Download Cell Part Memory Table

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Cell Part Memory Table
Complete the following table by writing the name of the cell part in the center column that matches the structure/function in the left hand column. A cell
part may be used more than once.
Cut out the Memory Items and place them in the appropriate box in the ‘How Can I Remember?’ column. You will need to make up eight of your own
memory items to complete the table.
Shade cell part boxes GREEN if the part is only found in plant cells.
Shade cell part boxes BLUE if the part is found in BOTH plant and animal cells (eukaryotic cells).
Cut & Paste this table into your notebook once it is complete, use the heading CELL PART MEMORY TABLE.
stores material within a plant cell
site of photosynthesis
responsible for protein synthesis
transports proteins within the cell
region inside the cell that holds organelles in place
controls all the cell functions in a eukaryotic cell
contains chlorophyll, a green pigment that traps
energy from sunlight
digests excess or worn-out cell parts, food
particles and invading viruses or bacteria
small structures located on portions of the
endoplasmic reticulum
is selectively permeable, controlling what goes in
and out of cells
firm, protective structure that gives the cell its
shape in plants, fungi, most bacteria, and some
produces a usable form of energy for the cell
receives and packages proteins for transport out
of the cell
performs cellular respiration (ENERGY!)
site where ribosomes are made
composed of a phospholipid bilayer
longer whip-like structures used for movement
responsible for turgor pressure in plants
consist of hollow tubes (microtubules) which
provide support for the cell
small hair-like structures used for movement or
sensing things in bacteria cells
C ell P art
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