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Because several students are missing classes for various reasons - here is the itinerary for the next several days
Covered Chapter 13.3 in class – completed worksheet
Homework for Monday: Read pages 370 – 373 & pages 379 – 381
Covering 13.4 & first part of 14.1
Homework for Wednesday: Read pages 382 – 385 AND 387 – 392 (14.1 – 14.2)
No School
Covering Crusades & Changes to medieval Society (14.2)
Homework: Read Sections 14.3 & 14.4
Covering 14.3 & 14.4 Combined
Open Book Exam (in-class) / Take Home portion (possible) due Tuesday 3/13
The following pages will be the study guides.
I will update this attachment with worksheets as they get added.
Chapter 13: European Middle Ages
Section 3: Age of Chivalry
Read the text: Age of Chivalry and complete the diagram with notes for each of the discussion topics
Weapons & Equipment
War Games & Training
Name: ___________________________
World History
Mr. Williams
Realities of Warfare
Code of Chivalry
Castle Life
Romantic Love & Literature
Role of Women
Chapter 13: European Middle Ages & Chapter 14: Formation of Western Europe
Section 4: Power of the Church / Section 1: Changes in Medieval Society
Name: ___________________________
World History
Mr. Williams
Read the assigned text and answer the following questions or complete the diagram with notes for each of the discussion topics.
Answer - Explanation
Describe the Church’s structure,
power, and influence in Europe.
Think of government, economics, and society
Importance of Event
List 5 events/actions in chronological
order in the power struggle between
popes and German emperors.
Explain why Germany’s feudal states
did not unify during the Middle Ages
Explain WHY there was a “spiritual revival” and church reform beginning in the 11th century.
Describe the key characteristics of Gothic Cathedrals
Why were they built? What did they symbolize about the Church & people of
that time period in Europe?
Chapter 14: Formation of Western Europe
Section 1: Changes in Medieval Society (Crusades) / Section 2: Changes in Medieval Society
Name: ___________________________
World History
Mr. Williams
1. What were the Crusades?
2. Complete the Crusades Facts & Info Chart
Key People - Groups
Mostly French but other regions well
represented: Germans, English, Italians, etc.
1st Crusade
1096 – 1099
(around 3 yrs)
Outcome – Effects of
Ill prepared for conditions – no grand strategy
Lacked leadership
Many crusaders died due to the elements and
others abandoned the cause.
July 1099 less than 25% of original crusaders
captured Jerusalem. Four small crusader
states were formed, each ruled by a European
(+ 48 years)
1147 – 1149
(around 2 yrs)
2 Crusade
(+40 years)
1189 – 1191
(around 2-3 yrs)
3 Crusade
(+ 11 years)
4 Crusade
1202 – 1204
(around 2 yrs)
3. What were the goals & motivations of the Church and the Crusaders in becoming involved in the Crusades? How-Why did the change over time?
4. What was the Children’s Crusade?
5. What were the Reconquista and Inquisition? What is heresy?
6. What impact did these Crusades have on Europe and Asia? – short-term and long-term
Short – Term
Long – Term
7. In a paragraph, How would you summarize and describe the Church during the High Middle Ages?
Chapter 14: The Formation Western Europe, 800 – 1500
Lesson 2: Changes in Medieval Society
What changes and advances took place in agriculture?
What were the two most important effects of these changes?
What was the importance of the guild within the Feudal system?
Compare & Contrast the Craft Guild to a Labor Union
The Decline of Feudalism:
The Four Effects to the decline of Feudalism 1) establishment of Guilds, 2) commercial revolution, 3) growth of cities, 4) establishment of educational institutions
What led to these four effects? In other words, what caused each of these?
Establishment of Guilds
Commercial Revolution
Growth of Cities
Establishment of Educational
How did each of these cause the decline or weakening of Feudalism in Europe?
Establishment of Guilds
Commercial Revolution
Growth of Cities
Establishment of Educational
What are three factors that led to the United States becoming a world
What are the three factors that are leading the United States into the decline
from being a “superpower”?
Patterns in History: What do these two lists have in common?
How did the social classes shift? Do we see similar class shifts today? Explain.
What was St. Thomas Aquinas’s influence on the shift in “intellectual thought?”
How was Medieval education similar to the direction our education is trending today?
What is vernacular and how did this assist in the social reform and the growth of education/learning in this time period?
Wiki research the following two pieces of literature
Provide a synapsis of Dante Alighieri’s The Divine Comedy.
Provide a synapsis of Geoffrey Chaucer’s The Canterbury Tales.
Why would these pieces of literature be great examples of the time period – the Middle Ages?