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For each multiple choice question, fill in the appropriate location on the scantron
Which impact did Title IX had on educational institutions
in the United States?
A. use of quotas for enrollment
B. creation of standardized testing goals
C. equal funding of men’s and women’s athletics
D. government-funded school vouchers
What event during the 1970s resulted in the United
States increasing its regulation of nuclear power plants?
A. the signing of the SALT treaty
B. North Korea’s announcement that it had nuclear
C. the incident at Three Mile Island
D. restrictions created by the UN Atomic Energy
Which US president regarded universal health care as a
major issue for the federal government to resolve?
A. Jimmy Carter
B. Ronald Reagan
C. George H.W. Bush
D. Bill Clinton
The Watergate Scandal is appropriately described by
which statement?
A. It concerned the Nixon’s’ administration attempt to
cover up a burglary at the Democratic National
Committee headquarters
B. It involved the illegal establishment of government
agencies to set and enforce campaign standards
C. It involved the choice of the Reagan Administration
to secretly supply aid to the Contra rebels in
D. It concerned the secret leasing of federally-owned
oil rigs to western ranches
Nixon’s name for the many Americans who supported the
government and longed for an end to the violence &
turmoil of the 1960s was the
A. counterculture
B. hippies
C. silent majority
D. détente
10. President Jimmy Carter was instrumental in creating a
peace accord known as the
A. Helsinki Accords
B. Camp David Accords
C. Iran-Iraq Accords
D. SALT Treaties
What was the main purpose of Operation Desert Storm?
A. to reduce the number of nuclear weapons in Iraq
B. to stop the civil rights violations in Iraq
C. to reform the political system in Iraq
D. to drive Iraqi forces out of Kuwait
In which country did President Clinton use force in an
attempt to bring an end to regional conflicts?
A. Cuba
B. Israel
C. Bosnia
D. China
11. President Jimmy Carter had to deal with a hostage crisis
involving the taking of American hostages by which
A. Iraq
B. Iran
C. Soviet Union
D. Nicaragua
Which group represents the “counterculture” of the
A. hippies
B. yuppies
C. generation x
D. baby boomers
12. Which president was the first to visit communist China in
the 1970s?
A. Johnson
B. Nixon
C. Ford
D. Carter
How did the war in Vietnam hinder President Lyndon
Johnson’s effort to create the Great Society?
A. Most of his top advisors resigned b/c of the
escalation of US forces in Southeast Asia
B. The war in Vietnam prevented the passage of the
Civil Rights Act of 1964 and 1965
C. The war in Vietnam forced the US to divert critical
funds away from domestic issues
D. The war in Vietnam destroyed President Johnson’s
election hopes in 1964
13. The
Saturday Night Massacre involved which scandal?
Iran gate
14. When President Richard Nixon resigned due to the
Watergate Scandal, who became the next president?
A. Gerald Ford
B. Jimmy Carter
C. Ronald Reagan
D. Lyndon Johnson
15. The individual who ran against Lyndon B. Johnson as the
Republican nominee and was considered extremely
conservative was
A. Richard Nixon
B. Jimmy Carter
C. Barry Goldwater
D. Jerry Falwell
16. The first woman nominated to the US Supreme Court was
Sandra Day O’Connor and she was chosen by President
A. Reagan
B. Carter
C. Ford
D. Nixon
17. The first woman to run for vice president for a major
party with Walter Mondale was
A. Sally Ride
B. Geraldine Ferraro
C. Sandra Day O’Connor
D. Ethel Rosenberg
18. The worst disaster in NASA’s history was the explosion
and death of the crew on the space shuttle
A. Challenger
B. Mir
C. Columbia
D. Skylab
19. Supply side economists believed that tax cuts would
result in
A. a severe budget deficit
B. business expansion and new jobs
C. too much money in circulation
D. high inflation
20. The economic slow-down of the 1970s resulted in part
from the nations’ heavy dependence on
A. imported oil
B. ever-increasing production
C. constantly rising profits
D. government welfare
21. In 1985, ____ became the leader of the Soviet Union
A. Leon Jaworski
B. Francis Crick
C. Boris Yeltsin
D. Mikhail Gorbachev
22. In the Whitewater Scandal, President Clinton was
accused of
A. arranging illegal loans for a real estate company
B. committing perjury in court testimony about his
financial dealings
C. taking bribes to award government contracts
D. using inside information to make money on real
estate transactions
23. In Bush v. Gore, the Supreme Court ruled that the
recount of votes in Florida during the 2000 election
A. state sovereignty
B. local and national voting laws
C. the due process clause of the Constitution
D. the equal protection clause of the Constitution
24. “Reaganomics” was based upon which of the following
A. cutting taxes would stimulate investment which in
turn increase employment & tax revenues
B. government must “prime” the economic pump by
large expenditures in order to produce prosperity
C. the government must institute wage & price controls
in order to control inflation
D. the government must turn to tight controls on the
money supply in order to cut inflation
25. A major policy of President Ronald Reagan’s
administration was to
A. reduce defense spending
B. lower federal income tax rates
C. end desegregation of public facilities
D. promote regulation of small businesses
26. President Gerald Ford’s popularity with the American
public fell dramatically as a result of his
A. pardon of Richard Nixon
B. handling of the Mayaguez incident
C. appointment of Nelson Rockefeller as vice president
D. policies on the economic problems
27. Jimmy Carter’s success in the election of 1976 resulted
in large part because
A. Ford refused to choose a running mate who appealed
to the Republican Right
B. Carter’s considerable service in Washington assured
voters of an experienced administrator
C. the country was still angry over Ford’s pardon of
D. Carter seemed to possess honesty, piety, and an
outsider’s skepticism of the federal government
28. Critics of Reagan’s economic program
A. complained that an increase in taxes would damage
economic growth
B. advised “priming the pump”
C. were supply-siders
D. believed that he was passing the problem of the
huge federal deficit to future generations
29. During the Congressional campaigns in 1994, a year in
which Republicans would take control of both houses of
Congress, Newt Gingrich & the 300 other Republican
House candidates dramatically pledged to pass
A. health care reform
B. a Contract with America
C. social welfare legislation
D. increased funding for education
30. When Bill Clinton defeated President George Bush and
Independent Ross Perot, the issue that most influenced
the voters was
A. eruptions of violence & racial tension in Los Angeles
B. reports of ethnic cleansing in the former Yugoslavia
C. UN relief efforts in Somalia and elsewhere
D. the condition of the US economy
31. Which president’s presidency was plagued by high
inflation and stagnant wages?
A. Reagan
B. Ford
C. Carter
D. Nixon
32. Which president is associated with a military program
called “Star Wars” to help end the Cold War?
A. Ford
B. Nixon
C. Reagan
D. Carter
41. The Korean War resulted in
A. no significant change in the border between North and
South Korea
B. North and South Korean becoming one united nation
C. the fall of the communist government in North Korea
D. North Korea conquering South Korea
33. The term for Lyndon B. Johnson’s program to combat the
“War on Poverty” was the
A. Great Society
B. Moral Majority
C. Fair Deal
D. Square Deal
34. The Vietnam War period was known for individuals who
opposed the war and often fled to Canada known as
A. Hawks
B. Conscientious objectors
C. Doves
D. Hippies
35. People who were anti-government and anti-war in the
1960s were often called
A. Doves
B. Hippies
C. Hawks
D. Yuppies
36. The term “Cold War” refers to which of the following?
A. a conflict in Berlin, Germany that occurred during the
B. the conflict in Korea
C. the tension that arose after the Soviet Union shot down a
US spy plane
D. the tension & potential for war that existed between the
US and the Soviet Union
The Marshall Plan was designed to help
the Soviet Union compete economically with the West
train Soviet military forces in Eastern Europe
the Soviets develop a nuclear bomb
Western Europe rebuild after World War II
38. Following World War II, the United States adopted which
of the following policies toward the Soviet Union?
A. containment
B. aggression
C. pacifism
D. acceptance
The United Nations was formed in 1945 to help nations
spread the ideals of communism
rebuild their armies
find peaceful solutions to their conflicts
expand their territory
40. The Domino Theory stated that
A. the United States should stay out of the affairs of Latin
B. the American government was filled with communists
C. communism would begin to fail worldwide
D. if one country fell to communism, neighboring countries
would soon follow
In Hollywood, blacklists were used to
protect the civil rights of actors and writers
promote the spread of communism
destroy the power of labor unions
prevent suspected communists from producing films
43. What impact did Senator Joseph McCarthy have on
American society in the early 1950s?
A. He worked to support civil rights
B. He encouraged the fear of communism
C. He strengthened the United States Army
D. He fought to end the Cold War
In 1949, communist forces under Mao Zedong took over
Between 1945 and 1960, the American economy
went into a steep decline
enjoyed great prosperity
stayed at the same level of production
had periods of rapid growth and steep decline
46. Which of the following best describes the expectation for
American women during the 1950s?
A. They were expected to earn money to support their
B. They were expected to make important political
C. They were expected to go to college or vocational school
D. They were expected to work at home and raise children
47. The term “baby boomer” refers to which of the
A. soldiers returning home after the war
B. housewives who gave up their jobs to stay home & raise
C. children born in the years after World War II
D. houses built quickly & in large number to form suburbs
48. Which of the following people would have benefitted
from the G.I. Bill?
A. a US Marine returning home from the Pacific who wished
to purchase a home
B. a sailor who served in the war who had been accused of a
C. a pilot who had been a prisoner of war
D. an African American factory worker who had moved
North during the war
49. The Warren Commission declared that President
Kennedy’s assassination was the work or a
A. large, well-organized conspiracy
B. CIA-direct plot
C. hit squad from Cuba
D. lone gunman
50. President Kennedy’s goal in the space race with the
Soviet Union was for the United States to be the first to
A. put a man into space
B. put a man into orbit
C. put a space station into orbit
D. land a man on the moon
59. The ____- was a Cold War policy that pledged US support
for free peoples resisting communism.
A. Truman Doctrine
B. Marshall Plan
C. Red Scare
D. Iron Curtain
51. The purpose of the Bay of Pigs invasion was to
A. support Fidel Castro’s rebels, who were trying to
overthrow a corrupt government
B. spark an uprising against Fidel Castro in Cuba
C. force the Soviets to remove their missiles from Cuba
D. take over Cuba & make it an American protectorate
60. What 1968 battle in Vietnam was a turning point in the
A. Mai Lai Massacre
B. Dien Bien Phu
C. Tet Offensive
D. Gulf of Tonkin
John F. Kennedy’s “flexible response” plan called for
a buildup of nuclear weapons
a buildup of conventional weapons
establishing military bases around the world
building alliances around the world
What was the outcome of the Korean War?
Korea was unified under communism
China controlled most of Korea
North Korea surrendered after the threat of atomic war
Korea remained divided
53. What event put the US on the brink of nuclear war in the
early 1960s?
A. Gulf of Tonkin incident
B. Bay of Pigs
C. Cuban Missile Crisis
D. Tet Offensive
62. The _____ provided vital supplies to a region blockaded
by the Soviet Union.
A. Truman Doctrine
B. Marshall Plan
C. Berlin Airlift
54. How did the Soviet Union respond when France, Great
Britain, and the US merged their zones and formed West
A. It put up an iron curtain to divide East Germany from
West Germany
B. It formed a military alliance with Mao Zedong
C. It made East Germany a satellite nation
D. It blockaded all ground and water routes to Berlin
63. What president was given a “blank check” to increase
military forces in Vietnam following the Gulf of Tonkin
A. Nixon
B. Kennedy
C. Johnson
D. Truman
55. President Nixon instituted a policy of ____, withdrawing
American troops and replacing them with Vietnamese.
A. containment
B. non-proliferation
C. Vietnamization
D. massive retaliation
The Truman Doctrine and Marshall Plan were examples of
Eisenhower’s domino theory
containment policy
the arm’s race
communist ideology
The Soviet policy of economic restructuring was called
the communist manifesto
58. Which of the following was a result of the US policy of
containment in Asia?
A. The Korean War
B. Nixon’s visit to China
C. The struggle between Mao and Chiang for control of
D. The creation of the People’s Republic of China
64. Which of the following was NOT a result of the
anticommunist crusade in the US after WWII?
A. Alger Hiss was accused of espionage
B. Truman created the Federal Loyalty Order
C. The Democratic Party gained more followers
D. Many Hollywood personalities were blacklisted
65. What Cold War president said the US would “pay any
price, bear any burden, meet any hardship, support any
friend, oppose any foe, in order to assure the survival and
success of liberty.”?
A. Johnson
B. Kennedy
C. Reagan
D. Carter
66. What Cold War president made the declaration, “Mr.
Gorbachev, tear down this wall.”?
A. Kennedy
B. Johnson
C. Nixon
D. Reagan
Like Julius and Ethel Rosenberg, Alger Hiss was accused
racism and anti-Semitism
blacklisting communist Americans
falsely accusing government officials
68. ____ was a military alliance formed by the United States,
Canada, and ten European nations following WWII?
A. The League of Nations
C. The Warsaw Pact
D. The United Nations
78. The Soviet satellite Sputnik scared Americans because
they fear that the USSR
A. would put men on the moon first
B. could launch nuclear ICBM’s
C. would put the first man into space
D. would build the first armored space station
69. The ____ was the imaginary line that divided the
capitalist West from the communist East.
B. Berlin Wall
C. 38th parallel
D. Iron Curtain
79. The leader of the pro-communist forces in Vietnam in the
1950s was
A. Mao Zedong
B. Chiang Kai-shek
C. Ho Chi Minh
D. Ngo Dinh Diem
80. Who was the American politician who accused many
celebrities of being a Communist with no proof that it was
A. Franklin Roosevelt
B. Joseph Stalin
C. Joseph McCarthy
D. Harry Truman
During the Korean War, the United States succeeded in
pushing Chinese troops out of North Korea
unifying Korea under a democratic government
keeping South Korea free from communism
ending communism in Southeast Asia
71. The Warsaw Pact
A. was created to divide Poland following WWII
B. followed the policy of containment
C. is an example of the domino theory
D. was formed by the Soviet Union & Eastern European
What helped bring an end to McCarthyism?
The Alger Hiss Trial
The Army-McCarthy hearings
Hollywood’s blacklist
73. Which president is given credit for effectively ending the
Cold War?
A. Carter
B. Reagan
C. Nixon
D. Johnson
74. Eisenhower adopted a policy of ____ to deter a Soviet
nuclear attack.
A. Vietnamization
B. non-proliferation
C. containment
D. massive retaliation
75. According to the ____, if one country in Indochina felt to
communism, others would soon follow.
A. Domino Theory
B. Containment Theory
D. Truman Doctrine
76. President Truman fired General Douglas MacArthur for
A. failing to retake South Korea
B. failing to take all of Korea
C. suggesting the use of nuclear weapons against North
Korea and China
D. publicly criticizing Truman
In which country or countries was the Truman Doctrine
to the test in 1947?
Turkey and Greece
81. Which best explains why the United States sent troops to
fight in Vietnam?
A. They attacked Pearl Harbor
B. The Domino Theory
C. China invaded North Vietnam
D. The USSR built nuclear missiles in Vietnam
82. What happened after the United States pulled out of the
Vietnam War?
A. The hippies wanted to go back to war
B. Vietnam became communist
C. North Korea became Democratic
D. South Vietnam & North Vietnam stayed separate, and
still are today
What represented the end of the Cold War?
the fall of the Berlin Wall
The Korean War
The Vietnam War
The Iron Curtain
After the Tet Offensive, the mainstream media began to
appeal to American patriotism to support the war effort
give less air time to antiwar protesters
give more air time to antiwar protesters
openly criticize the war effort
With the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution, Congress
declared war on North Vietnam
committed to a limited war only
increased aid to South Vietnam
gave president Johnson full authority for the war
86. The incident that was a massacre of South Vietnamese
civilians by US troops during the Vietnam War occurred at
A. the Tet Offensive
B. Mai Lai
C. Saigon
D. Thailand
87. Two chemicals used by the United States in the jungles
of Vietnam that had long-term health consequences on US
troops were
A. Napalm and Agent Orange
B. Napalm and Ricin
C. Agent Orange and Ricin
D. Ricin and Anthrax
88. Which president escalated the Vietnam War by attacking
neighboring nations like Cambodia in the 1970s?
A. Johnson
B. Ford
C. Nixon
D. Reagan
89. The Pentagon Papers revealed that
A. many more Americans had died in Vietnam than had been
B. American soldiers has massacred Vietnamese civilians at
Mai Lai
C. American prisoners of war were being tortured in North
Vietnamese prisons
D. the government had not been honest with the public
about Vietnam
President Nixon’s Cold War policy is often referred to as
Containment policy
Massive Retaliation
Flexible Response