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..l. The parachutist accelerates until air resistance
equals the force of gravity. She then falls with
constant velocity to Earth.
Mass, force, and acceleration are
related: as force increases on an
object, its acceleration also increases.
hen you kick a ball, does its motion
depend on how hard it's kicked? Does
its motion depend on its mass? Does
air resistance affect how far the ball travels?
Consider another example. Suppose you
and a much heavier friend sky dive from a
high-flying plane. You open your same-size
parachutes at the same time. Who reaches
the ground first? Does air resistance make a
difference in this case? What rules guide the
answers to these questions?
Observe and Record
1. Attach a spring scale, or any device that
measures force, to a skateboard.
2. Pull the skateboard with a force of 3 N. Notice
the acceleration of the skateboard.
3. Place a book on the skateboard and pull with
the same force. Observe the acceleration of the
skateboard+ book.
4. Take the book off the skateboard. Replace it with
another object and pull again with a 3-N force.
Observe the acceleration of the skateboard+
object. Try this for a few other objects.
Analyze and Conclude
1. Comparing Which objects, when added to
the skateboard, made it pick up less speed?
Which property of these objects affected
2. Making Generalizations How is mass related
to acceleration for an object experiencing a
constant force?
What Is Acceleration?
Galileo developed the concepts of speed and velocity, as you learned in
Chapter 2. Galileo also developed the concept of acceleration in his
experiments with inclined planes. He found that balls rolling down
inclines rolled faster and faster. Their speed changed as they rolled.
Further, the balls gained the same amount of speed in equal time intervals. In other words, speed increased by a constant amount each second.
This is constant acceleration. ,/ Galileo defined the rate of change of
velocity as acceleration :*
Acceleration =
Changing Velocity; Definition
of Acceleration
change of velocity
time interval
You observe acceleration every time you ride in a car. When the driver
steps on the gas pedal, the automobile gains speed. We say it accelerates.
We see why the gas pedal is called the "accelerator"!
When the brakes are applied, the car slows. This is also acceleration
because the velocity of the car is changing. When something slows
down, we often call this deceleration.
When a car makes a turn, even if its speed does not change, it is
accelerating. Can you see why? Acceleration occurs because the car's
direction is changing. Acceleration is a change in speed, a change in
direction, or a change in both speed and direction. So acceleration is
a change in velocity. Figure 3.2 illustrates this.
Consider driving. Suppose that in 1 s, we steadily increase our
velocity from 30 krn/h to 35 km/h. In the next second, we go from
35 krn/h to 40 krn/h, and so on. We change our velocity by 5 km/h
each second. We see that
change of velocity
Acceleration = _ _.;____ _ __
time interval
5 krn/h
- - - = 5 km/h · s
FIGURE 3.1 .6.
A ball gains the same amount of speed each second as it rolls down an
*The Greek letter Ll (delta) is often used as a symbol for "change in" or "difference in." In
"delta" notation, a = 1~, where Llv is the change in velocity, and M is the change in time
(the time interval).
Can you see that a car has 3
controls that change velocity;
the gas pedal (accelerator),
brakes, and steering wheel?
We say that a body undergoes acceleration when there is a change in its
state of motion. This change can be gaining speed, decreasing speed,
and/or changing direction.
In this example, the acceleration is
5 kilometers per hour-second
(abbreviated 5 km/h · s). Note that
a unit for time enters twice: once
for the unit of velocity and again
for the interval of time in which
the velocity is changing. Also note
that acceleration is not just the
change in velocity; it is the change
per second of velocity. If either
speed or direction (or both)
changes, then the velocity changes.
Hold a stone above your head
Rapid deceleration is sensed by
driver who lurches forward
and drop it. It accelerates during
its fall. When air resistance doesn't (in accord with Newton's first law).
affect the motion of a falling
object, we say the object is in free fall. Interestingly, the amount of
acceleration is the same for all freely falling objects. We find that a freely
falling object gains speed at the rate of 10 m/s each second.
Acceleration =
Pretend that a falling boulder
is equipped with a speedometer. In each succeeding
second of fall, you'd find the
boulder's speed increasing by
the same amount: 10 m/s.
Sketch in the missing
speedometer needle at
t = 3 s, 4 s, and 5 s.
change in speed
time interval
10 m/ s
= 10 m/s 2
We read the acceleration of free fall as 10 meters per second squared.
This is the same as saying that acceleration is 10 meters per second.
Note again that the unit of time, the second, appears twice. It appears
once for the unit of velocity, and again for the time during which
velocity changes.
In Figure 3.4, we imagine a freely falling boulder with a speedometer
attached. As the boulder falls, the speedometer shows that the boulder
goes 10 m/s faster each second. This 10 m/s gain each second is the
boulder's acceleration.
The acceleration of free fall is further developed in Appendix B and
in the Practice Book.
Downward-falling objects gain speed because of the force of gravity.
How about an object thrown straight upward? Once it leaves your hand,
it continues moving upward for a while and then comes back down.
While going up, it moves against gravity and loses speed. Guess how
much speed it loses each second while going upward? And guess how
much speed it gains each second while coming down? That's right: the
change in speed per second is 10 m/s-whether moving upward or
downward. At the highest point, when it changes direction from upward
to downward, its instantaneous speed is zero. Then it starts downward
just as if it had been dropped from rest at that height. It will return to its
starting point with the same speed it had when thrown.
What is acceleration?
Force Causes Acceleration
Any object that accelerates is acted on by a push or a pull-a force of
some kind. It may be a sudden push, like hitting a punching bag, or
the steady pull of gravity. Acceleration is caused by applying force.
Most often, more than one force acts on an object. Recall from
the previous chapter that the combination of forces that act on an
object is the net force. Acceleration depends on the net force. For
example, if you push with 25 N on an object, and somebody else
pushes in the opposite direction with 15 N, the net force applied to
the object is 10 N. The object will accelerate as if a single 10-N force
acts on it.
Kick the ball and it accelerates.
Suppose you pull a wagon with a net force of 20 N. The wagon accelerates. Now double the force and pull with 40 N. How much more will
the wagon accelerate now? There is a general rule here. If the net force is
doubled, the acceleration also doubles. Three times the net force produces
three times the acceleration. We say that the .I acceleration is directly
proportional to the net force. We write:
Force Causes Acceleration
net force
The symbol ~ stands for "is directly proportional to." This means that
any change in one quantity matches the same amount of change in the
The direction of acceleration is always in the direction of the net
force. When a force is applied in the direction of the object's motion, the
speed increases. When a force is applied in the opposite direction, the
speed decreases. When a force acts at right angles, it deflects the object.
1. If you push on a shopping cart, it will accelerate. If you apply four
times the net force, how much greater will the acceleration be?
2. If the net force acting on a sports car is multiplied by five, how
much greater will the acceleration be?
1. It will have four times as much acceleration.
2. It will have five times as much acceleration.
Force of hand
the brick
Twice as much force
produces twice as
much acceleration
Twice the force on
twice the mass gives
the same acceleration
Acceleration is directly
proportional to force.
So we see that force produces acceleration. How much acceleration,
however, also depends on something else. It depends on the mass of the
object being pushed or pulled.
How is acceleration related
to net force?
When one thing is directly
proportional to another, then
as one gets bigger the other
gets bigger too.
Mass Is a Measure of Inertia
What happens when you kick a tin can? It accelerates-changes its state
of motion. Now kick the same can filled with rocks. What happens? It
doesn't accelerate as much as when it was empty. If the can is full of
something really heavy, such as lead, it will hardly move. Ouch!
The more massive full can has more inertia than the empty can.
In other words, it is more resistant to a change in motion. This suggests
that the mass of an object is a measure of its inertia. ./ The greater an
object's mass, the greater its inertia. This is why powerful engines are
required in tractor trailers that pull massive loads-and why they have
powerful brakes for stopping. Heavy loads have lots of inertia.
Mass is more than an indication of an object's inertia. Mass is also
a measure of how much matter an object contains. If an object contains
a lot of matter-heavy atoms, or lots of lighter atoms-it has a lot
of mass.
Mass Is Not Volume
The greater the mass, the
greater the force needed for
a given acceleration.
The Gravitational Force
A pillow is bigger than an
auto battery, but which has
more matter-more inertiamore mass?
Do not confuse mass and volume. Volume is a measure of space. It is
measured in units such as cubic centimeters, cubic meters, or liters. Mass
is measured in kilograms. If an object has a large mass, it may or may
not have a large volume. For example, equal-size bags of cotton and
rocks may have equal volumes, but very unequal masses. How many
kilograms of matter an object contains and how much space the object
occupies are two different things. Mass is different from volume.
Mass Is Not Weight
Do not confuse mass and weight. They are different from each other.
Mass is a measure of the amount of matter in an object. As already
mentioned, mass depends on the number and kinds of atoms in the
object. Weight, however, depends on gravity. You would weigh less on
the Moon, for example, than you do on Earth. Why? The Moon's gravity
is weaker than Earth's, so you would be pulled to the Moon's surface
with less force than on Earth. On the other hand, the numbers and kinds
of atoms in your body are the same on the Moon as on Earth. There is
just as much material in your body no matter where you are. So, unlike
weight, your mass doesn't change if gravity varies.
You can sense how much mass is in an object by feeling its inertia.
When you shake an object to and fro, you can feel its inertia. If it has a
lot of mass, changing the object's direction is difficult. If it has a small
mass, shaking the object is easier. To-and-fro shaking requires the same
force even in regions where gravity is different-on the Moon, for
example. The rock's inertia, or mass, is a property of the object itself and
not its location.
Mass is different from weight. We can now formally define mass and
weight as follows:
Mass is the amount of matter in an object. Mass is also a measure of the inertia, or ((laziness:' that an object shows when you
try to change its state of motion.
FIGURE 3.8 .A.
An anvil orbiting Earth may
be weightless, but it is not
Weight is the force due to gravity that acts on an object's mass.
Although mass and weight are different from each other, they are
directly proportional to each other. Objects with large mass have large
weight; objects with little mass have little weight. In the same location,
twice the mass weighs twice as much. That's what we mean when we say
that mass and weight are proportional to each other.
1. Does a 2-kg iron block have twice as much inertia as a 1-kg iron
block? Twice as much mass? Twice as much volume? Twice as
much weight when weighed in the same location?
2. Does a 2-kg iron block have twice as much inertia as a 1-kg
bunch of bananas? Twice as much mass? Twice as much volume?
Twice as much weight when weighed in the same location?
3. How does the mass of a bar of gold vary with location?
Remember that mass has to
do with the amount of
matter in the object and its
inertia, while weight has to
do with how strongly that
matter is attracted by gravity.
1. The answer is yes to all questions. A 2-kilogram block of iron has twice as many iron
atoms, and therefore twice the amount of matter, mass, and weight. The blocks are
made of the same material, so the 2-kilogram block also has twice the volume.
2. Two kilograms of anything has twice the inertia and twice the mass of 1 kg of anything
else. Because mass and weight are proportional in the same location, 2 kg of anything
will weigh twice as much as 1 kg of anything. Except for volume, the answer to all the
questions is yes. Volume and mass are proportional only when the materials are the
same-when they have the same density. Iron is much more dense than bananas, so
2 kg of iron must occupy less volume than one kg of bananas. (We'll say more about
density in Chapter 31.)
3. Not at all! It is composed of the same number of atoms no matter what the location.
Although its weight may vary with location, it has the same mass everywhere. This is
why mass is preferred to weight in scientific studies.
One Kilogram Weighs 10 Newtons
The standard unit of mass is the kilogram, abbreviated kg. The standard
unit of force is the newton, as discussed in Chapter 2. The standard symbol for the newton is N. The abbreviation is written with a capital letter
because the unit is named after a person. A 1-kg bag of any material has
a weight of 10 N in standard units. Away from Earth's surface, where the
force of gravity is less, the bag would weigh less.
FIGURE 3.9 .A.
The astronaut finds it just as
difficult to shake the "weightless" anvil in space as it would
be on Earth. If the anvil is more
massive than the astronaut,
which shakes more-the anvil
or the astronaut?
In cases where precision is needed, we say that 1 kg of something
weighs 9.8 N. In this course we normally round off 9.8 to 10. So if you
know the mass in kilograms and want weight in newtons, multiply the
number of kilograms by 10. Or, if you know the weight in newtons,
divide by 10 and you'll have the mass in kilograms. Weight and mass are
proportional to each other.
The relationship between kilograms and pounds is that 1 kg weighs
2.2lb at Earth's surface. (This means that 1lb is the same as 4.5 N.)
FIGURE 3.10 _..
One kilogram of nails weighs
9.8 N, which is equal to 2.2 lb.
Why is it okay to say that a 1-kg bag of sand weighs 10 N, but a 1-kg
bag of gold weighs 9.8 N? Don't they weigh the same?
How are mass and inertia
Force of hand
the brick
The same force
accelerates 2 bricks
3 bricks, 1/3 as
much acceleration
FIGURE 3.11 _..
Acceleration is inversely
proportional to mass.
When one thing is inversely
proportional to another, then
as one gets bigger the other
gets smaller.
Both 1-kg bags have the same weight, and both weigh 10 N. However, because gold is more
valuable, saying 9.8 N rather than the rounded off 10 N is usually a good idea. But we won't
make a big deal in this book about whether rounding off is okay. It's more important to
learn the main idea.
Mass and Acceleration
Are Related
More massive objects are more difficult
to accelerate. Experiments show that
for the same force, twice as much mass
results in half as much acceleration;
three times the mass results in one-third
the acceleration; and so forth. In other
words, for a given force the acceleration
produced is inversely proportional to the
mass. We write
By inversely we mean that the two values
change in opposite ways. When one gets
larger, the other gets smaller. Or when
one gets smaller, the other gets larger.
.I More mass means less acceleration,
because more mass means more resistance
to changes in motion. (Mathematically
we see that as the denominator increases,
the whole quantity decreases. For example, the quantity 160 is less than the
quantity 110 .)
1. Suppose you're offered either of an apple pie or kof the pie.
Which piece is larger?
2. Suppose you apply the same amount of force to two carts, one
with a mass of 4 kg and the other with a mass of 8 kg.
(a) Which cart will accelerate more?
(b) How much greater will the acceleration be?
How do mass and
acceleration relate if force is
Zero acceleration does not
mean zero velocity. Zero
acceleration means that the
object will maintain the
velocity it happens to have,
neither speeding up nor
slowing down nor changing
1. The larger piece is ~, one-quarter of the pie. If you choose the~ piece, you'll have half
as much pie as~2. (a) The 4-kg cart will have more acceleration.
(b) The 4-kg cart will have twice the acceleration because it has half as much masswhich means half as much resistance to changes in motion!
Newton's Second Law
Isaac Newton was the first to realize the connection between force
and mass in producing acceleration. He discovered one of the most
important rules of nature ever proposed-his second law of motion.
Newton's second law states:
The acceleration produced by a net force on an object is
directly proportional to the net force, is in the same direction
as the net force, and is inversely proportional to the mass
of the object.
Newton's Laws of Motion
Or in shorter notation,
net force
By using consistent units such as newtons (N) for force, kilograms (kg)
for mass, and meters per second squared (m/s 2 ) for acceleration, we get
the exact equation:
FIGURE 3.12 ...._
net force
Acceleration = - - -mass
More Practice with Newton's Second Law
Consider a 1000-kg car pulled by a cable with 2000 N
of force. What will be the acceleration of the car? Using
Newton's second law, we find
2000 N
1000 kg
2000 kg· m/s 2
- ----=--- = 2 m/s 2
1000 kg
Here we see that the unit of force, N, is the same as the
unit kg· m/s 2 . From now on we'll take a shortcut and
simply say that the ratioN/kg equals m/s 2 •
Acceleration depends on
the mass being pushed.
Suppose that the force were 4000 N. What would
be the acceleration?
4000 N
= 4m/s 2
1000 kg
Doubling the force on the same mass simply doubles
the acceleration.
Learn your concepts now!
Problem solving later will be
much more meaningful.
In briefest form, where a is acceleration, F is net force, and m is mass:
Acceleration equals the net force divided by the mass. If the net force
acting on an object is doubled, the object's acceleration will be doubled.
Suppose instead that the mass is doubled. Then the acceleration will be
halved. ,/ If both the net force and the mass are doubled, then the
acceleration will be unchanged.
Newton's Second Law
If you push on a shopping cart, it will accelerate.
1. If you push five times as hard, what happens to the acceleration?
2. If instead of pushing five times as hard, you push with the same
force, but the cart is loaded so it has five times as much mass,
what happens to the acceleration?
3. If you push five times as hard when the cart is loaded with five
times as much mass, what happens to the acceleration?
1. Acceleration will be five times as much.
2. Acceleration will be less-only one-fifth as much.
3. It will have the same acceleration as it had to begin with.
If both the net force and the
mass on an object are
doubled, how will its
acceleration be affected?
--"'-' CONCEPT
FIGURE 3.13 ,._
Applied force just overcomes
friction so the crate slides at
constant velocity.
Physics problems are often more complicated than these examples.
We don't focus on solving complicated problems in this book, but
instead emphasize equations as guides to thinking about the connections of basic concepts. That's why there are more exercises than problems at the end of the chapters. Mastering the techniques of problem
solving may have a higher priority in a follow-up course.
3.& Friction
Friction is a force that arises when an object rubs against something
else. Friction occurs for solids, liquids, and gases. An important rule of
friction is that it acts in a direction to oppose motion. If you drag a solid
block along a floor to the right, the force of friction on the block will be
to the left. A boat propelled to the east by its motor experiences water
friction to the west. When an object falls downward through the air, the
force of friction (air drag) acts upward. Friction always acts in a direction to oppose motion.
,/ The amount of friction between two surfaces depends on the
kinds of material and how much they are pressed together. Friction
between a crate and a rough wooden floor is greater than between the
same crate and a polished linoleum floor. And if the surface is inclined,
friction is less because the crate doesn't press as much on the inclined
1. Two forces act on a bowl resting on a table: the bowl's weight and
the support force from the table. Does a force of friction also act
on the bowl?
2. Suppose a high-flying jumbo jet flies at constant velocity when the
thrust of its engines is a constant 80,000 N. What is the acceleration
of the jet? What is the force of air drag acting on the jet?
1. No, not unless the bowl tends to slide or does slide across the table. For example, if it
is pushed toward the left by another force, then friction between the bowl and table
will act toward the right. Friction forces occur only when an object tends to slide or
is sliding.
2. The acceleration is zero because the velocity is constant (not changing). Because the
acceleration is zero, it follows from a= Flm that the net force is zero. This says that
·the force of air drag must be equal to the thrusting force of 80,000 N and act in the
opposite direction. So the air drag is 80,000 N.
What does the force
of friction depend on?
Friction in Your Fingertips
Your body is well adapted to a friction-filled environment. ~ The
fingerprint ridges in your palms and fingers increase surface
roughness. This enhances friction between your hands and the things
they touch. When your hands are wet so water fills in the troughs
between the fingerprint ridges, friction is reduced. That's why it's easy to
drop a glass or a plate when your hands are wet. Your toes and the soles
of your feet are also patterned with grooves and ridges to help you grip
the surface of the ground. If not for the friction between your feet and
the ground, your feet would slip out from under you like smooth-soled
shoes on ice.
It's friction between her hands and the rock that holds the climber to
the nearly vertical mountain face in Figure 3.14. Can you see why rock
climbers often chalk up their hands to absorb hand perspiration before
a climb?
Tristan is holding a brick, as shown, by pressing his hands inward on
the brick.
1. In what direction does gravity act? In what direction does
friction act?
2. What is the net force on the brick?
3. What does the texture of Tristan's hands have to do with the
amount of friction acting on the brick?
FIGURE 3.14 _..
The rock climber grips the
sheer rock face with her
hands. Why does she dust her
hands with chalk so they remain dry?
Why do fingerprints help
us hold on to things?
1. Gravity pulls the brick downward. Friction opposes gravity, so it acts upward.
2. The net force on the brick is zero, as evidenced by no change in its state of motion.
3. Tristan's hands are covered with grooves and ridges that, like treads on a tire, increase
friction and improve his grip.
3. 'I
For an object starting from
rest, the free-fall distance dis
given by d = ~gt 2 .
The Gravitational Force
The Scientific Method
Objects in Free Fall Accelerate
at the Same Rate
Galileo developed the concept of acceleration on inclined planes. He was
interested in falling objects, but because he lacked suitable timing
devices he used inclined planes to effectively slow down acceleration. He
found that as the planes were tipped at greater angles, the acceleration of
the balls was greater. When tipped all the way vertical, acceleration was
that of free fall. We define free fall as falling only under the influence of
gravity, where other forces such as air drag can be neglected.
Galileo further discovered that ./ acceleration does not depend
on mass for balls rolling down inclines. On any incline, all balls have
the same acceleration. Likewise, the acceleration of free fall doesn't
depend on mass.
A 10-kg boulder and a 1-kg stone dropped from an elevated position
at the same time will fall together and strike the ground at practically the
same time. This experiment, said to be done by Galileo from the Leaning
Tower of Pisa, destroyed the Aristotelian idea that an object that weighs
10 times as much as another should falllO times as fast. Galileo's experiment and many others demonstrated the same result. But Galileo
couldn't say why the accelerations were equal. The explanation comes
from Newton's second law.
Forces and Interactions; Free
Fall; Free Fall-How Far?
How does the acceleration
of freely falling objects
depend on their mass?
FIGURE 3.15 ..._
The greater the slope of the incline, the greater the acceleration of the ball .
What is the acceleration when the incline is vertical?
Why Objects in Free Fall Accelerate
at the Same Rate
A falling 10-kg boulder "feels" 10 times as much gravity (weight) as a
1-kg stone. Followers of Aristotle believed the boulder should therefore
accelerate 10 times as much as the stone-because they considered only
the greater weight. But Newton's second law tells us to also consider the
mass. Can you see that 10 times as much force acting on 10 times as
much mass produces the same acceleration as the smaller force acting on
the smaller mass? In symbolic notation,
-F = g
where F stands for the force (weight) acting on the boulder, and m
stands for its correspondingly large mass. The small F and m stand for
the smaller weight and mass of the stone. We see that the ratio of weight
to mass is the same for these or any objects. .I All freely falling
objects have the same force/mass ratio and undergo the same acceleration at the same location. This acceleration due to gravity is represented by the symbol g.
We can show the same result with numerical values. The weight of a
1-kg stone (or 1 kg of anything) is 10 Nat Earth's surface. The weight of
10 kg of matter, such as the boulder, is 100 N. The force acting on a
falling object is its weight. The acceleration of the stone is
We all know that a feather drops more slowly than a coin when both
are dropped in air. That's because air drag more greatly affects the
feather. But in a vacuum, where air drag isn't present, a feather and coin
dropped together will fall side by side. This is shown in Figure 3.17, in
which a vacuum pump has removed air from the glass tube. We can see
why acceleration is the same for both. With no air drag, the force/mass
ratio is the same for both.
It's of historical interest to note that although Galileo spoke about
force and was the first to propose the concepts of acceleration and
inertia, he did not make the connection between these three concepts.
It took the genius of Isaac Newton to show the connection-namely,
a = M' This rule of mechanics is one of the most profound in physics.
With it, scientists and engineers have been able to put people on the Moon.
_£_ =
= 1t
FIGURE 3.16 _.
The ratio of weight (F) to
mass (m) is the same for
the large rock and the
small feather; similarly, the
ratio of circumference (C)
to diameter (D) is the same
for the large circle and the
small circle.
FIGURE 3.17 _.
A feather and a coin fall
at equal accelerations in a
Why do all freely falling
objects experience the same
acceleration due to gravity?
It's important to emphasize
that zero acceleration does
not mean zero velocity. Zero
acceleration means that the
object will maintain the
velocity it happens to have,
neither speeding up nor
slowing down nor changing
Fill in the blanks.
1. A 5-kg bag of sand has a weight of 50 N. When it is dropped, its
acceleration is
m/s 2
2. A 10-kg bag of sand has a weight of 100 N. When it is dropped,
its acceleration is
m/s 2
3. Calculate the free-fall acceleration of a 20-kg bag of sand.
Air drag
1. a=10m/s 2
Air drag
2. a=(lOON)/10kg=10m/s 2
3. a= (20 kg X 10 N/kg)/20 kg= 10 m/s 2
3.9 Air Drag
FIGURE 3.18 _....
The heavier parachutist must
fall faster than the lighter
parachutist for air resistance
to cancel her greater weight.
What is a freely falling
object's acceleration when
it reaches its terminal
Most often, air drag is not negligible for falling objects. Then acceleration of fall is less. Air drag depends on two things: speed and surface
area. When a skydiver steps from a high-flying plane, air drag builds up
as speed increases. The result is reduced acceleration. More reduction
can occur by increasing surface area. A diver does this by orienting the
body so more air is encountered-by spreading out like a flying squirrel. So air drag depends on speed and the surface area encountered by
the air.
For free fall, the downward net force is weight. Only weight! But
when air is present, the downward net force =weight - air drag. Can
you see that the presence of air drag reduces net force? And that less net
force means less acceleration? So as a skydiver falls faster and faster, the
acceleration of fall becomes less and less. What happens to the net force
if air drag builds up to equal weight? The answer is, net force becomes
zero. Here we see 2-F = 0 again! Then acceleration becomes zero. Does
this mean the skydiver comes to a stop? No! .I It means the skydiver
no longer picks up speed. Acceleration terminates-it no longer
occurs. We say the diver has reached terminal speed. If we are concerned with direction, down for falling objects, we say the diver has
reached terminal velocity.
Terminal speed for a human skydiver varies from about 150 to
200 km/h, depending on weight and orientation of the body. A heavier
person falls faster for air drag to balance weight. The greater weight is
more effective in "plowing through" air. This means more terminal
speed for a heavier person. Increasing surface area reduces terminal
speed. That's where a parachute comes in. A parachute greatly increases
air drag, and terminal speed can be reduced to a safe 15 to 25 km/h.
When we previously discussed the interesting demonstration of the
falling coin and feather in the glass tube, we found that the feather falls
more slowly because of air drag. The feather's weight is very small, so it
reaches terminal speed very quickly. The feather doesn't have to fall
very far or fast before air drag builds up to equal its small weight. The
coin, on the other hand, doesn't have a chance to fall fast enough for
air drag to build up to equal its weight. Interestingly, if you drop a coin
from a very high location, such as a tall building, terminal speed will
be much greater, depending on how it flips as it falls. It will certainly
fall at a much, much higher terminal speed than that for a feather!
Consider two parachutists, a heavy person and a light person, who
jump from the same altitude with parachutes of the same size.
1. Which person reaches terminal speed first?
2. Which person has the greatest terminal speed?
3. Which person gets to the ground first?
4. If there were no air drag, like on the Moon, how would your
answers to these questions differ?
To answer these questions, think of a coin and feather falling in air.
1. Just as a feather reaches terminal speed very quickly, the lighter person reaches
terminal speed first.
2. Just as a coin falls faster than a feather through air, the heavy person falls faster and
reaches a higher terminal speed.
3. Just as in the race between a falling coin and a feather, the heavier person falls faster
and reaches the ground first.
4. If there were no air drag, there would be no terminal speed at all. Both would be in
free fall and hit the ground at the same time.
A stroboscopic study of a
golf ball (left) and a Styrofoam
ball (right) fall ing in air. The
air drag is negligible for the
heavier golf ball, and its
acceleration is nearly equal to
g . Air drag is not negligible
for the lighter Styrofoam ball,
which reaches its terminal
velocity sooner.
If you drop a sheet of paper and a book side by side,
the book falls faster than the paper. Why? The book
falls faster because of its greater weight compared
to the air drag it encounters . If you place the paper
against the lower surface of the raised book and
again drop them at the same time, it will be no
surprise that they hit the surface below at the same
time. The book simply pushes the paper with it as it
falls. Now, repeat this, only with the paper on top of
the book, not sticking over its
edge. How will the accelerations
of t he book and paper compa re?
Will they separate and fall
differently? Wi ll they have the
same acceleration? Try it and see!
Then see if you can exp lain what
Air Resistance and Falling
Parachuting and Newton's
Second Law
Only three groups of living organisms-birds, bats, and insects-can
truly fly. Gliding, however, has evolved many more times in the biological
world. Animals that glide move through the air in a controlled fall. There
are gliding squirrels, gliding lizards, gliding snakes, gliding frogs, and
,....... UNI~YING
even gliding ants.
How does gliding work? When an animal jumps out of a tree, it
The Gravitational Force
falls toward the ground because of the force of gravity. Air drag slows
the animal's fall, just as it slows the motion of any object moving
through air. The more air drag an animal encounters,
the slower and more controllable its fall. .I Because
the amount of air drag a falling object encounters
depends on the object's surface area, all gliding
animals have evolved special structures that increase
their surface area.
"Flying" squirrels have large flaps of skin between
their front and hind legs. "Flying dragons" (gliding
Draco lizards) have long ribs that support large
gliding membranes. "Flying" frogs have very long
toes with extensive webbing between them. Gliding
geckos have skin flaps along their sides and tails in
addition to webbed toes. Gliding tree snakes spread
out their ribs and suck in their stomachs when they
leap off a branch, creating a concave parachute to slow
their fall.
Gliding offers a couple of important advantages
to animals. First, it allows rapid descent. This is
useful in many situations, such as when escaping
FIGURE 3.20 .._
from predators. Second, gliding allows animals to
A flying squirrel increases its surface
move from one tree to another without descending
area by spreading out. The result is
all the way to the ground and climbing back up. This
greater air drag and a slower, more
saves energy.
controllable fall.
What adaptations do all
gliding animals have in
Would it be harder or easier for an animal to glide at a high altitude?
Because air is thinner at high altitudes, there is less air drag. So it would be harder for an
animal to glide effectively in high, thin air.
Acceleration The rate at which velocity changes with
time; the change may be in magnitude or direction or
Air drag Frictional resistance due to motion through air.
Free fall Motion under the influence of gravitational
pull only.
Friction The resistive force that opposes the motion
or attempted motion of an object past another.
Inversely When two values change in opposite
directions, so that if one increases and the other
decreases by the same amount, they are said to be
inversely proportional to each other.
Kilogram The fundamental SI unit of mass. One
kilogram (symbol kg) is the mass of I liter (L) of
water at 4°C.
Mass The amount of matter in an object; the more mass
an object has, the more it resists changes in motion.
Newton's second law The acceleration produced by
a net force on an object is directly proportional to the
net force, is in the same direction as the net force, and
is inversely proportional to the mass of the object.
Terminal speed The speed at which the acceleration of
a falling object terminates because air drag balances its
from 35 km/h to 40 km/h. What is your
2. What do we call motion that occurs under the
influence of gravity alone?
3.2 Force Causes Acceleration
3. What produces acceleration?
4. What is the direction of acceleration?
3.3 Mass Is a Measure of Inertia
5. In what way does mass correspond to inertia?
6. In what way does mass correspond to weight?
7. Fill in the blanks: Shake something to and fro and
you're measuring its
. Lift it against gravity
and you're measuring its _ __ ,
3.4 Mass and Acceleration Are Related
8. Is acceleration
directly proportional to mass, or
is it inversely proportional to mass? Give an
3.5 Newton's Second Law
9. If the net force acting on a sliding block is some-
how tripled, by how much does the acceleration
1 0. If the mass of a sliding block is somehow tripled at
the same time the net force on it is tripled, how
does the resulting acceleration compare to the
original acceleration?
Terminal velocity Terminal speed with direction
of motion (down for falling objects).
3.6 Friction
Volume The quantity of space an object occupies.
contact depend on?
12. If you drag a crate across the floor to the right,
what will be the direction of friction?
Weight The force due to gravity on an object.
11. What does the friction between two surfaces in
3. 7 Objects in Free Fall Accelerate
at the Same Rate
3.1 What Is Acceleration?
13. Under what circumstances would a penny and a
1. While bicycling, you increase your velocity from
30 km/h to 35 km/h. In the next second, you go
feather dropped from the same height reach the
ground at the same time?
3.8 Why Objects in Free Fall Accelerate
at the Same Rate
14. Why doesn't a heavy object accelerate more
than a light object when both are freely
15. The ratio of circumference/ diameter for all circles
is 1t. What is the ratio of force/mass for freely
falling bodies?
3.9 Air Drag
16. What two principal factors affect the force of air
drag on a falling object?
17. What is the acceleration of a falling object that has
reached its terminal velocity?
1 B. When air drag is present, why does a feather fall
slower than a coin?
again drop it with the coin. Explain the difference
observed. Will they fall together if dropped from a
second-, third-, or fourth-story window? Try it and
explain your observations.
2. Drop two solid balls of different weight from the
same height, and at small speeds they practically
fall together. Will they roll together down the same
inclined plane? If each is suspended from an equal
length of string, making a pair of pendulums, and
displaced through the same angle, will they swing
back and forth in unison? Try it and see; then
explain using Newton's laws.
3. The net force acting on an object and the resulting
acceleration are always in the same direction. You
can demonstrate this with a
spool. If the spool is pulled
horizontally to the right, in
which direction will it roll?
1 . Each diagram shows a ball traveling from left to
right. The position of the ball each ~econd is indicated. Rank the net forces from greatest to least
required to produce the motion indicated in each
diagram. Call right positive and left negative.
Biology-Friction in Your Fingertips
1. Why are you more likely to drop a water glass
o• •
• QQ
if your hands are wet?
2. If you wear silk slippers, are you more likely to slip
as you walk on the floor? Explain.
2. Boxes of various masses are on a friction-free level
1. How is a human with a parachute similar to a
flying squirrel?
2. What kind of speed must a Draco lizard have in
order to glide from a tree to the ground?
C10 N
1. Drop a sheet of paper and a coin at the same time.
Which reaches the ground first? Why? Now
crumple the paper into a small, tight wad and
15 N
15 N
(a) Rank the net forces on the boxes from greatest
to least.
(b) Rank the accelerations of the boxes from
greatest to least.
14. How does the gravitational force on a falling body
compare with the air drag it encounters before it
reaches terminal velocity? After?
1. In the orbiting space shuttle, you are handed two
identical boxes, one filled with sand and the other
filled with feathers. How can you tell which is
which without opening the boxes?
2. Your empty hand is not hurt when it bangs lightly
against a wall. Why is it hurt if it does so while
carrying a heavy load? Which of Newton's laws is
most applicable here?
3. When a junked car is crushed into a compact cube,
does its mass change? Its weight? Its volume?
4. What is the net force on a 1-N apple when you
hold it at rest above your head? What is the net
force on it after you release it?
5. If it takes 1 N to push horizontally on your book to
make it slide at constant velocity, how much force
of friction acts on the book?
6. A crate remains at rest on a factory floor while you
push on it with a horizontal force F. How big is
the friction force exerted on the crate by the floor?
7. Aristotle claimed that the speed of a falling object
depends on its weight. We now know that objects
in free fall, whatever their weights, undergo the
same gain in speed. Why does weight not affect
8. Two basketballs are dropped from a high building
through the air. One ball is hollow and the other
filled with rocks. Which accelerates more? Defend
your answer.
9. A parachutist, after opening the chute, finds
herself gently floating downward, no longer
gaining speed. She feels the upward pull of the
harness, while gravity pulls her down. Which of
these two forces is greater? Or are they equal in
10. Why will a sheet of paper fall slower than one that
is wadded into a ball?
11 . Upon which will air drag be greater: a sheet of
falling paper or the same paper wadded into a ball
that falls at a faster terminal speed? (Careful!)
12. How does the force of gravity on a raindrop compare with the air drag it encounters when it falls at
constant velocity?
13. How does the terminal speed of a parachutist
before opening a parachute compare with terminal
speed after? Why is there a difference?
1. One pound is the same as 4.45 N. Show that 1 N
equals 0.23 lb.
What is your own mass in kilograms? Your weight
in newtons?
A 40-kg block of cement is pulled sideways with
a net force of 200 N. Show that its acceleration is
5 m/s 2•
A 747 jumbo jet of mass 30,000 kg has four
engines providing a thrust of 30,000 N each during
takeoff. Show that this jet experiences an acceleration of 4 m/s 2 during takeoff.
Gravity on the surface of the Moon is only as
strong as gravity on Earth. What is the weight in
newtons of a 10-kg object on the Moon and on
Earth? What is its mass on each?
Choose the best answer to the following questions.
Check your answers with your teacher.
1. How great is the air drag that acts on a 10-N sack
that falls in air at constant velocity?
(a) 0 N
(b) 10 N
(c) 100 N
2. A bear that weighs 4000 N grasps a vertical tree
and slides down at constant velocity. What is the
friction force that acts on the bear?
(a) 4000 N directed upward
(b) 2000 N directed upward
(c) 4000 N directed downward
(d) 2000 N directed downward
3. When your mass increases, your weight
(a) stays the same.
(b) increases.
(c) decreases.
4. On a long alley, a fast-moving bowling ball
gradually slows as it rolls. What is the horizontal
force acting on the ball?
(a) No force
(b) The force of friction
(c) The force of your push
5. A cat that accidentally falls from the top of a
50-story building but hits the safety net below
falls no faster than if it falls from the 20th story.
The reason is that
(a) the cat experiences no air drag.
(b) the cat has a large surface area.
(c) the cat is capable of gliding.
(d) the cat reached its terminal velocity.
6. If a mass of 1 kg is accelerated 1 m/s 2 by a force of
1 0.
1 N, what would be the acceleration of 2 kg acted
on by a force of 2 N?
(a) 4 m/s2
(b) 2 m/s 2
(c) 1 m/s 2
What is the net force on a bright red Mercedes
convertible traveling along a straight road at a
steady speed of 100 km/h?
(a) 0 N
(b) 0 m/s 2
(c) 100 N
(d) None of the above
The net force acting on a sliding skateboard is
somehow doubled. By how much does the acceleration increase?
(a) Acceleration doubles.
(b) Acceleration quadruples.
(c) Acceleration decreases by half.
What is the force of gravity on a 2-kg watermelon?
(a) 2 N
(b) exactly 9.8 N
(c) about 10 N
(d) about 20 N
What is the acceleration of free fall?
(a) 0 m/s 2
(b) 10 m/s 2
(c) 32 m/s 2