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Office Policies
Client Information and Office Policies
Welcome to my office. I appreciate you giving me the opportunity to assist you with your needs.
This brochure answers some questions clients often ask about my therapy practice. It is
important to me that you know how we will work together. I believe our work will be most
beneficial by having a clear idea of what we are trying to accomplish. After you read this
brochure we can discuss, in person, how these issues apply to your own situation. This brochure
is yours to keep and refer to later. Please read all of it and mark any parts that are not clear to
you. Write down any questions you think of, and we will discuss them at our next meeting.
Therapeutic Philosophy
My theoretical approach is based on the use of a variety of techniques and theories (Cognitive
Behavioral Therapy, Psychodynamic Theory, and Narrative Approach) in the helping field. I strive
to express empathetic listening, unconditional positive regard and genuineness in an effort to
form a safe and trusting relationship between my clients and myself. It is my goal to develop a
working alliance where both, client and counselor, learn to trust, support and at times nurture
each other through the experience.
My approach is built on two main tenets. First, I believe it is essential for my clients to understand
that it is not my goal to try and change their points of view but instead to help them discover the
driving force behind their behaviors and consequently regain control of their lives. Second,
although research supports commonalities of symptoms between conditions, every individual is
unique in their thinking and responding, therefore after our initial meeting we will work together in
a partnership to define the problem and set goals on an individual basis. This philosophy will set
the stage for a win/win relationship.
In summary, together we will examine events from the past as well as the present and attempt to
determine associated meanings behind these experiences. As your therapist I will make every
effort to guide, parent, coach and teach principles of awareness, ownership, realities, and
The Benefits and Challenges of Therapy
As with any treatment there are challenges as well as benefits with therapy. For example, there
may be times when you will feel uncomfortable causing periods of sadness, guilt, anxiety, anger,
frustration, loneliness, helplessness, or other negative feelings. At times you may feel isolated or
stigmatized from others in the community or feel you've exposed personal or family secrets.
Sometimes too, a client's problems may temporarily worsen after the beginning of treatment.
Most of these challenges are to be expected, however you should also know that research
reveals that client's relationships and coping skills improve greatly by the opportunity to talk
things out fully until their feelings are relieved or their problems are solved. Furthermore they
often get more satisfaction out of social and family relationships, and the ability to enjoy their
Depending on your individual needs, I may suggest you see another professional in addition to
me. Based on what I learn about your condition, I may recommend psychological testing, a
medical examination, nutritional counseling, or the use of medications. If I do this, I will fully
discuss my reasons with you, so that you may decide what is best. If you are treated by another
professional, I will coordinate my services with them and your own medical doctor, with your
informed consent.
Office Policies
If for some reason treatment is not going well, I might suggest you see another therapist. As a
responsible person and ethical therapist, I cannot continue to treat you if my treatment is not
working for you. If you seek another professional's opinion at any time, or wish to talk with
another therapist, I will help you find a qualified person and will provide them with the information
I will treat with great care all the information you share with me. It is your legal right that our
sessions and my records about you are kept private. That is why I ask you to sign a "release-ofrecords" form before I talk about you or send my records to anyone else. In general, I will keep
private all communication between us, and won't reveal that you are receiving treatment from me.
In a few rare circumstances confidentiality is not protected. As a therapist my legal and moral
duty is to protect your privacy, but I also have a duty under the law to the wider community and to
myself, if there is harm, threat of harm, or neglect. Please request the handout, "What you
should know about confidentiality" if more information is needed for your understanding.
In the State of Idaho, children 14 and over are granted legal rights to confidentiality, however
parents and guardians have the right to general information (e.g., how therapy is going, other
family members, etc), and more when authorization is granted by the client.
Finally, I sometimes consult other therapist's or professionals about my clients. This helps me to
provide high-quality treatment. These persons are also required to keep your information private.
Your name will never be given, and they will be told only as much as they need to know to
understand your situation. Your insurance company may also have been given permission to
request records regarding utilization management.
About Our Appointments
Our sessions will usually last 45-50 minutes, however periodically I will recommend psychological
testing that will require an additional 30-45 minutes.
An appointment is a commitment to our work. We agree to meet and be on time. If I am ever
unable to start on time, I ask for your understanding. I also assure you that you will receive the
full time agreed to. If you are late, we will probably be unable to meet for the full time, because it
is likely that I will have another appointment after yours.
A cancelled appointment delays our work, and I consider our meetings very important and ask
you to do the same. Please try not to miss sessions if you can possibly help it. When you must
cancel, please give me at least 24 hours notice. Since I schedule my patients in advance I am
rarely able to reschedule an appointment under these circumstances and will therefore charge
you for the lost time unless I am able to fill it with someone else. Most insurance companies will
not cover this charge.
I request that you not bring children with you if they need supervision. If they are old enough to
be unsupervised however, I can provide reading materials suitable for their entertainment.
Fees, Payments, and Billing
Payment for services is important in any professional relationship. This is even truer in therapy;
one treatment goal is to make relationships and the duties they involve clear. Meeting this
responsibility shows your commitment and maturity.
Office Policies
My current regular fees are as follows.
Initial Evaluation: 55-60 minutes, $150.00, additional time may be needed for testing.
Regular therapy services: 45-50 minute sessions, $95.00; 75-80 minutes sessions, $145.00.
Family Psychotherapy w/patient: $100.00; w/o patient $90.
Group therapy services: 45 minutes sessions, $25.00; 90 minute sessions, $50.00.
Telephone consultations: $100.00 per hour, prorated for the time needed.
Psychological testing services: $115.00 per hour. Psychological testing fees include the time
spent with you, the time needed for scoring and studying the test results, and the time needed to
write a report of findings. The amount of time involved depends on the tests used and the
questions the tests intend to answer.
Reports: I will not charge you for my time preparing simple reports to your insurance company.
However, I will have to bill for complex reports that your company might require.
Payment for services is expected at the end of each session. I have found that this
arrangement helps us stay focused on our goals. It also allows me to keep my fees as low as
possible, because it cuts down on my bookkeeping costs. You may pay for services using check,
cash, or credit cards. Other payment or fee arrangements must be worked out by the end of the
first meeting.
I realize that non-covered insurance fees may be substantive however it might help to know that
my charges are well in line, if not lower than other specialists. For you to get the best value for
your money, we must work hard and well.
Because I am a licensed professional counselor, many health insurance plans will help pay for
therapy and other services I offer, however I can not tell you what your plan covers. Please read
your plan's booklet under coverage for "Outpatient Psychotherapy," or call your carrier to
determine your coverage, deductibles, payment rates, co-payments, and so forth. Your
insurance contract is between you and your company; it is not between me and the insurance
I will assist by filing your insurance claims along with any requested reports however it is
imperative that you understand; You -- not your insurance company or any other person -are responsible for paying the fees we agree upon. If you ask me to bill a separate spouse, a
relative, or an insurance company, and I do not receive the payment on time, I will then expect
this payment from you.
If You Need To Contact Me
I cannot promise that I will be available at all times. Although I am in the office Monday through
Friday, I usually do not take phone calls when I am with a client. You can always leave a
message on my answering machine, and I will return your call as soon as possible. Generally I
return calls between patient sessions, when time permits.
If it is imperative that you reach me outside of my normal hours, please specify in the message
you leave on my machine. My business line is forwarded to my cell phone after hours and I will
make every effort to return your call, however this method is not fool proof. If you cannot reach
me in a dire emergency, call your own medical doctor or go to the nearest emergency room.
Office Policies
Our Agreement
I, _________________________ (client or legal guardian), understand I have the right not to sign
this form. I understand I can choose to discuss my concerns with you, the therapist, before I start
formal therapy. I also understand that any of the points mentioned above can be discussed and
may be open to change. If at any time during the treatment I have questions about any of the
subjects discussed in this brochure, I can talk with you about them, and you will do your best to
answer them.
I understand that no specific promises have been made to me by my therapist about the results of
treatment, the effectiveness of the procedures used, or the number of sessions necessary for
therapy to be effective.
I have read, or have had read to me, the issues and points in this brochure. I have discussed
those points I did not understand, and have had my questions, if any, fully answered. I agree to
act according to the points covered in this brochure. I hereby agree to enter into therapy with this
therapist, and to cooperate fully and to the best of my ability, as shown by my signature here.
Signature of client (or guardian)
Printed name
I, Kristi L Shohet, LCPC, have met with this client (or guardian) for a suitable period of time, and
have informed him or her of the issues and points raised in this brochure. I have responded to all
of his or her questions. I believe this person fully understands the issues, and I find no reason to
believe this person is not fully competent to give informed consent to treatment. I agree to enter
into therapy with the client, as shown by my signature here.
Signature of therapist
I truly appreciate the chance you have given me to be of professional service to you, and
look forward to a successful relationship with you. If you are satisfied with my services as
we proceed I would appreciate your referring other people to me who might also be able to
make use of my services.
 Copy accepted by client
 Copy kept for office records