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Unit 4B Worksheet
1) The blood vessels that return blood to the heart are the __________and _________venae
cavae, which bring _______________blood from the upper and lower body. And the right and
left pulmonary ___________which bring ____________blood back to the heart from the
2) Blood vessels that take or convey blood __________from the heart are the ___________
truck which contains the right and left pulmonary ___________that take ___________blood
_________from the heart to the________. And the ascending _________which takes
_____________blood __________from the heart and distributes it first, to the right and
left coronary _____________that supply the heart muscles and then the_______________,
left common_____________, and the left ________________arteries.
3) The left coronary artery which is located in the artioventricular groove or _____________
sulcus, supplies ______________blood to the ________________artery and the anterior
________________artery which is located in the _________________groove or sulcus.
4) The Atria are separated by the ______________septum where you will find remnants of an
internal depression referred to as the _______ ___________which was used during
________ development and at that time was called the _____________ovale when blood
bypassed the lungs for the most part and was directed to the left___________.
5) The right ventricle pumps blood to the ________________trunk and on to the lungs via
pulmonary_______________, while the left ventricle, which has a much thicker ___________
because it pumps blood to the__________, which distributes it to the coronary ___________
and the ______________circulation.
6) The chordae ___________connect ends of the _______________valves to the _______
muscles. When the ventricles fill the papillary muscles _________and the atrioventricular
valves____________. But then the __________________contract, the papillary muscles also
________________and pull on the ______________ ____________which prevents the
___________________valves from prolapsing into the __________from back pressure.
7) In the heart sounds the LUB is the first sound as the ________________valves close at
the beginning of _____________(contract) where the DUB is the second sound made when the
_________________valves close at the beginning of ventricular _____________(relax).
8) Abnormal heart sounds are referred to as _____________and are due to ___________or
narrowing (stenosis) of the heart valves.
9) The heart functions under an _______________conduction system in which
____________ cells initiate action potentials called _________________ potentials or
unstable resting potentials which originate from the ____________node and the
________________ node.
10) In the sequence of excitation the _____________(SA) node generated an impulse about
75 times a minute which stimulate the atria to _____________and the impulse is passed to
the _________________(AV) node. The AV node ___________the impulse for approximately
0.1 second, then the impulse passes from the AV node to the ___________________via the
atrioventricular(AV) bundle often referred to as the Bundle of_______.
11) The AV bundle or Bundle of __________split into ________pathways in the
interventricular ____________referred to as the right and left bundle ____________which
carry the impulse towards the ________of the heart where __________fibers carry the
impulse from the apex to the ______________walls or from the apex along and towards the
superior ventricles.
12) The ____________ovale connects the atria in the fetus and after birth this closes and is
them referred to as the_________ __________.
13) Also in the fetal circulation the ductus ______________is the alternative path of blood as
it by passes the ________in part, and the umbilical arteries and veins connect to the _______.
14) Age related changes that affect the heart are _____________which makes valves tougher
and stiffer and also thickening of the valve_________. There is also a ____________in
cardiac reserve and fibrosis or ____________of the cardiac muscle, and finally
atherosclerosis in which _____________build up within the coronary______________.
15) The heart is derived from_________________.
Courtesy: mbmadsen