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Mark’s Gospel Mock Exam
Mark Scheme and Model Answers.
A1 Background to Mark’s Gospel
(a) Explain what is meant by the term ‘gospel’.
Target: Understanding of the meaning of ‘gospel’
Candidates may include some of the following points:
Good news / godspell.
(1 marks) AO1
(b) Outline the story of the calming of the storm.
Target: Knowledge and understanding of the calming of the storm
Levels Criteria Marks
0 Nothing relevant or worthy of credit. 0 marks
Level 1 Something relevant or worthy of credit. 1 mark
Level 2 Elementary knowledge and understanding, e.g. two simple
points.2 marks
Level 3 Sound knowledge and understanding. 3 marks
Level 4 A clear knowledge and understanding with some development
and / or analysis.4 marks
Mark 4 35-41
On the evening of that same day Jesus said to his disciples, ‘Let us go across to the
other side of the lake.’ 36 So they left the crowd; the disciples got into the boat in
which Jesus was already sitting, and they took him with them. Other boats were there
too. 37
Suddenly a strong wind blew up, and the waves began to spill over into the boat, so
that it was about to fill with water. 38 Jesus was in the back of the boat, sleeping with
his head on a pillow. The disciples woke him up and said, ‘Teacher, don’t you care that
we are about to die?’ 39 Jesus stood up and commanded the wind, ‘Be quiet!’ and
he said to the waves, ‘Be still!’ The wind died down, and there was a great calm. 40
Then Jesus said to his disciples, ‘Why are you frightened? Have you still no faith?’ 41
But they were terribly afraid and said to one another, ‘Who is this man? Even the
windand the waves obey him!’
(4 marks) AO1
(c) How might the story of Jesus calming the storm help Christians facing
Target: Understanding of the relevance of the calming of the storm for
Christians facing persecution
Candidates may include some of the following points, which show the significance
and impact of beliefs on people’s lives today:
God will respond to prayers for help / he is present during the storms of life / the boat
is an early Christian symbol of the Church sailing the stormy seas of life / importance
of faith and trust.
Credit should be given for answers that explain why this story might not be helpful for
Christians facing persecution.
1 mark for a superficial comment or a single point.
2 marks for a developed answer or more than one point.
(2 marks) AO1
The boat is an early Christian symbol of persecution and suffering therefore if
Christians have faith and trust in the God, he will respond to their faith and lead them
to a safe haven, the Kingdom of God.
(d) ‘Christians can learn more from today’s religious leaders than from Jesus.’
Do you agree? Give reasons for your answer, showing that you have thought
about more than one point of view.
Target: Evaluation of the importance of the teachings of Jesus in the 21st century
1st century situation and culture totally different / people today cannot relate to ancient
ideas and teachings / there are new issues and concerns that did not arise in the
1st century but that modern leaders are trained to deal with.
Other views
Much of Jesus’ teaching still relevant as people are still the same and have similar
needs / Christian leaders base their teaching on that of Jesus / Christians believe that
Jesus’ authority is unique.
Some people believe that the 21st century situation and culture toady is very different
from the time of Jesus. He was teaching to the a more basic, rural group of people and
a society absent of modern day issues like nuclear war, genetic engineering, fast
fashion/celebrity culture and it’s effect on morality. Those higher up in the hierarchy of
the Church have been trained to deal with these issues when applying the church
teaching therefore are more effective teachers.
Some would argue that the parables of Jesus are outdated in today’s society. For
example, the Parable of the Sower is concerned with a farmer going out and sowing
seeds. This is an action linked with farming which modern society cannot identify with.
However, on the other hand, some would argue that the teachings of Jesus will never
be outdated as they are timeless. His authority is God given and therefore cannot and
should not be questioned. The doctrine contained in the Catechism itself is based on
the teachings and ministry of Jesus. Those studying scripture and modern leaders
delivering the teachings to Christians today are directly inspired by God and guided by
the Holy Spirit because of their strength of prayer and understanding of others.
Overall I think that ….
A2 Discipleship
(a) Name two of the fishermen Jesus called to follow him.
Target: Knowledge of the call of the disciples
Simon (Peter) / Andrew / James / John.
1 mark for each correct answer.
(2 marks) AO1
(b) What did Jesus teach about the cost of being a disciple?
Target: Knowledge and understanding of Jesus’ teaching on the cost of
Levels Criteria Marks
0 Nothing relevant or worthy of credit. 0 marks
Level 1 Something relevant or worthy of credit. 1 mark
Level 2 Elementary knowledge and understanding, e.g. two simple
points.2 marks
Level 3 Sound knowledge and understanding. 3 marks
Candidates may include some of the following points:
Self denial / taking up the cross / being prepared to give up wealth / putting
self last / humble service of others.
(3 marks) AO1
‘Forget self’: Be selfless, put the needs of others before that of your own. Have no
attachment to material processions or wealth.
‘Carry the cross’: To be committed to God and prepared to die for your faith and face
the persecutions put before you.
‘Follow me’: To follow the example of Jesus.
(c) ‘The twelve disciples make good role models for 21st century Christians.’
Do you agree? Give reasons for your answer, showing that you have thought
about more than one point of view.
Target: Evaluation of the disciples as good role models
When called to follow Jesus, Peter, etc. immediately dropped everything / willing to
put their lives on hold for him / their failings make them easy for people to relate to /
tried to be loyal even when they did not understand.
Other views
Sometimes questioned Jesus’ views / Judas betrayed Jesus / Peter denied him / all
deserted him in Gethsemane / showed lack of trust at calming of storm.
Some would argue that the disciples make good role models for Christians today
because they did not question their calling from God. ‘At once they left their nets and
went with him’. The fishermen responded immediately to Jesus’ leaving behind their
family, friends and livelihood to begin on their mission with Jesus to spread the word
of God and heal sick people.
Furthermore the disciples were good role models because they promised that they
would be loyal to Jesus until death. When Jesus predicted Peter’s denial, Peter
promised that he would never deny knowing Jesus, ‘I will never say that even if I have
to die with you. This sets a good example to Christians today in that they are
encouraged to stay loyal to the word of God even in the face of criticism.
On the other hand some would argue that the disciples were not good role models.
Peter denied Jesus three times ‘I tell you the truth….I do not know the man you talking
about’. Here Peter goes back on his word and betrays Jesus in his time of need. This
sets a bad example as previously Peter was the epitome of loyalty and now has failed
during the time Jesus needed him the most!
Some would argue that Judas committed the ultimate betrayal of Jesus. He sets a bad
example for Christians today because his actions were the result of greed and
Overall I think that the disciples had their high and low points during their ministry with
Jesus, however some Christians today can relate to the failings of the disciples as they
highlight the flaws of every follower of Christ and because most of the disciples
overcame their failings, we can too.
(b) When he sentenced Jesus to death, Pilate was just being a coward.’
What do you think? Explain your opinion
Target: Evaluation of Pilate’s character as shown in his sentencing
Levels Criteria Marks
0 Unsupported opinion or no relevant evaluation. 0 marks
Level 1 Opinion supported by simple reason. 1 mark
Level 2 Opinion supported by one developed reason or two simple
reasons.2 marks
Level 3 Opinion supported by one well developed reason or several
simple reasons.3 marks
Candidates may include some of the following points:
He was the Roman governor and should have made the decision without consulting the mob /
should have done what he thought right and he knew it was a setup / he acted out of fear of
the crowd / he was taking the easy way out and could say it was not his choice but the crowd
exercising their Passover privilege.
He was in a difficult position as there might have been a riot if he did not free
Barabbas, and he did not want that at Passover time / he had upheld the right of the
Jews to have a prisoner released at Passover / as Jesus had not clearly denied king of
the Jews, he might have been a political threat, so Pilate could not afford to take any
risks by releasing him.
(3 marks) AO2
I agree, he went along with what the crowd wanted. They were encouraged about what
to say by the Jewish elders. Pilate also thought that if he crucified Barabbas it would
cause a riot and he would be called into question by his own Roman authorities.
c) Outline the mocking of Jesus by the Roman soldiers.
Target: Knowledge and understanding of the mockery of Jesus by the Roman
Levels Criteria Marks
0 Nothing relevant or worthy of credit. 0 marks
Level 1 Something relevant or worthy of credit. 1 mark
Level 2 Elementary knowledge and understanding, e.g. two simple
points.2 marks
Level 3 Sound knowledge and understanding. 3 marks
Mark 15 16-20
The soldiers took Jesus inside to the courtyard of the governor’s palace and called
together the rest of the company. 17 They put a purple robe on Jesus, made a crown
outof thorny branches, and put it on his head. 18 Then they began to salute him: ‘Long
live the King of the Jews!’ 19 They beat him over the head with a stick, spat on him, fell
on their knees, and bowed down to him. 20 When they had finished mocking him, they
took off the purple robe and put his own clothes back on him. Then they led him out to
crucify him.
(3 marks) AO1
The soldiers to Jesus to the courtyard. They dressed him in a purple robe and made
him a crown of thorns and placed it on his head. They called Jesus the king of the
Jews, hit him with a stick, spat on him and bowed down to him.
When they has fished they took the purple cloak off him, dressed him in his own
clothes and took him to be crucified.
(d) ‘The death of Jesus is the most important event recorded in Mark’s Gospel.’
Do you agree? Give reasons for your answer, showing that you have thought
about more than one point of view.
Target: Evaluation of the death of Jesus as the most significant event recorded in
Mark’s Gospel
From Caesarea Philippi on, Mark’s Gospel is leading up to the death / Christian beliefs
about Jesus’ death as leading to forgiveness of sin / atonement / opening up the
possibility of eternal life / supreme act of self-sacrificial love / without Jesus’ death, the
resurrection could not have taken place.
Other views
The resurrection the most important as it marks the victory of good over evil / life over death /
hope over despair / without the resurrection, Jesus’ death would just have been that of a
martyr / other events such as the baptism and transfiguration equally important as Christians
believe they show Jesus’ unique relationship with God.
(6 marks) AO2
Some people think that the death of Jesus is the most important event in the Gospel as
it is the ultimate example of sacrifice and selflessness. Through Jesus' sacrifice on the
cross Christians believe that they have been reconciled to God in a way that was not
possible before. Jesus' death is often talked about as being an atonement, humanity
turning back to God and reconciling themselves to Him. It also show’s that suffering is
part of god’s plan ‘the son of man must suffer much’.
On the other hand people would argue that the Resurrection is more important
because it means that Jesus is alive and present with people today.
The resurrection is considered more important as it is a teaching that can be trusted.
On many occasions Jesus predicted his Resurrection and this came true ‘The Son of
Man …. will rise again’.
It is the ultimate sign victory over death and hope over despair. Also, it shows that
death is not the end and that every believer will receive eternal life from God.
Overall I think I think that both events are important but also understand that the
Baptism and Transfiguration also hold importance as they demonstrate the authority
given by God to Jesus and confirmation of their Father and Son relationship.
B6 The Kingdom of God
(a) Retell the Parable of the Sower.
Target: Knowledge and understanding of the Parable of the Sower and its
Levels Criteria Marks
0 Nothing relevant or worthy of credit. 0 marks
Level 1 Something relevant or worthy of credit. 1 mark
Level 2 Elementary knowledge and understanding, e.g. two simple
points. 2 marks
Level 3 Sound knowledge and understanding. 3 marks
Level 4 A clear knowledge and understanding with some development
and / or analysis. 4 marks
Level 5 A detailed answer with some development and / or analysis. 5 marks
Level 6 A full and coherent answer showing good development and / or
analysis. 6 marks
Mark 4 3-8
‘Listen! Once there was a man who went out to sow corn. 4 As he scattered the seed in
the field, some of it fell along the path, and the birds came and ate it up. 5 Some of it
fell on rocky ground, where there was little soil. The seeds soon sprouted, because the
soil wasn’t deep. 6 Then, when the sun came up, it burnt the young plants; and
because the roots had not grown deep enough, the plants soon dried up. 7 Some of the
seed fell among thorn bushes, which grew up and chocked the plants, and they didn’t
produce any corn. 8 But some seeds fell in good soil, and the plants sprouted, grew,
and produced corn: some had thirty grains, others sixty, and others a hundred.’
(6 marks) AO1
b) ‘Teaching in parables was the best way for Jesus to get his message across.’
Do you agree? Give reasons for your answer, showing that you have thought
about more than one point of view.
Target: Evaluation of parables as a method of teaching
Stories about everyday life helped people understand the point better / made people
think / the stories were memorable and made people want to listen / the Jews of his day
were familiar with that style of teaching.
Other views
People may have misunderstood the point if it wasn’t made clearly / his disciples did
not always understand his parables, so not likely that other people would / usefulness
limited to his own culture – no use for those living in a different age and society, such
as modern Britain.
Parables were a useful way to for Jesus to get his message across because some
consider them useful analogies to deliver such mysteries of the Kingdom of God.
Through the Parable of the Sower and the mustard seed, the growth of the Kingdom is
clearly emphasised through the imagery of 70, 80x more plants and a fully grown tree
from the smallest of all seeds. During the time Jesus was teaching, his listeners were
ordinary people whose skills were practical rather than academic. The only way Jesus
could deliver his message to these people was to use imagery and language from their
backgrounds as farmers, sowers, and servants to help them to understand his
teachings. Also this style of teaching was familiar to the Jewish communities because
it was used by temple leaders to deliver the Torah teachings.
On the other hand, some would argue that Jesus’ disciples did not always understand
his parables so it is unlikely that others would. Jesus had to give an explanation of the
Parable of the Sower because the disciples didn’t understand the first time around.
Some would argue that they are out of date and the modern world can not relate to the
analogies used within the parables to reveal the gospel message.
Overall I think….
(c) Explain how the actions and teaching of Jesus help Christians understand the
nature of the Kingdom of God.
Target: Understanding of how the actions and teaching of Jesus help Christians
understand the Kingdom of God
Levels Criteria Marks
0 Nothing relevant or worthy of credit. 0 marks
Level 1 Something relevant or worthy of credit. 1 mark
Level 2 Elementary knowledge and understanding, e.g. two simple
points.2 marks
Level 3 Sound knowledge and understanding. 3 marks
Level 4 A clear knowledge and understanding with some development
and / or analysis.4 marks
Level 5 A detailed answer with some development and / or analysis. 5 marks
Level 6 A full and coherent answer showing good development and / or
analysis.6 marks
Candidates may include some of the following points, which show the significance
and impact of beliefs on people’s lives today:
Its growth assured despite setbacks / growth from insignificant beginnings to universal
and all-inclusive kingdom / provides a refuge for all / may require sacrifices, e.g. of
wealth / love of God and neighbour signs of being part of it / self-giving service at its
(6 marks) AO1
Jesus sent out 12 disciples and during their first mission he gave them instructions to
preach, drive out demons and heal the sick. This spelt the beginning of the growth of
the Kingdom of God as they went out in pairs taking the word to surrounding towns
and villages. This reflects the humble beginnings of the Kingdom of God and it’s
significant growth to the universal church today.
Jesus taught that ‘to be the first you must be the slave of all’ by this Jesus was
emphasising the importance of selflessness in the life of every Christian today, putting
the needs of others before the needs of their own. Christians today can show the
nature of the Kingdom of God by being involved in community project or parish group
helping and visiting the elderly.
Jesus spoke of a rich man who asked him ‘what must I do to inherit eternal life?’.
Jesus said ‘you must give up all your worldly possessions and give them to the poor’.
This teaching emphasises sacrifice. Christian life today can reflect this aspect of the
Kingdom’s nature in their own actions by not allowing their attachment to material
possessions overwhelm their love and commitment to God.
Finally, Jesus taught the greatest commandment was to ‘Love God ……. And
neighbour with all your heart, mind, strength and soul’. Therefore Christians today
learn that to love God we have to show love for others and that this love is reflected in
our interactions with fellow human beings and living out the values of humility,
generosity and compassion.
(d) ‘The Kingdom of God must be in the future. There is no sign of it at the present.’
Do you agree? Give reasons for your answer, showing that you have thought
about more than one point of view.
Target: Evaluation of the Kingdom of God as a future event
So much evil and suffering / the world is ruled by materialism / world very secular /
many churches closing down / persecution and hostility towards Christians and
their beliefs / Christians themselves involved in war and killing.
Other views
There are many acts of kindness and love / God’s power seen in places like Lourdes /
in some parts of the world Christianity is growing fast / Jesus’ teaching implies that the
Kingdom is a present reality though it will only come fully in the future / the belief that the
Eucharist is a foretaste of the Kingdom.
Some people would argue that the Kingdom of God is a time not a place where God’s
rule as taught by Jesus, is accepted into the hearts and minds of his people.
An example of someone who has accepted God’s rule and acted upon it is Maximillian
Kolbe, a Polish monk who put another man’s life before that of his own in the
concentration camps of WW2. He demonstrated compassion and humility towards the
man who still hoped for a reunion with his wife and child. Maximillian’s actions reflect
the nature of God present in the world today.
The celebration of the Eucharist at Mass reflects the belief that the Kingdom of God is
present in the world today as believers who accept the teachings of Jesus
remembering the death and resurrection of Christ.
On the other hand, some people would argue that there is too much evil and suffering
in the world. Millions of people are suffering from their countries being hit by natural
disasters and others are targets of terrorist attacks. Christians are being persecuted in
some parts of the world, for example Christians in India are forced to convert to
Hinduism or they will be arrested and even killed. Finally, the Pope himself recognises
that the world is becoming more secular in their lifestyle and values. Some would
argue that today’s culture is more concerned with celebrity and material wealth than
spirituality and belief in God. Therefore the Kingdom of God can only come in the
Overall I think that…..
B5: Jesus’ Ministry
1) Describe the Transfiguration of Jesus. (6 marks).
Levels Criteria Marks
0 Nothing relevant or worthy of credit. 0 marks
Level 1 Something relevant or worthy of credit. 1 mark
Level 2 Elementary knowledge and understanding, e.g. two simple
points. 2 marks
Level 3 Sound knowledge and understanding. 3 marks
Level 4 A clear knowledge and understanding with some development
and / or analysis. 4 marks
Level 5 A detailed answer with some development and / or analysis. 5 marks
Level 6 A full and coherent answer showing good development and / or
analysis. 6 marks
Six days later Jesus took with him Peter, James, and John, and led them up a high
mountain, where they were alone. As they looked on, a change came over Jesus,3 and
his clothes became shining whiter than anyone in the world could bleach them.4 Then
the three disciples saw Elijah and Moses talking with Jesus. Peter spoke up and said
to Jesus,
Rabbi, how good it is that we are here! Let us put up three shelters, one for you,
one for Moses, and one for Elijah. He and the others were so frightened that he did not
know what to say. Then a cloud appeared and covered them with its shadow, and a
voice came from the cloud,
This is my own dear Son, whom I love, listen to him! They took a quick look
around but did not see anyone else; only Jesus was with them.
2. Explain how Mark presents Caesarea Philippi as a ‘watershed’ event (turning point) in the
life of Jesus.
(6 marks).
Caesarea Philippi can is described as a watershed event because it changed the
course of Jesus’ ministry.
It is the first recorded moment in mark’s gospel where Jesus is recognised as Messiah.
Peter declared ‘You are Christ’ when Jesus asked the disciples ‘Who do you say that I
am?’. Before this point Jesus was very much in the public eye and his ministry
consisted of teaching and healing. The atmosphere being generated by his new
followers was positive and people were eager to listen to him. However in the
background the Pharisees and the Herodians were plotting to kill him.
Following Peter’s declaration the atmosphere became darker. Jesus rebuked Peter ‘Get
behind me Satan’ when Peter suggested that Jesus take an easier path to being
Messiah. When Jesus was passing through Galilee he didn’t want anyone to know that
he was there so that he could focus on teaching his disciples. Jesus knew his
suffering as ‘Son of Man’ was fast approaching. He said that the ‘Son of man must
suffer much’, this is often referred to as the ‘divine must’.
3 a) Describe the Baptism of Jesus. (3 marks)
“At that time, Jesus came from Nazareth in Galilee and was baptized by John in the
Jordan. As Jesus was coming up out of the water, he saw heaven being torn open and
the Spirit descending on him like a dove. And a voice came from heaven: “You are my
son, whom I love, with you I am well pleased.”
b) Explain the significance of Jesus’ Baptism for Christians today. (3 marks)
This marks the beginning of Jesus’ ministry. He shows his humanity by being
Jesus was sinless however he wanted to be associated with those who had come to be
cleansed of sin. Here Christians learn of the authority passed down from God to Jesus
through the words ‘this is my son with whom I am well pleased’, as well as their
affectionate relationship as Father and son.
4) ‘Jesus’ Baptism is the most important event in His ministry.’ Do you agree? Give reasons
for your answer, showing that you have thought about more than one point of view. Refer to
Mark’s Gospel.
(6 marks)
Jesus’ baptism is the most important event in the life of Jesus as it marks a turning
point from his unknown Galilean beginning. The Baptism of Jesus provides the
confirmation that he is the ‘Son of God’ ‘he saw the heavens open and the spirit
descending on him like a dove. And a voice came down from heaven: ‘You are my son
with whom I am well pleased’. Jesus was given the authority by his father to do his
work on earth and preach the word of God. Although Jesus was sinless, he was
baptised to associate himself with his followers and show his humanity to which his
followers still relate to today.
On the other hand, some might argue that the transfiguration is the most important
event in his ministry. It is here we see Jesus with his three closet disciples Peter,
James and John. Jesus is transformed before them showing that he is the Son of God
‘His clothes became dazzling white’, signifying that he is more than just a man. Hid
divine side is revealed as he stands beside Elijah and Moses, symbols of the Jewish
law the Jewish prophets, emphasising Jesus’ authority. This is then confirmed with
god’s words ‘This is my son, whom I love, listen to him. This event happened after
Peter’s declaration therefore God’s words to Jesus would have reassured him that he
was on the right path to fulfil his purpose.
Overall I think…..