured territory.
c. The United States helped Cuba, Puerto Rico, and the Philippines achieve
their freedom.
d. The United States imposed a democratic government on Spain and its
- 14. Secretary of State William Seward's desire to dominate trade in the Pacific
resulted in the annexation of Midway Island and
a. the purchase of Alaska from Russia.
b. the short but devastating war with Germany.
c. the destruction of the British naval fleet near Samoa.
d. the visit of Captain Cook to the Hawaiian Islands.
- 15. President Theodore Roosevelt's Big Stick policy is MOST associated with
which of the following regions?
a. Southeast Asia
b. Latin America
- 16.
c. East Asia
d. North Africa
The Roosevelt Corollary was based on which earlier policy forbidding European
colonization in the Americas?
c. the Treaty of Kanagawa
a. the Monroe Doctrine
b. the Open Door Policy
d. the Foraker Act
34 Unit 7 1Chapter 23 Test B
Use this map and your knowledge of
social studies to answer questions 17
and 18.
- 17.
What country is shown as
the dark shaded area on the
a. Mexico
b. United States
c. Panama
d. Colombia
Panama Canal
-18. Which statement is BEST
supported by the map?
a. The Panama Canal runs
east and west through
Central America.
b. The Panama Canal runs northeast and southwest through Mexico.
c. The Panama Canal runs east and south through Colombia.
d. The Panama Canal runs northeast and southwest through Central America.
- 19.
What do the battles of Manila Bay, San Juan Hill, and Santiago Bay have in
a. All three were American defeats in the Spanish-American War.
b. All three took place on or near islands in the Pacific Ocean.
c. All three took place on or near islands in the Caribbean Sea.
d. All three were American victories in the Spanish-American War.
-20. What action by General Francisco Villa caused Woodrow Wilson to send thou-
sands of soldiers into Mexico?
a. his attacks on American citizens in New Mexico
b. his arrest of several American sailors in Mexico
c. his support for Mexican Porf-irio Diaz
d. the murder of Francisco Madero