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Work Hard. Get Smart.
Scientist’s Name: _________________________________ Class: 8__
Mrs. Bouchard– 8th Grade Science
Physical Science Day 2
On Task
100% Effort _______
Date: ______________
And on time _______
Language _______
Station 1:
Station 2:
1. Answer ________
2. Answer ________
3. Answer __________
Station 3:
Work Hard. Get Smart.
Station 4:
1. Is salt water a mixture or a compound? How do you know?
2. Is rust (Fe2O3) a mixture or a compound? How do you know?
Station 5:
1. Answer ______
2. Answer ______
Station 6:
1. Answer _____
Station 7:
Score: _____________
Station 8:
Work Hard. Get Smart.
Station 9:
1. Answer _____
2. Answer _____
Station 10:
1. Answer _____
Station 11:
1. _________________
7. ____________________
2. _________________
8. ___________________
3. ____________________
9. _____________________
4. ____________________
10. ______________________
5. ____________________
11. ______________________
6. ____________________
Station 14:
12. ________________________
Work Hard. Get Smart.
Use the following words to make your flashcards. Spend at least 15 minutes every night
looking over them.
Atom: the smallest part of an element that still has the properties of that element
Atomic Number: The number of protons in that atom.
Atomic Mass: The number of protons and neutrons in that atom.
Molecule: The smallest part of a compound that still has the properties of the compound
Compound: Two or more atoms or elements chemically combined together. Compounds can only
be separated by chemical means. Compounds always have a chemical formula.
Mixture: Two or more elements, molecules, or compounds in the same area but not chemically
attached. Mixtures can be separated by physical means.
Melting Point: a unique property of every metal, a way to identify metals. It is the point at which a
solid turns into a liquid.
Boiling Point: a unique property of every liquid, a way to identify liquids. It is the point at which a
liquid turns into a gas.
Physical Change: change the shape or structure, but the object is still the object. Physical changes
can be reversed.
Chemical Change: changes the chemical structure and creates something new. Signs include
bubbles or heat given off. This cannot be reversed.
Speed formula: Speed = Distance
Speed Formula Triangle:
Kinetic Energy: the energy of an object in motion (an object that is moving)
Potential Energy: stored energy in an object. An object that is not moving has potential energy.
Heat transfer: The movement of heat from one object or place to another. Heat moves from hot to
Radiation: the transfer of heat energy through electromagnetic waves
Conduction: the movement of heat energy through a solid
Convection: The movement of heat energy in a circular motion through a liquid or gas