Download the great depression and the new deal 1929-1939

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I. Causes and Effects of the Depression, 1929-1933
What caused the spectacular business boom of the 1920s to collapse in
October 1929?
A. Wall Street Crash
B. Causes of the Crash
1. Uneven Distribution of Income
2. Stock Market Speculation
3. Excessive Use of Credit
4. Overproduction of Consumer Goods
5. Weak Farm Economy
6. Government Policies
7. Global Economic Problems
C. Effects
II. Hoover’s Policies
A. Responding to a World-wide Depression
1. Hawley-Smoot Tariff (1930)
2. Debt Moratorium
B. Domestic Programs: Too Little, Too Late
1. Federal Farm Board
2. Reconstruction Finance Corporation (RFC)
C. Despair and Protest
1. Unrest on the Farms
2. Bonus March (1932)
D. The Election of 1932
1. Democrats
2. Results
3. Hoover as Lame-Duck President
III. Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s New Deal
A. FDR: The Man
1. Disability
2. Eleanor Roosevelt
B. New Deal Philosophy
1. The Three R’s
2. Brain Trust and Other Advisors
C. The First Hundred Days
1. Bank Holiday (March 6, 1933)
2. Repeal of Prohibition (1933)
3. Fireside Chats (March 12, 1933)
4. Financial Recovery Programs
a. Emergency Banking Relief Act
b. Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC)
c. Home Owners Loan Corporation (HOLC)
d. Farm Credit Administration
5. Programs for Relief for the Unemployed
a. Federal Emergency Relief Administration
b. Public Works Administration (PWA)
c. Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC)
d. Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA)
6. Industrial Recovery Program
7. Farm Production Control Program
D. Other Programs of the New Deal
1. Civil Works Administration (CWA)
2. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)
3. Federal Housing Authority (FHA)
4. U.S. Off the Gold Standard
IV. The Second New Deal
A. Relief Programs
1. Works Progress Administration (WPA)
2. Resettlement Administration (RA)
B. Reforms
1. National Labor Relations (Wagner) Act (1935)
2. Rural Electrification Administration (REA)
3. Federal Taxes
C. Social Security Act (1935)
D. Election of 1936
1. Alf Landon
2. Results
V. Opponents of the New Deal
A. Liberal Critics
B. Conservative Critics
C. Demagogues
1. Father Charles E. Coughlin
2. Dr. Francis E. Townsend
3. Huey Long
D. The Supreme Court
1. Court-Reorganization Plan
2. Reaction
3. Aftermath
VI. Rise of Unions
A. Formation of the C.I.O.
B. Strikes
1. Automobiles
2. Steel
C. Fair Labor Standards Act (1938)
VII. Last Phase of the New Deal
A. Recession (1937-1938)
1. Causes
2. Keynesian Economics
B. Weakened New Deal