Download Quiz 11 1. Which is NOT a requirement for a population to satisfy the

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Quiz 11
1. Which is NOT a requirement for a population
to satisfy the conditions of the HardyWeinberg Principal?
a. there must be no genetic change in the
b. there must be no differences in survival
ability among individuals
c. the population size must be large
d. the two alleles must occur in equal
2. Sunflowers can have a single large flower or
many smaller flowers. The large flower
phenotype is the product of a dominant allele.
If the frequency of the large flower allele is 0.6
what proportion of the population will have
many small flowers if they mate randomly?
a. 40% b. 36% c. 64% d. 16%
3. Which is NOT a requirement for evolution by
natural selection?
a. phenotypic differences among individuals
b. genetic differences among individuals
c. the population size must be large
d. heritability of differences in survival or
reproductive ability
4. Which statement about the sickle cell allele and
its effects is NOT true?
a. carriers of the allele are resistant to the
parasite that causes malaria
b. in areas where malaria is common the allele
is common because of heterozygote
c. the red blood cells of homozygotes lose their
ability to carry oxygen when oxygen levels
are low
d. in areas where few people have malaria the
allele is increasing in frequency
5. The formation of new species is thought to
occur most commonly when
a. a species undergoes rapid mutational change
b. natural selection is very strong
c. two populations of a species that have been
separated come into contact again
d. two populations of a species evolve in
different geographic areas