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Important Nutrition Guidelines for Athletes
Why is Nutrition important?
Eating a quality diet will benefit you in many different ways.
This includes:
!" Higher levels of energy
!" Less likely to fatigue during activity
!" Improved academics
!" Maintain athletic body composition
The fundamental differences between an athlete’s diet and someone of the general population are that athletes require additional fluid to
cover sweat loss and additional energy to fuel
physical activity
Why is it important to eat frequently?
Infrequent eating patterns (eating 1-3 meals per
day) will impact your performance and may
cause the body to store more fat. An athlete
needs more than 3 meals a day to make up for
energy lost during activities. A snack is a good
way to help you keep up energy levels inbetween meals and to eat every 3-4 hours. A
snack could consist of a protein shake, sandwich, and/or fresh fruit. Planning your meals
and snacks to fit your daily schedule is important.
!" Active 13-18 year olds need approximately 2200 calories/day to sustain
energy/performance levels
!" Some athletes may require more calories per day depending upon daily
activity and intensity of activity
Why is breakfast important?
In the morning blood sugar levels are low and
metabolism is at its highest. Our body will not
function if our energy supplies fail, so it is important to eat breakfast in order to help cope
with the demands and activities of the day. If
we don’t consume enough fuel in the form of
carbohydrates, our bodies break down fat into
glycerol and fatty acids, to compensate for the
energy deficit. The liver, kidneys, and muscles absorb the glycerol and fatty acids, and the
mitochondria (the power house of the cell that
functions in energy production) convert them
into ATP (source of energy for physical activity) , which fuels all of the body’s processes.
Consuming Nutrients for muscle gain and
The timing of nutrients, especially protein and
carbohydrates, are extremely important to repair damaged muscle tissues caused by activities. Having a combination of protein and carbohydrates immediately post workout can improve muscle recovery by 250% as opposed to
not eating or drinking. An athlete needs 60%65% carbohydrates in their daily diet and 12% 15% protein of their energy intake [1]. Athletes
should eat .5g – 1g per pound of body weight
of protein. It is also important to fuel your body
before exercise; however how much you eat
depends upon the amount of time left before
the event. During endurance exercise you lose
electrolytes, so hydrating with electrolytecontaining-fluids such as Gatorade or PowerAde is very important!
Why is it important to fuel sports nutrition?
Fuel burned during exercise is highly dependent on the intensity and duration of exercise
performed, gender, and prior nutritional status.
Events over 2 hours:
!" Protein should be ingested if the event
is over 2-3 hours to prevent the body
from breaking down muscles for energy
!" Due to digestion, avoid taking in a lot
of solid foods because they may cause
stomach issues during the event
Events under 2 hours:
!" Consuming carbohydrates during exercise lasting longer than 45 minutes
ensures the muscles have adequate
energy, especially towards the end of
the workout
!" When you exercise at a low to moderate intensity, fat is the primary fuel
source; at increased intensity, your
body uses more carbohydrates for fuel
!" Eat plenty of carbohydrates because
after you glycogen (which is stored in
your muscles and liver and the fastest
form of energy available as well as
released up to 3 times faster [2] ) supply has decreased your body starts to
burn fat decreasing the intensity of
How does nutrition supplementation impact your
Appropriate supplementation can be extremely
beneficial for strength, performance, and recovery
goal, however most supplementation is unnecessary! Multivitamins are an option in ensuring
proper nutrient is received . Examples of com-
mon supplements include:
Whey protein is most common—( Origin
is milk, process where milk is being
turned into cheese)
Creatine - naturally occurring amino
Why is important to have a plan for good nutrition?
Athletes who have a good quality diet have a plan
in place to achieve their goals. A good plan might
include bringing a packed lunch to an event to
avoid concession stands and fast food, having
healthy food in your house/apartment, as well as
planning any nutrients that may be needed if you
are a vegan, vegetarian, diabetic, etc.
What is carbohydrate loading?
A high-carbohydrate, low-fat meal consisting of
complex carbohydrates (such as pasta) the night
before the competition may help to build up your
glycogen level. The goal of this motive is to increase glycogen availability in order to avoid running out of carbohydrates during competition/
Why is it best to avoid fast food?
Many options on fast food menus are high in calories, fat, and sugars. A day of balanced nutrition
can be wasted selections at a fast food restaurant.
When eating out, try to choose healthier restaurant
options or make smarter choices off of the menu
by using nutritional information found online or at
the restaurant.
Why is it important to stay hydrated?
Environmental conditions such as heat, humidity,
and direct sun can lead to heat illness in athletes. Body temperature, electrolyte balance, and
absorption of key vitamins and minerals are altered
depending on your hydration status. It is important
to go into any active event (practice, lifting, game)
hydrated. Dehydration can significantly impact
your performance. Even mild levels of dehydration
(3%-5% of body weight) can hurt athletic performance. If you have not had enough fluids, your body
will not be able to effectively cool itself through
sweat and evaporation. [3] It is important to maintain your hydration during the event as well as rehydrating after the event. Consuming up to 150%
of weight lost during an exercise session may be
necessary to cover sweat loss[1]
!" Clear – Straw colored urine =
proper hydration levels
!" Dark yellow urine – inappropriate hydration
1."Nutrition and Athletic Performance." Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise 32.12 (2000): 2130-145. Print.
2. Hoch, A., K. Goossen, and T. Kretschmer. "Nutritional
Requirements of the Child and Teenage Athlete." Physical
Medicine and Rehabilitation Clinics of North America 19.2
(2008): 373-98. Print.
3."Heat Injury and Heat Exhaustion - Your Orthopaedic
Connection - AAOS." AAOS - Your Orthopaedic Connection. Web. 22 June 2011. <