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Learning Outputs based on modules and practical experience (Exit level outputs)
After successful completion of each module the learner will be able to execute the tasks
and/or have the knowledge as set out in the table below.
Marine Guide Programme Syllabus
Modules (Theoretical side of the programme)
Introduction to marine guiding
Definition of a marine guide
The aims of coastal marine guiding
The ethics of a professional marine guide
A set of guiding principles and code of conduct
Qualification and registration
Creating a guided coastal marine experience
Briefing for guided experiences
Communication skills
Orientation skills
The coastal marine environment of Mauritius
Introduction to the coastal marine environment
The coastal regions of Mauritius
The Indian Ocean
The coastal habitats around the Mauritius coast
Historical Human Habitation
Mauritius and prehistory
First visitors
Dutch, French and British periods
Population of Mauritius
Some historical artefacts in Mauritius (the Dalblair and the pyramids of Plaine Magnien)
Basic marine ecology
What is marine ecology?
The major components of an ecosystem
Levels of organisation in ecology
Coastal and marine ecosystems (Mangroves, beach, coral reef, sea grasses)
Food chains and webs
The nutrient cycle
The trophic pyramid
Symbiotic relationships
Basic taxonomy
What is taxonomy
Hierarchical order
Marine fish
What is a fish?
Basic classification of fish
Jawless fish (Characteristics)
Cartilaginous fish (Characteristics, skin types, tail shapes, teeth and feeding, breeding behaviour)
Bony fish (External structure, body shapes, scales, locomotion, the sense organs of fish, feeding, how do
fish breathe, neutral buoyancy and the swim bladder, reproduction and growth)
Code of conduct and appropriate behaviour towards fish
Marine mammals
Characteristics of the class of mammals
Characteristics of the sub-classes of mammals
Marine mammals identification
Marine mammals that occur in Mauritius (Whales and Dolphins)
Commonly observed whale behaviour
Code of conduct and appropriate behaviour towards marine mammals
What is a coral?
Areas and distributions of reefs
Biodiversity on coral reefs (Hard coral and soft coral)
Rates of coral growth, rates of reef growth
The abiotic environment (Controls on coral distribution)
Symbiotic Interactions
Threats to reefs (Coral diseases, climate change, acidification, sea level rise, cyclones, hurricanes and
Impacts to Reefs of Changing Environmental Stresses
Coral farming
Marine Reptiles
Characteristics of reptiles
Characteristics of sea turtles
Sea turtles identification
Sea turtles in Mauritius
Breeding behaviour and life cycle of Mauritius sea turtles
Yellow bellied sea snake
Code of conduct and appropriate behaviour towards marine reptiles
Introduction to amphibians
Characteristic features of the order Anura
The difference between frogs and toads
Frog calls
Mating behaviour
Eggs and egg laying
Metamorphosis in amphibians
Feeding behaviour
List of frogs/toads that occur along the Mauritius coastline
Sea and coastal plants
The classification of plants
The nature of sea plants (Algae)
Classification of sea plants (Green/brown/red Algaes)
Seaweed and their uses
Others coastal marine plants (Mangroves, dune plants and saltmarsh plants)
Coastal and marine invertebrates
What is an invertebrate?
Classification of marine invertebrates
Study of different phylum (Porifera, Cnidaria, Plathyhelminthes, Sipunculida, Annelida, Arthropoda,
Bryozoa, Mollusca, Echinodermata and Chordata)
Code of conduct and appropriate behaviour towards coastal and marine invertebrates
Coastal Marine Birds
Characteristics of birds
The reptilian origin of birds
Classification of birds
Common coastal and marine birds in Mauritius
Basic bird identification
Animal behaviour
Animal behaviour (Ethology)
Group hierarchies
Group behaviour
Animal communication (vocal and visual communication and echolocation)
Safety in numbers
The sex change behaviour fish
What is geology
Basic composition of the Earth
Three major rock types
Rock forming minerals
Examples of rock types and their minerals
Properties of two common rock types
Why is the study of geology important for the marine guide
Weather and climate
The difference between weather and climate
The main causes of weather
Weather fronts
Pressure cells and associated weather
Types of wind phenomenon
Clouds and associated weather
A note of thunderstorms
General climate of Mauritius
Introduction to the southern night skies
Astronomical phenomena
Planets and their position in the solar system
Common constellations and their prominent stars
The phases of the moon
The effects of the moon and the sun on the ocean tides
Impacts of human activities on Mauritius environment
Territories and home range
Coastal development
Recreational activity impacts
Fishing and harvesting of marine life
Litter and pollution
Introduction of alien species
An example of Natural threats: Climate change
Biodiversity conservation (Worldwide/Mauritius)
Principles and practices of biodiversity conservation at site/local, national and global scale
What is a protected Area?
What are the different types of Protected areas (IUCN)
Coastal Marine protected Areas