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Teacher Resource Guide
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Education Outreach
With Generous Support from the
Maxwell H. Gluck Foundation
Guided Practice
For using a Dichotomous Key - “Odds and Ends” activity
Classifying Creatures
Key Concept:
Students are introduced to a common method of scientific classification called the dichtomous key.
They will use this method on a collection of everyday items. The goal of this activity is NOT to identify
these objects, but rather to use a dichotomous key correctly.
Scientists use keys to help identify and classify plants and animals. By organizing specimens based
on similar characteristics, scientists can better understand how these species might be related to each
other on an evolutionary level. Keys can come in different formats - some are used to identify organisms into larger categories, such as kingdoms or phyla, and other are used to distinguish among
closely related species.
Odds and Ends pre-visit
A dichotomous key presents the user with a series of positive/negative statements relating to distinct
characteristics of the specimen.(”The animal has a backbone/”The animal does not have a backbone”). These statements are sometimes referred to as couplets. The couplet is usually an either/or
choice. The specimen is correctly identified when one makes the appropriate choice for each set of
characteristics in a series of consecutive steps, similar to a flow chart.
1.) Discuss with students different ways of grouping objects. Ask why it is important to group objects.
You might introduce a dichtomous key as one way of grouping and identifying things. Introduce the
term “dichotomy” (division into two parts, groups or classes) and show how this is important in this
kind of classification scheme.
Example: The people in your classroom can be grouped into categories of
clothing. One couplet for this might be:
People who are wearing a blue shirt.
People who are not wearing a blue shirt.
2.) Divide the students into teams of two or three and give each team a bag of Odds and Ends, the
Odds and Ends Worksheet, and a dry erase marker.
3.) Students should choose one item from the bag and follow the key in order to “identify” the object.
After making the appropriate choice in each couplet, the team will follow the directions on the right
hand side of the key until they have identified the object with a particular letter. Students can write
the object name next to the appropriate letter on their worksheet, or copy this information into a
More Information - for using a dichtomous key - “Odds and
Ends” activity
Teaching Tip:
Odds and Ends activity set
(contains 10 small bags)
Each small bag contains 11 items:
- small metal paperclip
- large metal paperclip
- plastic coated paperclip
- wooden clothespin
- toothpick with plastic fringe
- small sponge
- metal jack
- garden hose washer
- penny
- plastic straw
- pencil top eraser
Odds and Ends Student Worksheet
(10 laminated copies)
Odds and Ends
More Information
Students often “switch” their items as they proceed through the key, choosing an item that matches the
positive statement. For example, a student classifying a paperclip, after the statement “Object not made
of metal,” might drop the paperclip and pick up a toothpick since it makes the statement true. Ask
students to close their bag after choosing an item. The bag should remain closed until the group has
completely finished identifying the object.
Activity Time:
30 minutes
Process Skills:
Odds and Ends - Student Worksheet
In this activity, you will use a dichotomous key to sort some
everyday objects.
How to Use This Key
No roots
Object D
Go to 3
Go to couplet 7
Go to couplet 2
2. Wood
Not wood
Go to 3
Go to 4
3. Plastic tip
No plastic tip
Object a
Object b
4. Rubber
Not rubber
Go to 5
Go to 6
5. Pointed
Not pointed
Object c
Object d
6. Rectangular shape
Tube shape
Object e
Object f
7. Painted
Not painted
Go to 8
Go to 9
8. Flat
Not flat
Object g
Object h
9. Object copper color
Object silver color
Object i
Go to 10
10. Greater than 4 cm
Less than 4 cm
Object j
Object k
Odds and Ends Student Worksheet
1. Object made of metal
Object not made of metal
Go to couplet 2
Go to couplet 3
2 3
Not living
Choose one item from your plastic bag. Close the bag.
Begin by reading the first set of choices, called a couplet.
Decide which statement of the pair best describes your item.
Follow the directions on the right hand side of the key.
When your choices bring you to an object letter, write the
name of the object on the blank line.
Repeat with a new object until your team has identified all 11
Compare your answers with the Answer Sheet when done.
Odds and Ends Answer Key
Answer Key
Odds and Ends
Object a
Object b
Object c
Object d
Object e
Object f
Object g
Object h
Object i
Object j
Object k
tooth pick
clothes pin
rubber washer
plastic straw
painted paper clip
large paper clip
small paper clip
Invent A Key for Echinoderms
Students will make observations and use their understanding of classification
to create a dichotomous key which will help distinguish several echinoderms.
Echinoderm is taken from a Latin term that means “spiny skin.” These animals live underwater
and include sea stars, sand dollars, sea cucumbers, sea urchins and brittle stars.
Classifying Creatures
Set of 8 Echinoderm Photos*
(one per team)
Invent a Key worksheet
*photos are pages 69-72
Activity Time
40 minutes
Process Skills
Invent a Key for Echinoderms
Teaching Tip: There is
no one right answer for this
activity. Each group will
interpret their observations
differently. Assessment
should be based on
student explanation and
the effectiveness of their
choice of couplets.
1. If you have not already completed the activity Odds and Ends, consider using some of the
same introductory discussion recommended for that activity.
2. Divide the class into teams of 2 to 4. Give each group an Echinoderm photo set and a
3. Sudents can begin by examining the cards and thinking about different characteristics they
might use to group the objects (body shape, color, number of arms, etc.)
4. Once the students have had a chance to think about grouping, ask teams to devise a
dichotomous key for their echinoderms on the worksheet provided. Remind them that they
will write couplets, which basically provides a choice between two options.
Example: Animal has a shell.
Animal does not have a shell.
5. Encourage students to follow one branch of classification to its completion, rather than
looking back at the whole set of photos all at one time.
6.Once students have completed their key, ask each team to present their classification
scheme to the class. As they describe their choices, ask other students to consider how their
dichotomous key was different. Alternatively, you may ask groups to exchange keys and see
if they can classify the pictures using the other team’s key.
Alternative Assignment
Some students may be able to organize their key better in a more graphic mode. Consider
asking students to choose which mode (written text or branching diagram) they prefer. If
students choose to create a branching diagram, remind them to describe the characteristics at
each branch point.
1. After students have created their own keys, you might share with them the actual names of
these echinoderms. Notice that some are actually the same species, even though they look
quite different.
Common Name
purple sea urchin
bat star
sunflower star
brittle star
brittle star
sea star
sea cucumber
sea cucumber
Scientific Name
Stronglyocentrotus purpuratus
Patiria miniata
Pycnopodia helianthoides
Ophiothrix spiculata
Ophioderma panamense
Pisaster giganteus
Paristichopus parvimensis
Paristichopus parvimensis
2. Ask students to create a classification system for more common “species” such as snack
foods, writing utensils or types of shorts worn by students in the class.
Student Worksheet
Invent a Key for Echinoderms
Invent a Key for Echinoderms
Student Worksheet
Use the spaces below to write couplets which group the echinoderms (on
the picture cards) into smaller categories.
Echinoderm Photos - Appendix D
The eight photos on the following pages can be used with the activity Invent a Key for Echinoderms.
Each team of students will require one complete set of photos species A through H
Squid Dissection: From Pen to Ink
Through squid dissection, students will examine some of the unique features which
have allowed squid to adapt and thrive in Southern California waters and throughout the world. Students will identify the internal and external anatomy of the squid.
To avoid being wasteful, the activity ends with a Calamari Cookoff!
Life Beneath the Waves
One of the main objectives of this activity is to introduce students to dissection, an important part of
science discovery that can help us better understand how life works. It is important for students to
see the role that dissection plays and develop a sense of responsibility and respect for the animal
that they are using as a learning tool.
After the students finish their dissection, the impact of squid in their daily lives should be discussed.
Squid are an important food item to many people throughout the world. With this in mind, the
students have the opportunity to prepare and cook their squid at the end of the lesson.
Dissection Procedure
1. Begin the activity by asking students what they know about squid. Encourage questions, possibly
making a list on the board that you may be able to answer as you continue through the dissection.
Materials for
Squid Dissection: From Pen to Ink
fresh or frozen whole squid
(Loligo opalscents)
available at a fish market or
grocery store
(one per student or team)
Clean dissection scissors
or basic student scissors
Possible questions (relating to anatomy) might include:
How does it eat? What does it eat?
How does it swim? How does it steer?
How does it protect itself?
Is it male or female? How can you tell?
Consider giving students a copy of the information sheet,
About Squid
(one per student or team)
Paper plates
Paper towels
Squid Anatomy
Materials for Food
portable fryer and oil
containers for milk and flour
mallet (for tenderizing)
seasoned flour
cocktail sauce
Activity Time
40-50 minutes
Process Skills
Teaching Tip:
Depending on the class,
you may wish to demonstrate the entire dissection
for the class before asking
them to do it. A video
camera or flexcam
attached to a monitor
could make this even
more effective.
2. Using one squid for demonstration, and the worksheet Squid: External Anatomy, begin to
discuss the external anatomy and relate the features to the way the squid functions in its marine
environment. Important features include the arms and tentacles, for hunting and mobility; the fins,
for stabilizing and turning the squid while swimming; and the chromatophores, which can change
color to aid in finding a mate, or in warning other squid.
3. Provide each student, or pair of students, with a squid on a paper plate. Use newspapers to cover
the area where they are working.
4. Ask students to identify the external anatomy of the squid. Make sure they count the number of
arms and tentacles. Have the students pull back the arms to locate the beak. As they identify the
features, they can fill in the spaces on their external anatomy worksheet.
5. After the students have had the opportunity to explore the external anatomy, they are ready to
begin the dissection. Instruct the students to position the squid on the plate with the siphon facing
6. Distribute scissors. (These are the easiest tools to work with; scalpels are not necessary and can
be dangerous). Ask students to make one long cut from the bottom of the mantle, above the
siphon, to the tip of the mantle next to the fins. Be sure to instruct the students to lift up with their
scissors when cutting so as not to cut into the internal organs of the squid.
8. When the students have located all of the internal organs, they can remove the arms and internal
organs from the mantle. Students should pick up the squid by the arms and while holding the mantle
in the other hand, pull to separate the arms from the mantle. If done properly, the arms and internal
organs will come off in one piece. Students may notice a thin shell-like pen inside the mantle. They can
pull the pen out of the mantle. (They made need to snip it out using scissors).
9. While students are dissecting the squid, consider asking some questions to encourage discussion
about the squid.
Where does the squid fit into the marine food web?
What adaptations does the squid have that allow it to survive?
Can you think of other animals that play a similar role in other ecosystems?
Have you ever used a squid for food or fish bait?
Calamari Cook-Off
1. Have the students remove the fins by grasping the mantle in one handand the fins in the other and pulling to
remove the fins. Then have the students clean the mantle by removing any of the excess skin.
2. When the mantle is clean, have the students cut the mantle into strips. Once the strips are cut, have the
students tenderize the squid by pounding it a few times with a clean block or meat hammer.
3. The students should first coat the squid strips with buttermilk, and them roll them in the seasoned flour mix.
The teacher can then drop them carefully into the preheated deep-fryer and then let them cook until they curl
up and float to the top of the oil; approximately 1 minute. The cooking should be done by an adult to prevent
burns or other injuries.
4. Garnish with cocktail sauce and enjoy!
Squid Dissection: From Pen to Ink
7. Spread the mantle open and have the students identify the internal anatomy using the Squid: Internal
Anatomy worksheet. Begin with locating the feathery gills and following those to their base to locate
the hearts. Challenge students to find the liver, ink sac and siphon.
External Anatomy
Squid Dissection
These help squid
change direction when
Squid Dissection: From Pen to Ink
Skin cells containing
pigment. Some animals,
like squid, ”move”
pigment and reorient
reflective plates inside
chromatophores to
change color.
Squid have well developed
eyes that allow them to
see almost as well as
people! Cones within the
eye even allows them to
see color.
This is the main part of
the squid’s body - all of
the organ’s are inside.
External Anatomy
Squid have 8 arms
covered with suction
The squid is related to
other shelled animals
like clams and snails.
The pen is all that is left
of the shell the squid’s
ancestors once had.
Suction Cup
The suction cup helps
the squid hold onto
The tentacles are longer
than the arms and have
suction cups only at the
tips. These are used to
pass food to the shorter
arms and then to the
Student Worksheet
Squid Dissection: From Pen to Ink
Squid Dissection: External
Internal Anatomy
Squid Dissection
Squid Dissection: From Pen to Ink
This is part of the
digestive system.
Processed food is
absorbed into the
blood here.
This is a female
organ. It
provides a
coating for the
These are
used for blood
These are used
to absorb oxygen
from the water.
This helps with
Internal Anatomy
This tube
squirts out
water so that
the squid moves
like a jet plane.
The squid mouth
parts resemble a
bird’s beak.
Ink Sac
The squid
releases ink from
this gland in
times of danger.
The ink also
pushes through
the siphon.
The squid’s brain is
highly developed
for an invertebrate.
Student Worksheet
Squid Dissection: From Pen to Ink
Squid Dissection: Internal
About Squid
The squid is one of the most highly developed invertebrates.
Some of the animal’s structures illustrate the ways in which
the squid has adapted to life in the ocean. Its streamlined
body and “jet propulsion” which occurs as the squid
squeezes water out of its body through the siphon, make the
squid a fast, active predator. This animal also has a very good
defense mechanism.
Squid can be as small as a
thumbnail, or as large as house.
The giant squid, Architeuthis, can
measure 60 ft. in length and weigh
three tons!
Quick Info:
All mollusks have a soft body with
a special covering called the
mantle, which encloses all of the
body organs such as heart,
stomach and gills.
About Squid
Squid have ten arms which are
wrapped around the head.
Eight are short and heavy, and
lined with suction cups. The
ninth and tenth are twice the
length of the others, and are
called tentacles. Suction cups
are only on the flat pads at the
end of the tentacles.
Squid are an important part of
the ocean food web. Squid are
gaining popularity as a food
source for humans around the
world. Overfishing is a growing
concern because there are no
regulations on squid harvesting.
Squid feed on small crustaceans:
fish, marine worms, and even
their own kind! They use their
tentacles to quickly catch their
prey, which is pulled in by the
arms and down to the radula, or
beak, which uses a tongue-like
action to get food to the mouth
so it can be swallowed whole.
Squid produce a dark ink that they
use to escape from predators.
When a squid is startled, the ink is
released through the anus, and the
cloud of inky water confuses the
predator while the squid swims
Squid are a major food source for
many fishes, birds and marine
Southern California squid
populations spawn mainly in the
winter (December to March).
Squid are seined (netted)
commercially at their spawning
grounds. About 6,000 metric
tons are taken yearly for human
food and bait.
After mating, a female squid will
produce 10-50 elongated egg
strings, which contain hundreds
of eggs each. In many species,
the parents will soon die after
leaving the spawning ground.
The egg strings are attached to
the ocean floor, are left to
develop on their own, and hatch
approximately ten days later.
Making Sense of it All
What are transects and what can they tell us?
Transects are simple ways of estimating population density, or the number of organisms living in a
given area. There are various methods of conducting transects (such as random sampling and line
transects), but they all follow a similar pattern. First, a small representative section of the study
area is chosen. Then, smaller sample areas, referred to as plots, are established. In a line transect,
these plots could be either touching or intersecting the line. The shapes of the plots are usually
circles or squares of equal size. Each plot is then examined, and the numbers of individuals of the
target species are counted. The total number for all plots are then averaged , giving you an average density for the area of your plot. This can then be used to determine the average population
density of your entire target area.
What does population density tell us about habitat health?
In general, in increase in population density of a given species indicates that the area is favorable
to that particular species. If the density of all organisms increases, or remains stable over time, this
would indicate a relatively healthy habitat - one that is able to maintain a large population. However, an increase of one population, with decreases in others may indicate problems with the
habitat. It may indicate that one species is intensely predatory on other species, or that changes in
the habitat favor one species over another. If all species populations decrease over time, this would
tend to indicate major problems with the habitat. These problems could be natural, such as a
depletion of resources due to overpopulation or disease breakout in the area. Of course, the problems also could be man made, such as pollution or overharvesting.
How can we interpret the data?
There are many difficulties in interpreting species density data, especially with animals. The major
problem is that, in most cases, animals tend to move. The assumption is that they will move into or
out of other plots, and the average will remain pretty much the same. The fact is though, that
animals rarely move in a uniform manner, and the numbers may vary greatly from sample to
sample. Two ways researchers can try to account for the error are (1) using large area sample
plots, and/or (2) using many plots along the transect. This way, moving animals will be more likely
to stay in a sample area, or move into another sample area.
Seasons must also be taken into account, since many organisms will show natural seasonal fluctuations. Samples taken in spring may have completely different numbers from those taken in late
summer. Other issues that could confuse the interpretation of these data would include natural
population changes due to predators and disease, or predation by migratory species. Miscounting
or misidentification of species could also drastically alter the totals. The best way to solve most of
these difficulties is to take many frequent samples. Yet, this introduces new difficulties; namely lack
of time, money and experienced researchers.
Making Sense of it All
How can scientific data help us better understand
what is happening in a marine habitat?
Completing the Seamobile Investigation
Making Sense of It All
Students can complete their Seamobile investigation by making a hypothesis
using the data they have collected and supplemental information.
This activity is designed to allow students to complete the Seamobile investigation following their visit to
the truck. As the program is designed for a range of student grades and abilities, there are occasions when
student teams are unable to complete the entire Seamobile program in the allotted time. This activity
provides the necessary background (for students and teachers) for students to complete their investigation.
Completing the Seamobile Investigation
Data Summaries
(at least one per team)
Research Questions worksheet
Activity Time
Process Skills
In the Seamobile, student teams collect data from ome of five different study sites. A computer database
provides details for some of the key species at each of their sites. Once they’ve learned about these key
species, they examine video still frames of their study site to count the animals or plants found in the area.
They then compare this data to previous data collected twenty years before. In most cases, students
discover that the numbers are different compared to twenty years ago. Students are asked to think about
what might be causing these numbers to change over time. The mission ends with the students making a
hypothesis relating to the changes in species populations, based on what they’ve seen and the data
6. You may refer to the Possible Hypotheses
page to wrap up the investigation. It includes a
1. Because each student team works at a different
list of possible explanations for the changes
pace, some teams will be further along (or
observed and recorded by students at each of
finished) compared to others. First establish
the Seamobile’s study sites. Understanding the
where the students are in the investigation. This
interactions of plants and animals with their
will give you an idea of how much more time
environment is a complex and difficult process.
you will need to complete the program.
The hypotheses described for each site are
probably the most reasonable, given the data
2. Distribute the Data Summary page appropriate
available. However, students should underfor each group’s study site. (All groups do not
stand that there may be additional factors
need information from all sites). Encourage
which are impacting these sites and that
students to read through this information and
better predictions would require additional
think about what this data tells them about their
3. In some cases, the species count taken by the
group may not match the present species count
listed in the data summaries. Advise students to
use the data they collected on the Seamobile
when answering their questions.
4. Each student should have returned from the
Seamobile with a “Researcher’s Notebook.”
Near the end of the notebook are three research
questions. Ask students to complete these,
based on the data they’ve collected and
information from the data summaries. These
questions are also found on the Research
Questions worksheet.
5. Once students have answered questions, ask
each group to present their findings, based on
the research questions. By the end of each
presentation, students should provide a possible
reason for the changes going on in the habitat at
their study site.
1. Ask students to create a poster presentation of
their findings. Their poster might depict the
interrelationships between the species in the
habitat, as well as their hypothesis that accounts
for the changes in populations in the habitat.
2. You might consider using this activity with
classes that HAVE NOT participated in the Seamobile. The data sheets here provide much of
the data necessary for students to begin to
understand how we study habitats and make
hypotheses regarding what may be impacting
those sites.
1. Describe any changes that have occurred at your study site over the past ten
years. Think about how the area may have changed and how the numbers
and types of species living there may be different
2. What kinds of environmental problems might be affecting the plants and
animals living in the habitat you’ve studied? There may be different
problems for different species - try to mention as many as you can.
3. Based on all data your team has collected, make a hypothesis (an
educated guess) that explains what is causing changes at your study
site. Be specific in your explanation. Use your notes to help you.
Completing the Seamobile Investigation Student Worksheet
Student Worksheet Completing the Seamobile Investigation
Completing the Seamobile Investigation Data Summary
Data Summary Station 1
Kelp Forest
Garibaldi, Giant Kelp, Kelp Bass, Senorita
This site is located off the coast of Catalina Island, a popular tourist
area surrounded by miles of kelp forests. These undersea forests
provide habitats to over 800 different marine species. The kelp
provides both food and protection to many different types of marine
animals, from the ocean floor to the water’s surface. Kelp is helpful to
humans and is harvested for use in products such as ice cream,
toothpaste, and some medicines.
Transect Count Data
present count
Kelp Bass
Giant Kelp
count from
10 years ago
Impact On Species
Senoritas use the kelp forest to hide from
predators. As cleaners, they also rely on the
other fish living in the kelp for food.
Since kelp bass prefer to live where there
is some sort of structure (kelp forests, oil
platforms, pilings, etc.), removing that
structure may cause the fish to move to a
different habitat.
Garibaldi were once threatened by human
over-collection. However, they are now
protected by state law, making it illegal to
catch or spear any garibaldi. Garibaldi
depend on the animals that live within the
kelp forest for their food. Without the kelp,
they would be forced to look elsewhere for
The giant kelp creates a unique habitat for
many marine species. Destruction of the
kelp forest would force the animals to leave
the area in search of a new habitat, if
available. Scientists are often unable to
figure out the exact causes for the
disappearance of a kelp forest. Perhaps it is
caused by severe winter storms with strong
waves that pull kelp up by its holdfasts. It
may be the warm water temperatures caused
~ El Nino causing the kelp to wilt and die.
Sewage and polluition can also destroy a
kelp forest by covering rocks with slime or
sludge, preventing new kelp from attaching.
Basket Star, Lingcod, Rockfish, White Anemone
This site, near Catalina Island, is a deep water habitat. The
mixing currents at this location create nutrient-rich water full
of food for the marine life. Lots of food means lots of fish in
the area too. The large number of fish brings many fishermen
(and boats) to the area during the fishing season. Commercial
fishing and tourism also occur in this area.
Transect Count Data
present count
count from
10 years ago
Impact On Species
Rockfish are a favorite sportfish. Rockfish
do not migrate and many spend their adult
life in one area, making them easy targets for
the fishermen.
Basket stars are rarely caught by fishermen
for food. Deep water trawl nets used to catch
bottom fish can accidentally catch, move,
injure or even kill basket stars as the net
drags along the bottom.
Lingcod are prized for food and are also
very popular with fishermen. Off Southern
California, commercial fishermen will also
catch large numbers of these fish in gill and
trawl nets.
Basket Star
White anemones are not commonly
collected by people for any reason. They
reproduce quickly, so the few that are
collected are rapidly replace. However, the
weights of trawl nets can damage or kill
anemone as the nets are dragged across the
bottom to catch fish.
Completing the Seamobile Investigation Data Summary
Data Summary Station 2
Completing the Seamobile Investigation Data Summary
Data Summary Station 3
Moray Eel, Opaleye, Red Sea Urchin, Warty Sea Cucumber
This site is located off the coast of Palos Verdes, near the
largest sewage treatment plant in Los Angeles County.
Before pollution control was improved, this plant collected
and discharged pesticides and other chemicals from local
industries into the ocean. Oil, debris, and other waste are
still washed into the ocean from streets and parking lots
during storms. Runoff during heavy rains can also cause
the treatment plant to overflow, forcing incompletely
treated sewage into the ocean
Transect Count Data
Red Sea
Warty Sea
Moray Eel
present count
count from
10 years ago
Impact On Species
If the food source of the red sea urchin is
not readily available in an area, the urchin
population may be in danger since they are
not as mobile as other marine animals and
can not easily relocate to another habitat.
Some bottom feeders like the warty sea
cucumber have become tolerant of pollutants
in the ocean sediments where they eat and
live. However, if poisons collect in the tissues
of the cucumber, there may be problems for
animals that try to eat it.
Opaleye feed primarily on kelp, but will also
eat some small invertebrates. Toxins may
accumulate in these fish if they eat
contaminated invertebrates. Also, polluted
areas that cannot support a healthy kelp bed
severely affect the number of opaleye.
Moray eels reproduce in the warmer waters
of Baja, Mexico and become permanent
residents of the southern California waters
once they mature. Once they are settled into
their new habitat and become part of the
local food web, they may be accumulating
toxins in their bodies from the food they eat.
California Spiny Lobster, Halibut, Horn Shark, Kellet’s Whelk
This site is located at the entrance to the Los Angeles/Long
Beach Harbor. The harbor is one of the world’s largest with
very heavy traffic. Shipping lanes are designed in and out of
the harbor, much like driving lanes, to control the flow of the
ships. To make sure that the ships can enter the harbor, the
ocean bottom is frequently dredged, or dug up, to make a
clear passage. Dredging severely disturbs the harbor’s
sandy bottom
Transect Count Data
Horn Shark
Spiny Lobster
present count
count from
10 years ago
Impact On Species
Horn sharks are “bottom dwellers.” Disturbing
the ocean floor may impact or destroy the
other animals like clams or snails that the
horn shark comes to feed on. This may force
the shark to look elsewhere for its meals
Halibut are also bottom dwellers, spending
most of their time on the sandy bottom in
relatively shallow waters off the California
coast. Changes to the ocean bottom, such as
dredging, can cause problem for halibut by
destroying their habitat or displacing the
animlas that the halibut feeds on.
California Spiny Lobsters often search the
sandy bottom areas for food at night. Algae
and most of the other food sources for the
lobster live on the ocean bottom and are
sensitive to changes that might disturb the
area. If no food source is available, the
lobsters will move to other areas to hunt.
Often found on shallow bottom areas,
Kellet’s whelks are scavengers. Fishing
vessels in coastal areas often dump their
waste fish parts and accidental kills back into
the ocean before docking in the harbor. This
trail of decaying and injured animals on the
ocean floor can be very attractive to the
whelks.With few predators and plenty of food,
their population can grow very quickly.
Completing the Seamobile Investigation Data Summary
Data Summary Station 4
Completing the Seamobile Investigation Data Summary
Data Summary Station 5
Box Crab, Spiny Brittle Star, Sunflower Star, Giant Pacific Octopus
This deep water site is located off the coast of Orange County
near Corona Del Mar. About five years ago, a ship spilled its
cargo of copper powder near this site. Copper is a heavy
metal and is known to be particularly toxic to many marine
organisms. The powder eventually settled to the bottom, and
has become part of the ocean floor sediment.
Transect Count Data
Box Crab
Spiny Brittle
Giant Pacific
present count
count from
10 years ago
Impact On Species
Like many bottom dwellers, box crabs are
sensitive to pollution from runoff or
accidental spills which accumulates on the
ocean floor. Some heavy metals, like
copper, may actually interfere with the crab’s
ability to use oxygen.
Sunflower stars are not particularly sensitive
to pollution themselves and are not impacted
by human harvesting. As long as their food
source of brittle stars, sea urchins and other
invertebrates is available, sunflower stars
will survive.
Scientists have discovered that the number
of some species of brittle stars drops
significantly in polluted waters. As you move
further and further away from the polluted
areas, these brittle star populations begin to
increase. The exact reason of how the
pollution affects the brittle stars is not
clear - scientists are still studying this
The Giant Pacific Octopus is collected
commercially as a source of food for humans.
Their survival also depends on the health of
their ocean habitat. Chemical pollution, from
dumping or accidental spills, often settles to
the sea floor, where it accumulates in the
bodies of the marine animals, like clams
and lobsters (and even octopus). These
poisonous chemicals may kill these
animals, or simply make them poisonous
to other animals that eat them.
Possible Hypotheses
Site 1
Kelp Forest
These undersea forests located near Catalina
Island provide habitats to over 800 different
marine species. Destruction of the kelp, whether
caused by man or nature, forces these animals
to relocate and find shelter and food in other
areas. (Students need not speculate the cause
of the kelp loss-rather just understand its impact
on the habitat.)
Site 2
Continental Slope
This location, on the west end of Catalina
Island, is an area of mixing currents and
deep water upwelling, creating and
maintaining nutrient rich water. The high
level of nutrients means there is much food
in the area for fish. In this case, lots of fish
means lots of fishing. During the fishing
season, large numbers of boats and
sportsfishermen can be found in this area.
Commercial fishing also takes place in the
area, involving large gill nets (nets that
catch fish by entangling their gills) and
trawl nets (nets towed behind boats, often
moving on or near the bottom of the
channel). Excessive fishing may significantly
alter this community.
Site 3
Rocky Bottom
The site is located off the coast of Palos
Verdes, an area known for old deposits of
pesticides like DDT and significant surface
runoff. Years ago, pesticide manufacturers
dumped chemical waste into the ocean and
it has now become part of the ocean sediment.
The site is also located near a County water
pollution control plant wastewater from over 4
million people a day is treated and released
into the ocean. These forms of pollution may
be responsible for poisoning local species or
killing their sources of food or shelter (e.g.
southern sea palm) through water or sediment
Site 4
Sandy Bottom
This site is located at the entrance to the Los
Angeles Harbor. This area is subject to dredging
operations which maintain clear passage for
ships entering and leaving the harbor. Dredging
severely disturbs the sandy bottom environment.
Also, an unusually high number of dead and
decaying fish litter the ocean bottom, possibly
due to these dredging operations or the actions
of commercial fishermen dumping their fish
waste parts or unwanted catch before entering the
harbor. This may be contributing to an increase
in the number of scavenging species (like the
Kellet's whelk).
Site 5
Continental Shelf
This deep water site is located off the coast near
an area where a ship spilled its cargo of copper
power nearly five years ago. Copper is known to
be particularly toxic to many marine organisms and
since the powder eventually settled on the ocean floor,
bottom dwellers would have been extremely
susceptible to this pollution. Organisms not directly
affected by the copper might be affected by the loss
of a food source which was poisoned by the heavy
Completing the Seamobile Investigation Possible Hypotheses
Below is a list of possible explanations for the changes observed and
recorded by students at each of the Seamobile study sites. Understanding
the interactions of plants and animals with their environment is a complex
and difficult process. The hypotheses described below for each site are
probably the most reasonable, given the data available. However, students
should understand that there may be additional factors which are impacting
these sites and that better predictions would require additional research.
Making Sense Of It All
Career Focus: Oceanography
Oceanography (or Marine Science) is the scientific study of the physical
and biological components of the Earth's oceans. This field of study draws
on several disciplines, integrating biology, geology, physics, chemistry, and
engineering as they relate to understanding the ocean.
Career Focus: Oceanography
Marine Biology, one of the main branches of oceanography, involves
the study of ocean plants and animals and the interrelationships between
them and their environment. Marine biologists may also focus on the
effects of pollution and human intervention on the organisms living in the
Marine Geologists map the ocean floor, study shoreline problems, examine
plate tectonics and seafloor spreading, and analyze characteristics of seafloor
Physical Oceanographers study wave dynamics, tides and currents,
ocean/atmosphere interactions, water density, temperature, and underwater
acoustics and sound transmission.
Chemical Oceanographers are concerned with the chemistry of seawater, its
major salts, and its many trace elements. These scientists also study the
ocean's dissolved solids and gasses and the relationships of these conditions
to the geology and biology of the ocean as a whole.
Marine Engineers design and build oil platforms, ships, harbors, and
other structures
Students interested in an oceanography career typically enroll in a variety of
science and math classes in college, including biology, chemistry, physics and
geology. Although all marine scientists specialize in one area of research, they
must also be familiar with other marine science disciplines to appreciate and
make connections between them. Marine science contributes to our awareness
and appreciation of the interconnection of all natural environments.