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Sociology: Chapter 1 Section 1
Obj: Describe what ________________ is and explain what it means to have a sociological
___________________; explain how sociology is similar to and different from other
______________ sciences.
Our daily ________________ shape our view of the world. The values, beliefs, lifestyles, and
experiences of those around us, as well as ___________ events, help to mold us into
unique individuals who have varied outlooks on life. The fact that we do not all view things
in exactly the same way is what gives society its rich _______________.
At the same time, however, most of us in society share many of the same characteristics and
_____________. It is this combination of diversity and similarity that is of primary interest to
_______________ is the social science that studies human society and social behavior.
Social sciences are the disciplines that study human social ____________ or institutions
and functions of human society in a scientific manner.
Sociologists are mainly interested in social _______________ – how people relate to one
_____________ and influence each other’s behavior. Consequently, sociologists tend to
focus on the group rather than on the individual. Sociologists do this by examining social
________________ – observable facts or events that involve human society.
The Sociological Perspective
Why __________ sociology? Most importantly, because it can help you gain a new
perspective on, or view of, yourself and the world around you. This new view involves
looking at social life in a _____________ systematic way, rather than depending on
common-sense explanations. By adopting a sociological perspective, you can look beyond
commonly held beliefs to the hidden meanings behind ___________ actions.
The sociological perspective helps you see that all people are social ________. It tells you
that your behavior is influenced by social _________ and that you have learned your
behavior from others. The sociological perspective can also help you broaden your view of
the social world. It tells you that there are many different perceptions of social reality. Using
the sociological perspective allows you to see beyond your own day-to-day life by viewing
the world through others’ __________.
Further, the sociological perspective can help you find an acceptable ____________ between
your personal desires and the demand of your social environment. If you always do what
you want to do, you are likely to _________ with others a great deal of the time. On the
other hand, if you always do what others want, you will not grow very much as an
individual. Applying the sociological perspective can help you decide the most acceptable
point between these two ____________.
Finally, the sociological perspective can help you view your own ________ within a larger
social and historical context. It can give you insights into how your social environment
shapes you and how you, in turn, can shape your social ______________. This ability to
see the connection between the larger world and your personal life is what sociologist C.
Wright _______ called the sociological imagination.
Mills described the sociological imagination as “the capacity to _________ from the most
impersonal and remote (topics) to the most intimate features of the _________ self – and to
see the relations between the two.” All good sociologists and students of society, Mills
added, must _________ this ability.
Sociology’s Place in the Social Sciences
In addition to sociology, the social sciences include _____________, psychology, economics,
and political science. ___________ is also often included as a social science.
• _____________________ – the comparative study of past and present cultures – is most
similar to sociology in its subject matter. Anthropologists have traditionally concentrated on
examining past cultures and present simple – or less advanced – societies. Sociology, on
the other hand, is more interested in _________ behavior in complex – more advanced –
societies. Today, however, many anthropologists concentrate on complex societies. For
example, __________ anthropologists examine such things as the cultural characteristics
of neighborhoods in large modern cities.
• The social science that deals with the behavior and thinking of organisms is
______________. It differs from sociology primarily in that it focuses on individual behavior
rather than on group behavior. In addition, it draws more heavily on the tools of the natural
• Areas of interest to psychologists include personality, _______________, motivation, and
learning. Despite differences in emphasis and methods of analysis, sociology and
psychology are related. This is particularly true in the area of social ______________, the
study of how the social environment affects an individual’s behavior and personality.
• ____________________ is the study of the choices people make in an effort to satisfy their
needs and wants. Economists examine the processes by which goods and services are
produced, distributed, and consumed. They also examine the effects of government
policies on economic __________ and stability. Sociologists share many areas of interest
with economists. For example, the effect of economic factors on various groups in society
has attracted the attention of sociologists since the earliest ________ of the discipline.
• The examination of the organization and operation of governments is the focus of
_____________ science. The interests of sociology and political science often overlap.
Areas of mutual interest include ____________ patterns, the concentration of political
power, and the formation of politically based groups.
• _____________ is the study of past events. Sociologists are also interested in the past.
Like many social historians, sociologists study past events in an effort to explain current
social behavior and attitudes.
Over time, the divisions between the social sciences have become less ____________. Many
sociologists now ____________ freely from the various social sciences in an effort to better
understand the social forces that help to ____________ our lives.