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Social Studies
Name: _______________________
Directions: Complete the following questions using the links listed below.
1. When did the first Crusades begin?
2. Who was the pope at the beginning of the Crusades and what was his role in the
outbreak of the Crusades?
3. Explain the event(s) that were occurring that led to the Crusades.
©Copyright Brodie Millar 2015.
4. From what years did the “First Crusade “occur?
5. Briefly explain the four armies and their leaders related to the “First Crusade”.
6. When the four main armies of Crusaders arrived in ________________, Alexius
insisted that their leaders _________________________________ and recognize his
authority over any land regained from the _________, as well as any other territory
they might conquer; all but Bohemond resisted taking the oath.
7. Who controlled the city of Jerusalem when the Crusaders began their attack?
8. Encamping before ____________ in June 1099, the Christians forced the besieged
city’s governor to surrender by mid-July. Despite Tancred’s promise of protection,
the Crusaders _______________________________________________________ in their
victorious entrance into the city.
9. What were the “Crusader States”?
10. What was the timeframe of the “Second Crusade”?
©Copyright Brodie Millar 2015.
11. What led to the creation of the “Second Crusade”?
12. Briefly explain the major events of the “Second Crusade” in terms of how it
13. What event(﴾s)﴿ led to the beginning of the “Third Crusade”?
14. Who led the “Third Crusade”?
15. In _________________, Richard’s forces defeated those of Saladin in the battle of
Arsuf; it would be _____________________ of the Third Crusade. From the recaptured
city of Jaffa, Richard reestablished Christian control over some of the region and
approached Jerusalem, though he refused to lay siege to the city. In September
1192, ____________________________________________ that reestablished the Kingdom
of Jerusalem (though without the city of Jerusalem) and ended the Third Crusade.
16. During the “Fourth Crusade”, explain where the crusaders fought instead of in
17. What did the remainder of the crusades in the 13th aim at achieving?
©Copyright Brodie Millar 2015.
18. The Crusades end with several failed missions by the European Crusaders.
According to the website, what ultimately led to the end of the Crusades?
©Copyright Brodie Millar 2015.