Download Expansion Appliance - Advanced Orthodontics

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N64 W24050 Main St., Suite 200
Sussex, WI 53089
(262) 820-0825
Thank you for choosing our office.
There are certain types of orthodontic problems that are caused by the lack of enough bone growth to
accommodate the upper teeth. In other cases, there is room for the upper teeth but the palate, or roof
of the mouth, is so narrow that the back teeth do not bite together correctly. In these cases, a palate
spreading device is helpful. A palate spreading or expansion appliance contains an expansion screw,
which widens the appliance with each turn. The key you are given is used to turn the expansion screw.
What to do:
The key inserts into a small hole in the forward part of the screw. Push the key backward as far as it will
go to complete one turn. Be sure to complete the full turn so that a new hole is visible for the next
turn. Each “turn” is actually a 90 degree (or one-fourth) revolution of the screw. When removing the
key after each turn, be sure that it does not turn the screw back to its original position.
The doctor has instructed you to turn the screw
. Your next
appointment with us should be in 10—14 days. Do not go more than 14 days without being seen by
our office to check your progress. If you cannot be seen in that time period, do not turn the screw after
day 14 until we can check your progress.
What to expect:
After each turn of the screw, expect to feel temporary pressure or tightness in the upper jaw, and
usually in the bridge of the nose and cheekbones. This sensation lasts only a few minutes. If necessary,
you may take a mild pain reliever before or after activating the appliance.
You will notice a space forming between your upper front teeth within a few days. This is expected and
means expansion is proceeding well. The space will close up in three to four weeks after expansion is
Once expansion is complete, you will wear either the expander or a temporary retainer for 4-6 months.
This will allow the upper jaw to stabilize and maintain the expansion effect.
During this phase of your treatment, PLEASE:
 Use your toothbrush frequently to clean all parts of the appliance.
 Rinse your mouth vigorously with water or your favorite mouthwash after eating to remove
food particles from the appliance.
 If you use an oral irrigation system, such as a Water-Pik, to help keep the appliance clean please
be careful to avoid spraying fluids directly up and under the plastic portion of the expander.
 Avoid gum or sticky foods that may be hard to dislodge from the expander.
 Call our office if you experience unusual discomfort or dizziness.
 Stop turning the screw and call our office if the appliance becomes loose.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.