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German 2710 – First Exam Review Questions
The Goths
Where did the Goths originate? Where did they first arrive in northern Europe?
Who were the Celts? What happened to them when the Goths arrived?
What values were important to Germanic warriors?
Who wrote about the Germanic tribes and their values in his book Germania?
In general, what did Germanic mythological sky-gods represent?
Which Germanic gods are still "with us" – so to speak – today?
Where did German warriors go when they died (i.e. what was their final resting place called)?
What city did Emperor Constantine found in 330 as a "New Rome"? What is that city called today?
In 341 Bishop Ulifas began converting the Goths to Christianity. How did Arianism differ from Catholicism?
The Goths eventually divided up into two groups. What were they called?
Which invading people pushed the Goths closer to the frontier of the Western Roman Empire?
What did the Visigoths do to Rome in the year 410?
Where in Europe did the Visigoths eventually end up?
Where was Gaul? Who called it that? What modern country do we find there today?
What is the significance of the Battle of Teutoburg Forest? When did it take place?
What's the Hermann Heights Monument in New Ulm, Minnesota, supposed to resemble?
What were the limes?
Why were the names of some German cities (Cologne, Bonn and others) originally Latin names?
To what city did the last emperor of the Western Roman Empire (Romulus) move the government?
In what year did the Western Roman Empire fall?
What time period does the term "dark ages" refer to?
The Franks & Charlemagne
Which Germanic tribe is connected to the Merovingian kingdom?
Why did the Merovingian Franks think they were special (i.e. where did they claim they descended from)?
Who was Clovis? What did he do that had great religious and political significance? (clue: unlike the Goths)
Why was Charles Martel known as "The Hammer"?
How might have the history of Western Europe changed had not been for Charles Martel?
What happened in 800?
In what city did Charlemagne set up his court?
What is meant by the Carolingian Renaissance?
What are the seven liberal arts?
What were illuminated manuscripts?
What's the connection between the St. Vitale church in Ravenna, Charlemagne's chapel, and the Church of Holy
Wisdom (Hagia Sophia) in Constantinople?
In what year was the Holy Roman Empire founded?
Medieval Christianity
In general, where were the centers of literacy, education and culture during the Middle Ages?
What was the language of the Catholic church, and who could speak it?
Who is considered the father of Christian monasticism?
Who was St. Jerome? What did he do, and when did he do it?
Who was Benedict of Nursia? What did he do, and when did he do it?
What is the translation of "memento mori" and what message does it send?
What is simony? Why was it considered a problem?
What happened in Cluny in 910 and why is it significant? (clue: type of monastic order & type of architecture)
How could you summarize the Rules of St. Benedict using just three words?
During what time period did the Romanesque style flourish?
What’s “Roman” about the Romanesque style of architecture?
Do you know what these are: basilica, nave, transcept, apse? Which gives a church its cross-like form?
What type of arch is a main feature of the Romanesque style – pointed or rounded arch?
Where would you find monasteries and Romanesque churches? In cities or in isolated areas? Why?
What was a major structural problem with Romanesque churches?
The High Middle Ages I
During what time period did the Gothic style flourish?
In what country did the Gothic style begin?
What are the main architectural features of Gothic cathedrals?
In what ways are Gothic cathedrals similar to, yet different from Romanesque churches?
If you only had a few seconds to figure it out, how could you tell if a church was built in the Gothic style?
Where would you find Gothic cathedrals? In cities or in isolated areas? Why?
Before scholasticism, the ruling idea was “faith precedes, understanding follows.” How is that different from
scholasticism? What did scholasticism attempt to do when it came to questions of religion?
Some people say that Gothic cathedrals represent a synthesis of things that really don’t go together, e.g. faith
and reason. What does that mean? Can you explain what is meant by the term “mystical mathematics”?
According to the video we saw about the building of Gothic cathedrals, why were they built so high?
Why is the number 3 significant for Christianity? Can you think of one example?
Why is the number 12 significant for Christianity? Can you think of one example?
What does a six-pedaled rose refer to?
Why is a circle considered such a perfect form?
Of what is the labyrinth on the floor of the Chartres cathedral a reflection?
Some people say that the Gothic cathedral was a kind of “Bible for the illiterate.” What might that mean?
When was the Cologne Cathedral started, and when was it finished?
The High Middle Ages II
What kind of system was feudalism? (clue: feudalism refers to . . .)
What are the elements of feudalism? (clue: who were the main players and what were their responsibilities?)
What is a "fief" and how is it related to feudalism?
How would you define chivalry? (clue: chivalry refers to . . .)
What are the elements of chivalry? (clue: what values were chivalrous knights to follow)
What does "minne" refer to?
What is meant by the term “unrequited love”?
What are Minnesongs?
What is the Manesse manuscript?
What is the story Erec all about?
Who kills the dragon in the Song of the Nibelungen? (clue:
In what year did Pope Urban II call for the First Crusade?
What happened during the Fourth Crusade?
What happened to Frederick Barbarossa when he went on his crusade?