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Presented at: The Center for Spiritual Living – Simi Valley, California
Tuesday mornings & evenings – July 12th through August 16th, 2016
10:00 AM to 12:00 PM and 7:00 PM to 9:00 PM
Course Overview
 This course will include elements of science, philosophy,
mathematics and theology, as well as the historical
relationship between adherents of these various disciplines.
We will begin with a historical journey that will take us some
2,600 years into the past. We’ll reveal the prevailing views of
science and the ideas about the universe throughout history.
We’ll look at what forces contributed to changes in our views
throughout time and we’ll examine the emergence of “New
Thought” religion against the backdrop of the greatest
scientific revolution in the history of the world. We’ll focus
on the quantum revolution and Einstein’s theories of Special
and General Relativity. In the final lecture, we’ll move
toward a discussion about the “Theory of Everything”.
Course Philosophy
o The instructor’s general belief is that enhanced knowledge of
any of these areas of study enhances ones understanding of all of
them, for they are all connected and all seek to gain a greater
connection to the universe and to God.
o When presented properly, the basic ideas behind relativity
and quantum physics are simple and comprehensible to anyone.
o No background in science or mathematics is required to
comprehend the material.
 An enhanced understanding of the mysteries of science serves
to strengthen humanity’s spiritual connection to our Divine
Selves, to each other and to the Creator.
Course Objectives
o For participants to gain a solid, common sense general
knowledge about two major revolutionary changes in human
understanding of the physical universe in which we have our
movement and our being. Those ideas, relativity and quantum
physics, have implications that go far beyond an intellectual study
Our Quantum Selves and the Theory of Everything – Paulette Jones
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of scientific theory. It is our intent to collectively analyze the
physical and metaphysical implications that the scientific
evidence suggests and to explore the links between what we
observe in science and what we experience through the Divine. A
participant who completes the course should understand and be
able to explain the history of the science of physics and our
changing ideas of “the reality” of the universe. That participant
will understand the principles of Einstein’s theory of relativity
(Special and General) and will have an overall comprehension of
the major developments in the area of quantum mechanics. At the
end of the course, it should be apparent that to study the workings
of the universe is to study the nature of our relationship with
Divine Consciousness.
Some Recommended Scientific Information Sources (Note: Our course
will also reference Ernest Holmes’ “The Science of Mind”.)
 Relativity, the Special and the General Theory - Albert Einstein,
Translation by Robert W. Lawson. Fifteenth Edition Copyright
1961, Three Rivers Press, Random House, New York
 Simply Einstein - Richard Wolfson, W W Norton Company, New
 Taking the Quantum Leap – Fred Alan Wolf. Harper & Row
Publishers, New York
 The Quantum Zoo – Marcus Chown. Joseph Henry Press,
Washington, D.C.
 Introducing Quantum Theory – J.P. McEvoy & Oscar Zarate,
Totem Books, USA
 Quantum Mechanics – The Physics of the Microscopic World –
Benjamin Schumacher, Ph.D, The Teaching Company, Chantilly,
 Einstein’s Relativity & The Quantum Revolution, Richard
Wolfson, Ph.D., The Teaching Company, Chantilly Virginia
 Discover Presents Einstein – Discover Magazine, New York,
Spring 2009 Edition (Copies of this issue may be ordered for $12
by calling 1-800-829-9132. Identify the issue as the Spring 2009
issue on “Discover Presents Einstein”.)
 Science And Religion – Lawrence M. Principe, Ph D., The
Teaching Company, Chantilly Virginia
 Leadership And The New Science – Margaret J. Wheatley,
Barrett-Koehler Publishers, Inc., San Francisco, California
Our Quantum Selves and the Theory of Everything – Paulette Jones
Page 2
 The Biology of Belief – Bruce H. Lipton, Ph D., Hay House, Inc.,
Carlsbad, California
 What The Bleep!?/Down The Rabbit Hole – One Movie, Infinite
Possibilities – 20th Century Fox Films, Beverly Hills, California
Course Structure
Group Discussions & “Thought Experiments”
Current Events In Science & Application To Spirit (Ex.
Haedron Collider & “God Particle”.)
Weekly “Snapshot”
Week 1 – July 12th - Introduction, historical perspective, ancient
Greece to dawn of quantum age in 1900
Week 2 – July 19th - Focus on Einstein’s Relativity and
Week 3 – July 26th - Crisis in physics & dawn of the Quantum
Week 4 – August 2nd - Weird/Wacky Waves & Particles
Week 5 – August 9th – The heart of the “matter” & the
connection to the cosmos
Week 6 – August 16th – Moving toward a “Theory Of
Everything” & course wrap-up
Instructor Information
Paulette Jones
Email: [email protected]
Phone: (805) 501-1843 (cell)
Class participants who have questions outside of class are
encouraged to send me an email. If you need a quick answer or if
the nature of your question is not suited to email format, you may
contact me via phone. If I can’t talk when you call, I will get back
to you as soon as possible, but always within 24 hours.
Class materials, Syllabus, and other relevant documents, are
available online at
COURSE LECTURE OUTLINES (Note: The individual class outlines are to
be considered as general guidelines. In the interest of flexibility, specific
content of any individual class may vary from this outline. The plan may be
subject to adjustment based upon the needs and interests of the participants.)
Our Quantum Selves and the Theory of Everything – Paulette Jones
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Week 1– July 12th - Introduction, historical perspective, ancient Greece to dawn
of quantum age in 1900
Philosophical Overview – Knowledge Through The Ages
Parmenides, Democritus, Aristotle: Beginning of the Wave/Particle
Aristotle: The “physics and the “metaphysics”
Ptolemy: A flaw in Aristotle’s view of the universe?
Copernicus: A new view of the cosmos
Descarte's Dream and absolute certainty
Galileo: Dangerous ideas and the Inquisition
Newton: Laws of motion, unification of Aristotle’s two separate laws of
motion, gravity, creation of calculus
Maxwell: Let there be light, unification of electricity and magnetism
Spiritual & Philosophical influences: Descartes, Kant, Wordsworth,
Samuel Taylor Coleridge, Emerson, Thoreau, Quimby, Mary Baker
Eddy, Judge Thomas Troward, and their influences on Ernest Holmes
Week 2 – July 19th - Focus on Einstein’s Relativity and implications
Making sense of Relativity
Let there be light
Einstein to the rescue
Time traveling twins: How can that be???
Time dilation
Length contraction
Mountains and muons
Past, Present, Future & Elsewhere
Gravity & General Relativity
Principle of Equivalence
Gravity, the geometry of spacetime
Black Holes
Toward a Theory of Everything
Week 3 – July 26th - Crisis in physics & dawn of the Quantum Age
Einstein, God & Potential (We'll view a 3 minute YouTube video)
Quantum Weirdness - Why Do We Care?
Conscious Collapsing Of The Wave
Understanding The Universe: Are We Kidding Ourselves?
Matter & Energy "Self Organizes"
Our Quantum Selves and the Theory of Everything – Paulette Jones
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The Double-Slit Experiment (We'll view a scene from the film: "What
the Bleep?/Down The Rabbit Hole")
Atomic Weight: Dalton & Mendeleev
The Ultraviolet Catastrophe
The Photoelectric Effect
Rutherford's Planetary Model Of The Atom - What's Wrong With This
The Quantum Posse To The Rescue: Planck, Einstein & Bohr
The Stage Is Set For The Really Weird Stuff
Week 4 – August 2nd - Weird/Wacky Waves & Particles
The Quantum Paradigm (We'll view a scene from the film: "What The
Bleep?/Down the Rabbit Hole")
DeBroglie: Matter And Light
The Uncertainty Principle
Collapsing The Quantum Kitty (Beyond Schroedinger's Cat)
Principles of Complementarity (Bohr)
The EPR (Einstein, Podolsky & Rosen) Thought Experiment
Bell's Inequality Theorem
The Quantum "I AM"
Quantum Theory And Physical Reality
Week 5 – August 9th – The Heart of the “Matter” & The Connection To the
Introductory Discussion: Collapsing Waves Of Consciousness
Reviewing Where We Are
Forces Of Nature
The Building Blocks Of the Universe: The Standard Model Of Particle
Composition Of The Universe: Dark Energy, Dark Matter & Atomic
The Big Bang And The Expanding Universe
The Theory Of Chaos And Waves Of Possibilities
The Mystical Philosophy Of Quantum Consciousness
The Zero Point Energy Field
Channeling The Energy Of Intention: Science or Pseudoscience?
The Mind Of God
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Week 6 – August 16th – Moving toward a “Theory Of Everything” & Course
Blinded By The Light - Quantum Mechanics Is What Happens When No
One Is Looking
May the Force Be With You - A Review Of The Forces Of The Universe
Review Standard Model Of Particles & Forces
Unification Of The Forces
Looking For The "Theory Of Everything"
String Theory
Unifying A Host Of Theories - It's All Done With Mirrors
M-Theory & Parallel Universes
In The Beginning - What Came Before?
Theory of Everything really isn’t. – Dark Matter.
Our Quantum Selves and the Theory of Everything – Paulette Jones
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Our Quantum Selves and the Theory of Everything – Paulette Jones
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What would Albert and Ernest say to each other?
"I want to know how God created this world. I am not interested in this or that
phenomenon, in the spectrum of this or that element. I want to know His
thoughts; the rest are details."
Albert Einstein
“The universal Mind contains all knowledge. It is the potential ultimate of all
things. To it, all things are possible.”
Ernest Holmes
“One cannot help but be in awe when one contemplates the mysteries of
eternity, of life, of the marvelous structure of reality.”
Albert Einstein
“Borrowing knowledge of reality from all sources, taking the best from every
study, Science of Mind brings together the highest enlightenment of the ages.”
Ernest Holmes
Our Quantum Selves and the Theory of Everything – Paulette Jones
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