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Exercise and
Emotional Health
When it comes to our health, the mind and body are closely linked. Staying physically active has
been shown to help keep emotional wellness high, while having good emotional wellness can
reduce the risk of physical ailments.
Some of emotional benefits of exercise include:
• Reduces stress and anxiety
• Improves mood
• Increases cognitive function
• Improves self-esteem
• Increases energy levels
While you should aim to get at least 30 minutes of physical activity a day, try to find opportunities
throughout the day to stay active. This could mean taking the stairs instead of the elevator, taking
an extended route to fill up your water bottle or just parking farther away from buildings. When you
move your body, endorphins are released that help increase your mood.
Exercise and depression
Research has shown that being active is also a great tool to help people manage short and long
term depression. In the short term, even taking a ten minute walk can increase mood and selfesteem. In the long term, research has shown that people who stick to a regular exercise routine are
less likely to see their depression return five to ten years later. Of course, if you are suffering from
depression, it is so important to speak with a health care professional about the best treatment
plan for you.
When you’re trying to improve your emotional health, look at how physical activity can play a role.
Your mind and body will thank you!
Government of Alberta. Physical Activity and Mental Health. Improving Emotional Health. July 2014.
EatRight Ontario. A Menu for Good Mental Health.
Public Health Agency of Canada. Physical Activity.