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Ocean Foldable
Directions: Use classroom resources (textbook, dictionary, ISN, etc.) to complete the
You should:
 add lots of detail, and
 answer each question in a complete sentence so that you know what the
question was asking (refer to the example below).
Tab 1 – GREEN
1. Title – Write The Ocean in big letters.
2. Decorate this tab with some ocean-related illustrations.
Tab 2 – BLUE – Salinity
1. Label this tab Salinity
2. What is the most plentiful compound in the ocean?
Example sentences:
 The most plentiful compound in the ocean is ___________
 __________ is the most plentiful compound in the ocean.
3. What is salinity?
4. What makes the ocean salty?
5. What is the relationship between salinity & density?
6. What increases the salinity?
7. What decreases the salinity?
8. Why does the overall salinity of the ocean remain constant?
Tab 3 – PINK – Dissolved Gases
1. Label this tab Dissolved Gases
2. What are the 3 major dissolved gases that are essential to ocean life?
3. What process is carbon dioxide used for?
4. Where does the oxygen in the ocean come from? Name 2 sources.
Tab 4 – YELLOW – Temperature
1. Label this tab Temperature
2. Draw & label the diagram of “Ocean Temperature by Depth” (pg. C79)
3. Give a description of each layer.
4. What causes the temperature of the water at the surface of the ocean to vary?
Tab 5 – WHITE – Ocean Floor
 Label this tab Ocean Floor
 Draw and label the ocean floor. (pg. C80-C81)
 What is the ocean bottom like along the coastlines?
 What land feature drops steeply at the edge of the continental shelf?
 What features lie beyond the continental slope?
Tab 6 – WHITE – Ocean Exploration
 Label this tab Ocean Exploration
 What happens to the pressure as you go deeper in the ocean?
 Besides pressure, what are 3 other obstacles to ocean exploration?
 What are 3 things scientists use to explore the ocean?
 What are 2 methods used in mapping the ocean floor?
 Draw and label diagram of SONAR method. (pg. C82)
Tab 7 – YELLOW – Ocean Currents
 Label this tab Ocean Currents
 What is an ocean current?
 What causes surface currents?
 What 2 factors affect the paths of surface currents?
 Explain how deep currents are driven by differences in water density?
 Draw and describe what happens during downwelling.
 Draw and describe what happens during upwelling.
 How do surface currents help distribute heat around the globe?
 How does the Gulf Stream affect Great Britain?
 Why & when does El Nino occur? What impact does El Nino have?
Tab 8 – PINK – Waves
 Label this tab Waves
 Draw the wave diagram to the right. Label and define: crest, trough, wave height,
wavelength, and frequency.
 What happens to wave height, wavelength, and frequency, as waves get closer to the
 What is a rip current? When do they occur?
 What is a long shore current? Where does it occur?
Tab 9 – BLUE – Tides
 Label this tab Tides
 What is a tide?
 What are 3 factors that cause the tides?
 How often do places experience high & low tides?
 Draw a diagram of a spring tide.
 Draw a diagram of a neap tide.
 What are the benefits & drawbacks of tidal power plants?
Tab 10 – GREEN – Ocean Zones
 Label this tab Ocean Zones
 Paste the ocean zones diagram to the inside of this tab.
 Define the following terms: intertidal zone, neritic zone, oceanic zone, photic zone,
aphotic zone, and benthic zone.
 What are 4 characteristics of environments near the shore? (pg. C121)
 How are open ocean conditions different from those found close to the shore? (pg.