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Review Test: Mitosis, Meiosis, DNA, Scientific Method and Earth Space Spiraling
Directions: Questions 1-6 are FALSE statements. The word (s) that are underline are what the statement is
about and you need to fix the not underline section. In the blanks below each statement rewrite the
statement correcting whatever is wrong.
Example: Cellular respiration occurs in the chloroplast and is when the chloroplast takes in sunlight and
coverts it to energy for the cell to live and function.
Answer: Cellular respiration occurs in the mitochondria and is when the mitochondria takes in glucose and
oxygen and converts it to energy (ATP) for the cell to live and function.
1. When a cell is in mitosis the DNA looks like spaghetti.
When a cell is in interphase the DNA looks like spaghetti. The DNA only condenses into chromosomes
whenever it is ready to be copied and enter mitosis/meiosis.
2. During mitosis the cells divides once and creates 4 cells with a complete set of genetic information.
During mitosis the cell divides once and creates 2 cells with a complete set of genetic information. The parent
and daughter cell are identical to one another.
3. Scientist used tsunamis to study the Earth’s interior.
Scientist use seismic waves and rock samples to study the Earth’s interior.
4. Crossing over occurs in Anaphase I and when the chromosomes copy each other’s DNA.
Crossing over occurs in Prophase I and is when the homologous chromosomes exchange their genetic
5. A lunar eclipse is when the Earth is on one side of the sun while the moon is on the other side and
the moon is not visible to the Earth.
A lunar eclipse is when the Earth lines up in the middle of the sun and moon and blocks the sun’s light from
hitting the moon. This causes the moon to be darkened and not able to be seen from Earth.
6. The cell’s chromosomes line up on opposite poles during metaphase I.
The cell’s chromosomes line up in the middle of the cell during metaphase I.
Use the text to answer questions 7-12.
Scientists have always been fascinated with the sea life in tidal pools. There is a magnificent array of animal
and plant life for such a small pool of water. One of many experiments conducted on tidal pools is heat
transfer and what has the most effect on the organisms in the pools.
7. What is the test (independent) variable in this experiment?
a. The amount of plant life
b. The number of animals
c. The heat transfer
8. During this experiment if the tidal pool dries a little what does that do to the scientist results?
a. It does not change the scientist’s results
b. It will probably change the results some and he/she can mention the dry spell in their
c. This will invalidate the entire experiment and the scientist must throw away all the research.
9. Debbie is a hydrologist and she is studying tidal pools and their effects on the shoreline. What type of
weathering would a tidal pool cause?
a. Physical
b. Chemical
c. Abrasion
10. In a tidal pool the animals and plants need heat to keep themselves in homeostasis. What can you infer
if the temperature declines in a tidal pool?
a. The animals will begin to undergo mitosis more rapidly.
b. The animals and plants will all die
c. The animals will begin to stop cell division and other cell stabilizing processes.
11. In the tidal pool, there are lots of rocks and pebbles. The sun hits the rocks and warms them up, which
in turn heats up the pebbles that are below the rocks not hidden from the sun. Some of the pebbles
are below the water’s surface and when they heat up so does the water around them and the water
begins to rise. What type of heat transfer is the rising water?
a. Radiation
b. Convection
c. Conduction
12. Once a scientist had finished his experiment on a tidal pool, what is there next step?
a. Research
b. Conclusion
c. Collect Data and Analyze
Directions 13-24 are short answer.
13. Give two examples of physical and chemical weathering.
Physical weathering – abrasion, wind, water, ice wedging, animals burrowing
Chemical weathering – rust, oxidation, acid from plant roots
14. What is DNA? DNA is the genetic information or blueprint for life.
15. What is the relationship between DNA, amino acids, RNA and proteins?
DNA is copied into RNA and moved into the cytoplasm to be read by the proteins. The proteins read the RNA
and line up the amino acids in the correct order to make proteins.
16. What are the 4 nitrogen bases that make up DNA?
Adenine, thymine, cytosine, guanine
17. How these nitrogen do bases pair?
Adenine binds with Thymine and Cytosine binds with Guanine
18. Explains why organisms use mitosis to produce new cells for growth and repair instead of meiosis?
An organism needs cells produced by mitosis to function as soon as they divide from the parent cell. Meiosis
produces 4 cells with half the genetic information therefore they are not going to function properly by
themselves. The cells produced by meiosis are only used for sexual reproduction.
19. What phase of meiosis ensures that the cells produced are not genetically identical?
During prophase I the homologous chromosomes exchange genetic information, which creates 4 difference
20. How is the function of mitosis and cytokinesis different?
Mitosis is the process of the cell’s nucleus diving while cytokinesis is the process of the cell dividing and make
two cells. In the case of plant cells the cell wall is too ridged to divide so a cell plate is formed in the middle.
21. Explain the difference between cytokinesis in plant and animal cells.
An animal cell’s cell membrane squeeze together and pinches off into two cells, while a plant cell’s cell wall is
two ridged to squeeze together, it forms a cell plate in the middle of the cell.
22. Why does meiosis have to go through PMAT twice?
Meiosis has to produce gametes, or egg and sperm cells with half genetic information. If it only divide once it
would produces 2 cells with a complete set of DNA and the offspring would have too much DNA and have
genetic disorders.
23. What is the difference between meiosis and mitosis?
Asexual reproduction
Growth and repair in
multicellular organisms
Makes body cells Identical cells
Used to create new
Spindle fibers are
attached to the
centrioles helping to
pull apart the
Unicellular organisms
Does PMAT once
End product 2 identical
DNA is duplicated
during Interphase
Sexually reproduction
chromosomes – about size
and same types of genes in
same location
Gametes are the sex cells
the egg and sperm
Cells are all different from
each other at end
End product 4 cells with
half the genetic material
Does PMAT twice
Crossing over- transfer of
genetic material between
homologous chromosomes
Cross over occurs in
Prophase I
Non-disjunction – when
chromosomes do not
separate correctly and lead
to genetic disorders
24. What is the function of interphase?
Interphase is used to get the cell ready for mitosis / meiosis. The cell takes up nutrients, duplicates organelles,
grows and duplicates its DNA at the end of interphase right before mitosis/ meiosis.